Universal Sword God

Chapter 3663: See also? 汨? / A>

Jing Yan became the master of Lusheng Hunyuan and controlled the entire Lusheng Hunyuan.

At the same time, Jing Yan is also the identity of the lord of the medicine ancestor. Previously, under the control of the lord of the light palace, the power of the ancestor of the medicine was naturally changed to the court, and various cooperation with the ancestor was launched.

As far as Yu Jingyan is concerned, the most important thing at present is to prepare for the upcoming mixed Yuan war.

Broken dome is a high-dimensional mixed-element space. Such a mixed Yuan space is about to launch a terrible army and come to Lusheng Mixed Yuan. Jing Yan must put all his thoughts on this matter.

He retained the oversight team, but made some adjustments to the membership of the group. In addition, Jing Yan let the Lord Luo Didian serve as the leader of the supervision team to handle various matters, and he had other things to do.

Powers above the dimensional level in the mixed yuan must send their own income resources to the war warehouse for storage in accordance with a fixed share. The war warehouse also purchases a large number of war consumables. It is also indispensable to purchase elixir from forces such as Yaozong.


Emperor Xuan Xuan was tall and brought to Jing Yan.

Emperor Xuan Xuan is a former member of Youguang Hall and is a trusted letter of His Majesty the Lord of Youguang Hall. Before that, she had been in charge of the observation station of Lusheng Luanyuan. Now that the Temple of Youguang is no longer there, Jing Yan let Luo Yandian take over the observation station, and Emperor Xuan Xuan and other important figures were also brought under control.

Jing Yan remembered Emperor Xuan Xuan, so he decided to meet the former observatory leader.

"Lead Xuan, we meet again." Jing Yan said looking at Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan Xuan looked up and looked at Jing Yan.

She was complicated.

When she first met Jing Yan, she remembered it clearly. At that time, she was surprised that Jing Yan was able to log in to the extreme world at such a young age, so she also met with the Lord of the Light Palace, hoping that the Lord of the Palace could find a way to prevent Jing Zong from being executed.

It was never expected that the situation would have changed so much after the second meeting shortly after. Now Jing Yan has become the lord of Lu Yuan and Yuan Yuan, and has reached a terrible high-dimensional state of creation.

Sometimes, Emperor Xuan Xuan couldn't help wondering if all this was a fantasy.

When she just heard that the Lord of Youguang Hall was defeated by the King Jingyan and escaped from Lusheng Luyuan, she did not believe it. She did not accept such a fact until the Lord of the Luo Luodian appeared in front of her. However, she still couldn't understand why the practitioner named Jing Yan was able to log in to the high-dimensional creation state so quickly.

"Great Emperor!" The Great Emperor Xuan called.

"Xuan Xuan leads." Jing Yan said: "Youguang Palace no longer exists. Next, do you have any plans?"

"I have investigated your situation. Although you are His Majesty the Lord of Light Palace, you are different from him." Jing Yan said again.

"The Hall of Youguang was defeated in the hands of Emperor Jingyan. As a member of the Hall of Youguang, I was naturally disposed of by the Emperor." Said Emperor Xuan Xuan.

Jing Yan shook his head and said, "There are no major crimes on your body. Therefore, I have no intention of punishing you."

Emperor Xuan Xuan looked to Jing Yan again.

"If you haven't decided what to do next, I have a suggestion. If not, you can join Luo Dian Dian and do things for Luo Dian Dian. Of course, if you don't want to stay in Lusheng Luanyuan, I can let you Leave. "Jing Yan said.

After hearing what Jing Yan said, Emperor Xuan Xuan was a little surprised, and then hesitated.

After a while, she said, "I need time to think."

"Yes, I just made a suggestion to you. OK, you can go back." Jing Yan nodded to Emperor Xuan with a smile.

Shortly after Emperor Xuan Xuan left, the Lord of the Luo Di Palace came to Jing Yan.

"The great emperor." Lord Luo Yidian bowed to Jing Yan.

He then continued: "The situation in the Yuan Dynasty is currently stable, and preparations for the war are proceeding in an orderly manner. Large and small forces can basically obey the order of the Jingyan Temple."

"Well, good," Jing Yan said.

Suddenly, the Lord of the Luo Didian frowned again, and his voice became a bit depressing. "I am sending some messengers to some high-dimensional mixed-element space for help. The situation is not good."

"How did those high-dimensional idioms respond?" Jing Yan asked in a stunned spirit.

"Most didn't have a clear attitude, and some even refused to get involved directly."

In the past, the Lord of the Luo Didian has been following Emperor Lusheng. He has also had many contacts with some high-dimensional mixed elements. Therefore, he is now able to contact multiple high-dimensional mixed elements. But obviously, the results are not satisfactory.

"What is the reason for breaking the doldrums to wage war against us?" Jing Yan said.

"They want to start a war, they just want to find a reason. Now I doubt it. This matter can't be related to the Lord of the Light Palace. Perhaps, there is a secret agreement between the Lord of the Light Palace and the Broken Doom. Yuan has been self-banned for a long time, and the broken dome has never revealed the meaning of attacking Lu Sheng, but suddenly, the broken dome has declared war on Lu Sheng, but it is very abnormal. " .

"Well, what you said, I also considered it. My views with you are roughly the same. The Lord of the Yuguang Palace is likely to control Lusheng Junyuan, and has deliberately led to the ruined Yuanyuan. If under his leadership Under the circumstances, he can retreat from the broken world, and he will become the leader of the decentralized world. Naturally, it will be very easy. "Jing Yan nodded.

"Luo Didianzhu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The strength of the broken doomed Yuanyuan, compared to the Lusheng mixed Yuan, how much higher?" Jing Yan asked in turn.

"I know relatively little about the broken dome. When the Lord was still alive, I did not have much contact with the broken dome. I only know that the broken dome may have two high-dimensional poles. The emperor of the mixed state Yuanyuan. Of course, it is all seven dimensions in the high dimension. "Luo Didian master groaned and continued:" The broken dome mixed Yuan is also an extremely ancient mixed Yuan space, which should have existed before the Yuanyuan disaster.

"Huanyuan disaster?" Jing Yan raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, it's a great disaster for the mixed Yuan. Emperor, that happened a long time ago." The Lord of the Palace of Lord Luo took a breath.

"Emperor, do you know the waters of the lonely sea?" Luo Diandian asked, looking at Jing Yan.

"I know, I've been to the lonely sea." Jing Yan nodded.

"Huh! It is said that the formation of Wanji Sea area is related to the existence of a Supreme Master. That Supreme Master was called Wanxi Emperor. Before the great disaster of Yunyuan, it belonged to the Great Emperor. , Dominates the countless number of mixed-yuan spaces and regions of the mixed-yuan yuan. "The Lord of the Palace of the Gods took a deep breath again.

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