Universal Sword God

Chapter 3601: Newly released

With the exception of the three Zong Lao and the four core church masters, everyone else may be confused.

That Jing Yan is refining Silve Fandan, but how can Jing Yan make Silve Fan Dan?

Zeyue Zong always smiled and said, "We did bring Jingnei back to Yao Zong because Jing Yan could refinish it. But he said that the method of refining Xian Niedane did not originate in medicine Zong. And to prove it, he claims to be able to make not only sunedan, but also solitary van dan. "

Inside the hall, everyone looked at each other.

"Master Zong, is this story of lies lying? Sifandandanfang has long been lost, how can he make Sifandan?" Someone said.

"In fact, we also feel incredible about this, but Jing Yan did take out a solitary fandan in front of us." Yun Huazong said with a smile.

"Jing Yan took out Silvan Van?"

"how come!"

"We have no loneliness in Yaozong."

"Where did he get Silvan?"

For a while, the vocals were noisy.

Zhaiyue Zong raised his hand and waited for the temple to calm down. He said in a voice: "The lone Fandan taken out by Jingyan has been verified by us as the true lone Fandan."

"It's just that although he took out Sifandan, it can't prove that Sifandan was made by himself. Therefore, he agreed with us to make alchemy on the spot."

"The intention to invite you here today is also here. If Jing Yan can really make Silent Fandan, everyone can also witness it together." Zoyuezong's old eyes narrowed.

"Even our Yaozong can no longer refining Silvan. If Jing Yan can make this Dan, then ..."

"He can't make Silvan Van."

"No one can make Silvan Van within the entire asshole."

"Master Zong is giving him a chance. If he can't make Silent Fandan, see what else he has to say."

"That being the case, let's wait and see!"


Small room!

Jing Yan, before sitting in the Dan furnace, he had begun to refine Silent Fandan.

He did not ask Yaozong to provide the materials of the elixir. First, he did not want to expose the materials needed for the refining of Jifan. Second, he also wanted to avoid the fact that after the refining of Jifan, Jiuzong might have an excuse to ask for elixir.

In the place of loneliness, Jing Yan has been refining Silent Fandan many times. Jing Yan can be said to be familiar with this kind of refining. At this time in Jingzong's Yaoshen Temple, Jing Yan refining Ji Fandan, there was no difficulty.

The refining process went smoothly.

Jing Yan needs to pay attention not to refining Silvan Van, but to prevent Yaozong from spying on the process of refining Silvan Van with divine thought.

After more than a month, Jing Yan's refining of this furnace Silent Fandan ended. Open the furnace to take the salvia, the elixir is formed, and the refining is successful.

After Jingfandan was refined, Jing Yan did not leave the small room, but waited for more than a month on purpose before returning from the small room to the main hall.

In the whole process, Jing Yan didn't find out that some people in Yaozong were spying on himself. From this perspective, Zoyue Zonglao and others still believed.

With Jingyan's five-dimensional pole-building power, the spirit body is extremely powerful. If someone in Yaozong watched, it would be impossible to hide it.

Divine thought peeping at Jingyan, or else Jingyan would have to be at least a high-level mixed-yuan emperor. And the entire Lusheng mixed Yuan, there is no high-dimensional powerful state of the strong, there is obviously no medicine in that class of strong.

Therefore, Jing Yan determined that no one in Yaozong watched his alchemy with divine thoughts.

When Jing Yan stepped out of the small room, the eyes of the people in the main hall focused on Jing Yan's body instantly.

The three ancestors of Yaozong also stared at Jing Yan.

In Jing Yan's alchemy for almost three months, almost no one left in the hall. Everyone is waiting for Jing Yan's alchemy results.

"Jingyan Xiaoyou, have you refined Silent Fandan, may it be over?" Zoyuezong asked out loud, with some surprise in his tone.

Because this time is too short.

Can you make Silent Fandan in less than three months?

It takes more than three months to make the refining of Sunridan. And the refining of Jifandan is even more difficult than Sunedan.

"Oh, Jing Yan, you won't tell us, your refining failed, right?" Tian Yingzong said with a sneer on the old face, looking at Jing Yan.

Jing Yan laughed: "This time is good luck, the refining was successful."


"Refined successfully?"

"He can make Silvan Van?"

"Impossible, I don't believe it!"

"Even if he can refining Silvan Van, and the refining process is smooth, three months is not enough time to produce a furnace of Silvan Van, etc.

In the main hall, after a short period of silence, a tumult broke out.

Zhiyue Zong took a breath, his eyes lighted, and his body was a little tense, "Jingyan Xiaoyou, are you sure you made Xi Fandan?

"Okay, the elixir is here." Jing Yan shook the jade bottle containing xanaxane in his hand.

After receiving the eyes of the old man of Zizuki, Ji Zhantang came to Jing Yan.

Jing Yan handed the jade bottle to the master of the battle, and the master of the battle gave the jade bottle to the old man of Zyuezong.

The three seniors are very dignified. Including Tianyingzong, his look was extremely serious.

"Jingyan Xiaoyou, we can verify your refining elixir." Zoe Yuezong said to Jing Yan again.

"Zong Lao, please." Jing Yan raised his hands and made a pleased gesture.

"Silent Fandan!"

"It's Silvan, yes."

"And ... it's newly refined. This elixir has been refined for a short time."

"The real Silvan, this ..."

The three ancestors narrowed their eyes.

The senior staff members of Yao Zongzhong in the hall looked at the silent Fandan in the old hand of Zeyue Zong without blinking.

"Master Zong, is this elixir newly refined?" Jinyu Tangtang asked out loud.

"Well, www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is definitely new, and it was just released soon." Zoyuezong nodded and said.

After elixir is refined, although it may not be possible to determine the exact time of release, it is entirely possible to determine an approximate time. If an elixir has been refined for more than a year, its external performance will be significantly different from the moment it is released.

"Master Zong, is this ... is it really the lonely Fandan, right?" The shadowy gourd of the Shadow Hall can't help but speak out.

"That's right, it's Silent Fandan." Zoe Yuezong nodded again.

"Three Zong seniors, all I need to do, I have already done it. Now, it should be possible to prove that I would not have learned from refining Sunedan from Yao Zong, right?" Jing Yan said with a smile.

The eyes of the people once again focused on Jing Yan. This time, everyone's eyes were full of surprise and incredible.

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