Universal Sword God

Chapter 3600: On-site refining

It can be said that the problem of Yaozong is not only a problem belonging to Yaozong, but also a problem of the entire Lusheng mixed Yuan.

At the beginning, the Niu family members informed, and about the fact that Jing Yan could make Xian Nierdan, the owner of Youguang Palace immediately informed the Zong Lao of Yaozong.

It is also because of the special characteristics of the Medicine Sect, that the seat of the Medicine Sect master is very involved. The suzerain chosen by Yaozong must be affirmed by the Lord of the Light Hall and others. In short, this is a very troublesome thing.

Three days later, Jing Yan entered the medicine temple again.

This time, the place where Jing Yan and others were teleported was a large hall.

When Jing Yan entered the hall with the master of the battle hall, he saw that many people had gathered in the hall. The three elders of Yaozong have also arrived.

That's right, there are a lot of people in the medicine temple today. Most of the senior personnel in Yaozong were present. However, most of them did not know the real reason why they were called to the Medicine Temple this time.

Knowing that Jing Yan will refine Silent Fandan today, there are only three Zong Lao and four core church masters.

"That story is here."

"Is he Jingjing?"

"Yes, he is Jing Yan."

"What do you think in the mind of Boss Zong? Is it so troublesome to deal with this vision? If you kill, you kill, if you stay, you stay, but it is a one-dimensional cultivator. How could it be so difficult to decide? And called us all together. "

"Boss Zong naturally has consideration."

"It's really young!"

Inside the hall, Yaozong's staff looked at Jing Yan who had just entered. Some people were talking in a low voice.

"Jingyan is a friend." Zoe Yuezong shouted at Jingyan with a smile.

"Zong Lao." Jing Yan arched his hands to the three Zong Lao.

Most of the people present were puzzled by Zoyue Zong's attitude towards Jing Yan. Because the expression of the old man of the month of Zongyue was different from what they imagined. Even if the eldest son of Zong decides to stay in Jingyan, it is not necessary to be so polite?

"All members of Yaozong." Zoyuezong always looked around the audience.

"Let me introduce to you, this little friend is Jing Yan. The little friend of Jing Yan has been a visitor to Yaozong for a few days, and today I will let everyone know." Zoyuezong said slowly.

Inside the hall, there was only the old voice of Zyue Zong. Everyone remained silent, but their eyes were full of doubts.

"Today, Jing Yan's friends will be in front of us, refining Silent Fandan." Zhai Yuezong continued.


"Quiet Vandan?"

"Isn't he saying that he can make Xie Nidan? How did he become a lone Silvan?"

"Master Zong, Jing Yan will make Silent Fandan?"

"Jifandan? I heard that right? This Dan's method of refining has long been lost?"

The crowd suddenly became loud.

The people present were all senior members of Yaozong. They all knew Ji Fandan. Although no one has been able to refine this Dan, they may have never seen the real thing of Xi Fandan, but they absolutely know that Xi Fan Dan is a kind of elixir created by the medicine ancestor of the Emperor Yaozong in the **** of medicine. The head of the four Dans.

"Jingyan said, he can make Silent Fandan." Zoyuezong smiled old.

"Jingyan Xiaoyou, are you ready?" Zoe Yuezong looked at Jingyan and asked again.

"It is ready to be refined." Jing Yan nodded, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "I am making Silvan Van, and I can be in this hall. However, I also have a request."

"Jingyan's friends have any requirements, they can mention it. We can meet any medicine needed by alchemy." Zoyuezong said with a smile.

"I have the materials on me, so I don't need to prepare the medicine. However, I can't let you watch when I am making Silent Fandan." Jing Yan said: "I need a quiet space that is not affected by others."

Jing Yan certainly couldn't let the people of Yaozong watch the whole process of making Jifandan.

What is Yaozong good at? It is alchemy. If these people of Yaozong were allowed to watch the whole process of alchemy, then the method of refining Jifandan would probably be learned by the people of Yaozong.

Jing Fandan's Dan Fang was obtained by Jing Yan from the Emperor Wan Ji, not from Yaozong or from the **** of medicine. Jing Yan was not obliged to return the refining method of Zifandan to the sect.

After hearing Jing Yan's words, several Zong Lao looked at each other.

"Jing Yan, what you said is not right." Jin Yutang said loudly, she looked at Jing Yan and said: "If we don't watch you make Jifan Fan, how can we know that the elixir is made by your own hands? If we do n’t watch your alchemy with your own eyes, even if you take out the silent vandan, it may be already in your body. "

"Hehe ..." Jing Yan smiled slightly.

He looked at the host of Jin Yutang and said, "Although this host is also a Yaozong, he may not know much about alchemy."

Jin Yutangtang's face sank, and unhappy eyes stared at Jing Yan.

"The difference between the elixir that has just been refined and the elixir that has been left for a while is still very clear. As long as it is an elixir master, it can be judged at a glance." Jing Yan continued.

"Jingyan's friend said well." Yun Huazong nodded oldly: "The newly refined elixir is indeed different from the elixir that has been left for a while. Although the effect is not much different, it is still It's easy to tell. "

"Jingyan Xiaoyou's concerns are also reasonable and reasonable. Zongyue Zonglao and Tianying Zonglao are old. I think we will do as Jingyan Xiaoyou said." Yun Huazong always looks at Zheyue and Tianying. Zong Lao.

"Yes." Tianyingzong nodded solemnly.

Zoyue Zong always looked at Jing Yan and said, "Jing Yan Xiaoyou, just as you said. You can make Silent Fandan in the room at the back of this hall. Wait until your refining is finished and come out again. "

"Thank you very much."

"One more point ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When I was refining Silvan, I would like to ask Zong Lao and all the patriarchs of Daoist to never explore with the thought of God. Otherwise, it is not my responsibility to fail in the refining. . "Jing Yan added.

"Jingyan Xiaoyou rest assured that my Yaozong will not be so embarrassed when I do things. I assure you that in the process of refining Jifandan, no one will explore with the thought of God." Zeyuezong nodded and asked Jing Yan promised.

"Okay, let's get started!" Jing Yan said.

Jing Yan went into the room behind the hall alone. Everyone in Yaozong waited in the hall.

"Master Zong, what is this ... what's going on? Didn't we Yaozong bring him back from that deserted place because Jingyan can make sunedan? Now, how can he say he can make it? Silent Fandan? "A church owner asked Zong Lao loudly.

Everyone else looked at the three old men.

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