Universal Sword God

Chapter 3682: Mixed Yuan Giant

The representatives of these high-dimensional hybrids, except the Lingye Emperor who emptied the hybrids, did not return to Lusheng Hybrids with Jingyan, and everyone else entered Lusheng Hybrids again.

The Great Emperor of the Night sent the Lusheng Heyuan directly through the Lusheng Heyuan Yuan node, and he had to go back to the Emperor Kongkong to report everything between the Lusheng Heyuan and the broken dome.

In Lu Sheng's mixed Yuan, Jing Yan personally banqueted Wu Xiang and others.

"The strength of Emperor Jingyan is really amazing." At the banquet, the Emperor Sundial said holding up his glass.

"Exactly! In the total mixed Yuan, the practitioners of the seven-dimensional pole-building state, I am afraid it is difficult to find out who can match the King of Jingyan." A high-dimensional mixed Yuan representative said.

In fact, what he wants to say is that among the seven-dimensional cultivators, no one can rival King Yan. However, considering that this might offend people, I changed my mind and said that it is difficult to find a practitioner who can rival Jingyan the Great.

Jing Yan's stance of beating and killing the Emperor of the Void Sky really impressed them. The strength of the Emperor who broke the sky is relatively strong for practitioners in the seven-dimensional pole-building realm.

"I feel extraordinary attack by King Yan's soul. Even the broken sky was affected by King Yan's soul attack. I have never seen such a strong soul attack." Another said.

Previously, they were somewhat disdainful of the attacking method of the spirit soul, thinking that it was only a small trick of carving insects. Dealing with lower-powered practitioners can kill them quickly, but it is not useful for those who are overbearing. They didn't change their minds until they saw the spirit attack by Jing Yan.

"You are overrated, I have nothing to do with this method." Jing Yan said with a smile.

"Jingyan the Great is humble."

"The Lusheng Mixed Yuan is controlled by King Yan, and I believe that the future will certainly surpass the past."

"That is inevitable. King Yan Yan not only martial arts is extremely powerful, but also has outstanding ability on Dan Tao."

These high-dimensional hybrids all represent and are touting Jingyan. Even the Sundial Emperor, who is a sundial hybrid, courted his words in words.

Because, they have realized that they want to obtain Sunnerd and Jingfandanfang from Jing Yan by other means. At present, it is a good harvest to buy Xie Nidan and Jifandan, especially Jifandan. This lonely fandan, even in an eight-dimensional mixed-element space such as Dasao Mixed-Element, has long been missing.

"Dear everyone, I have a toast." Jing Yan toasted and toasted everyone.


The news of Lu Sheng's mixed Yuan Jingyan emperor, who beheaded and killed the broken king of the mixed Yuan yuan, broke the news of the broken king, soon spreading in various mixed yuan.

Most people did not believe the news that the Emperor of the Heavens had been killed. Many people, especially some low-dimensional mixed-element spaces, don't even know who Jingyan the Great is.

"Jingyan the Great, who is he?"

"The Lord of Lusheng Lunyuan Lunyuan!"

"The emperor Lusheng, the emperor of Lusheng, is missing for a long time. Isn't this space of self-banned?

"Your news is too lagging behind. Lusheng Junyuan has lifted the ban. Now King Yanyan is the master of Lusheng Junyuan."

"Oh ... I haven't heard of the name Jingyan Emperor before. How can the Great Emperor break with Jingyan Emperor?"


The impact of the broken sky emperor's body was too great. The number of high-dimensional mixed elements is so small. The master of a high-dimensional mixed element has fallen enough to shake the full mixed element. Therefore, even some low-dimensional mixed elements and even a few non-dimensional mixed elements know this.

The name Jing Yan is also truly spread in the full mixed yuan.

The hybrid Yuan emperor who can kill the Emperor who broke the sky is the giant Yuanzhang.

"So, isn't Lusheng Luanyuan the second-ranked Luanyuan space after eight-dimensional Luanyuan?"

"That's it! When Lusheng the Great was alive, Lusheng's mixed Yuan never reached such a height."


Long Wu mixed yuan.

This mixed element space is a two-dimensional mixed element space, which is not far from Lusheng mixed element. Even if you do n’t use the mixed yuan channel and use the fairy spacecraft to rush on, it only takes thousands of years to get from Longwu mixed to Lusheng mixed.

At first, the button family was driven out of the alliance by Jing Yan. First, they were refused entry to Lusheng Mixed Yuan. The five ancestors of the Button family brought many members of the Button family to Longwu Mixed Yuan. Although many people died along the way, they finally arrived in Longwu mixed Yuan and settled in Longwu mixed Yuan.

Because Longwu mixed element is a dimensional mixed element, there is an extreme state of mixed element emperor. Therefore, after the Niu family arrived in Longwu, they acted in a low-key manner, and settled a lot more than in the alliance territory.

The strength of the five ancestors of the Niu family is not weak, especially when five people join forces, they can even fight against the one-dimensional and perfect hybrid Yuanyuan emperor. This gave the Wu family's five ancestors a lot of attention in Longwu.

The five ancestors of the Niu family who settled down the most were revenge.

The enemies of the Niu family are naturally Jingyan.

The five ancestors of the Niu family even wanted to persuade the Emperor Longwu to go to the territory of the Alliance to kill Jing Yan. So far, they have been preparing for this. They are very clear that relying on their own capabilities and strengths, it is very difficult to find revenge in Jingyan. In their view, killing Jing Yan was very simple if Long Wu the Great took the shot.

On this day, Niu Yi's ancestors hurriedly returned to the Niu family house from the outside.

"Brother!" Niu Yizu's face was full of anxiety, and his body shivered.

"What's wrong?" The ancestor of Niu Jia frowned at the ancestor of Niu Yi.

"Brother, quickly call the members of the family. We must leave Longwu Junyuan immediately." Niu Yizu hurriedly.

"What the **** is going on?" Niujia ancestor stood up.

Stayed well in Longwu, why did you leave?

"I am the Emperor of Longwu, I am afraid that he will start with us soon." Niu Yizu said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The emperor of Longwu started us? why? "The ancestors of button armor frowned.

The Emperor Longwu has always attached great importance to their Niu family. For no reason, why did they start with the Niu family.

"Because of Jingyan! Because of that Jingyan!" Ancestor Niu Yi exhaled.

"What the **** is going on? Is that Jingyan coming to Longwu mixed Yuan? Others are in Longwu mixed Yuan?" The ancestral look of Niu Jia's ancestor asked Niu Yi.

"Jingyan didn't come to Longwu Junyuan, but the leader of the broken Yuanhunyuan was killed by Jingyan! The king of the broken ruins was killed by Jingyan. The news has reached Longwujun Yuan. Brother, as soon as I heard the news, I came back immediately. "Patriarch Niu Yi took a breath and said in a condensed voice.

"Breaking the dome? High-dimensional dope? Space-breaking emperor, who is a powerful man in the high-dimensional state of creation, is the real big man. He was killed by Jing Yan? Niu Yi, what are you talking about? "Niu Jia's ancestors narrowed his eyes and yelled.

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