Universal Sword God

Chapter 3664: Vanguard

Listening to the words of the Lord of the Palace, Jing Yan nodded secretly.

Jing Yan entered the place of Wan Ji, and also saw Wan Ji himself. The Lord of Luo Didian said that the Yuanyuan calamity is obviously the battle between the Emperor Wanji and the all-powerful Junyao against the great demon head, the black king.

"It is rumored that in that ancient period, a terrible big devil appeared in the puppet. This big demon wants to destroy the whole puppet. The great king Wan Wan led countless strong men to engage with the black king There was a terrible war. In that war, countless of the most powerful men died, even the Emperor Wan Ji himself fell. Fortunately, the black king was killed eventually. " Said.

"After the disaster of the mixed Yuan, some mixed Yuan spaces collapsed, and some mixed Yuan spaces have been preserved. Broken dome mixed Yuan is one of the saved mixed Yuan spaces." Lord Luo Yidian said again.

At this time, Jing Yan thought of Emperor Wan Ji, and he did not know whether Emperor Wan Ji was still alive.

When he left the place of loneliness, the lord of loneliness had reached the time when the lamps were exhausted. The Emperor Wan Ji himself also said that his Shou Yuan had come to an end.

Thinking of Emperor Wan Ji, naturally thinking of Emperor Blackbird. The thought of the Black Emperor suddenly made Jing Yan's heart heavier. I don't know how the Emperor Blackbird is recovering.

"If I can't log in to the nine-dimensional state of creation before the power of the Emperor Blackbird is fully restored, then everything will fall into silence." Jing Yan sighed in his heart.

"If there is only two Emperor Yuan in the seven-dimensional state of perfection, then we will be able to fight with him." Jing Yan said to the Lord of the Luo Luo Palace.

"We Lusheng mixed Yuan, only the great emperor you are a practitioner of the seven-dimensional pole-building state. If the two seven-dimensional pole-breaking poles of the broken world come down, I am afraid ..."

Luo Didian paused and said, "I still hope that other high-dimensional hybrids can intervene in this matter, and prevent the broken dooms to start a war against us.

"Jingyan emperor, there is one more thing that we need to announce as soon as possible. We Lusheng Zunyuan have returned to the list of high-dimensional Zunyuan. Previously, because Lusheng Zunyuan banned itself, it led to other Zunyuan channels. They were destroyed, so the message was slow to pass. The outside world may not know yet that we have new high-dimensional pole-meditating practitioners in Lusheng.

"Our Lusheng mixed Yuan re-enters the ranks of high-dimensional mixed Yuan, and its status will improve accordingly. In the eyes of other high-dimensional mixed Yuan, Lu Sheng mixed Yuan will be more valued," said Luo Zhudian.

"Well, you are right. Now, we need to restore the mixed yuan channel as soon as possible." Jing Yan nodded.


Sundial mixed yuan.

This is a high-dimensional mixed element space.

There is another similarity between the sundial hybrid and Lusheng hybrid. That is, there is also a supreme elixir in the sundial hybrid Yuan, which is Zu Pandan. It is the same as Sifan Fan and Xian Nidan.

The messenger sent by the Lord of the Luo Didian just left the sundial.

When the great emperor Lusheng was alive, he had more exchanges with the sundial. Before the Lusheng mixed Yuan and the Sundial mixed Yuan, there were also mixed Yuan channels. The Luyuan Yuanyuan's Junyuan Channel node is destroyed, but the Sundial Junyuan Channel side is still there.

The messenger sent by the Lord of the Luo Didian passed through a node located outside the Lusheng Mixed Yuan to enter the Sundial Mixed Yuan, so it took less time.

At this time, the sundial master, the sundial emperor, was sitting in the hall.

The sundial emperor frowned slightly.

He told a messenger from Lusheng Junyuan that he would verify that the war broke out against Lusheng Junyuan.

"Lord, Broken Doom Yuan waged a war against Lu Sheng Doom Yuan, the reason is that Emperor Lu Sheng killed the son of Broken Dome King during his lifetime," said His Majesty the Great King of Sundial.

"Yeah! That's the reason. The Emperor Lusheng killed the Emperor of the Emperor. Now the Emperor of the Emperor is going to revenge." The Sundial Emperor nodded.

"What will the Lord do?" The man asked.

"The Emperor Lusheng was my friend when he was alive. Now Lusheng is in trouble. If I don't do anything, it's hard to feel relieved." The Sundial Emperor shook his head gently.

"It's just ... there are some people who want to see Lusheng Junyuan destroyed!" The Sundial Emperor said again, a little helplessly.

How did Lusheng Junyuan die?

It is impossible for the practitioners under Gao Wei to kill the Emperor Lusheng in Gao Wei's extreme state. For those who started with Lusheng Emperor, it is almost certain that they come from other high-dimensional mixed-element spaces, and they are likely to be very powerful high-dimensional mixed-element spaces.

Now the war against the Lusheng mixed Yuan against the Lusheng mixed Yuan is in line with the wishes of those people.

The Sundial Emperor is also worried that if he intervenes himself, he will probably catch fire.

Most importantly, Emperor Lusheng has fallen. If Emperor Lusheng is still alive and asks him for help himself, then he will help him anyway.

"The Emperor Lusheng has fallen, and now the Lusheng Mixed Yuan has been reduced to a medium-dimensional mixed Yuan space. From the perspective of his subordinates, the Lusheng Mixed Yuan also has Sunedan more valuable."

"If Lusheng Junyuan is destroyed by the broken dome, then Xie Niedan may fall into the hands of the broken dome." Another member of His Majesty the Sundial Emperor said loudly.

The Sundial Emperor pondered for a moment.

"A lot of people are staring at Sunrider."

"Sian Nirvana is of immeasurable value to any mixed element space, including high-dimensional mixed elements. There are too many people who want this Dandanfang. Even if this Dandanfang is obtained, , Can't be monopolized, "said the Sundial Emperor.

"Wait a moment and look at the situation! Let's see what the attitude of other high-dimensional hybrids will be. I also hope that some high-dimensional hybrids will stand up and speak for Lusheng Hybrid ~~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ To be honest, I don't want Lusheng Junyuan to be destroyed like this. "The Sundial Emperor sighed and waved his hand.


Lusheng mixed yuan.

"Emperor, the information has been transmitted outside the hybrid element. Only because the hybrid element channel node has not been repaired, the transmission speed is relatively slow. Other high-dimensional hybrid elements may take a long time to get relevant information." Said.

"Um." Jing Yan nodded and said.

"Lord of the Luo Palace, could there have been any information about the broken Yuan?" Jing Yan asked.

"The army that broke the doomed army has assembled, and its vanguard army may soon be marching towards us."

"They are the fastest, how long can they arrive at Lusheng Luanyuan?" Jing Yan asked again.

"By passing through some mixed-yuan channels, I am afraid that its pioneers will be able to get close to our Lusheng mixed-yuan within two hundred years at the earliest," said Luo Ningdian Lord Ning Mei.

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