Universal Sword God

Chapter 3683: 1 chance

Before the Niu family's five ancestors settled in the alliance's territory that year, they had a certain experience in the entire mixed Yuan.

They know some dimensions, and even a few dimensions. At the beginning, the button family was able to contact Lu Sheng's mixed Yuan, which was also the reason. As a few high-dimensional mixed element space in the total mixed element, the Niu family five ancestors naturally knew.

For the five ancestors of the Niu family, the emperor who broke the dome was the emperor in the eyes of the civilians, and he was a lofty existence.

How could such terror exist? Or fell in the hands of Jing Yan?

The ancestor of Niu Jia heard the first message of Niu Yi. The first reaction was that Niu Yi was crazy.

Before they left the territory of the alliance, they encountered Jing Yan's blocking. They also played against Jing Yan, knowing that Jing Yan had already entered the extreme world. How can Ke Jingyan's extremism be compared with giants such as the Broken Sky Emperor?

"Brother, it's true. The news is true. It's true. The master of the broken doomed Yuanhe did die in the hands of Jing Yan. That **** Jingyan has become the master of the devil Yuanhe Shouted Patriarch Niu Yi.

"You ... what you said ... is the Jingyan we know? The Lord of Lusheng and Yuanyuan?" The ancestral eyes of button ancestors almost stared out.

"it's him!"

"Brother, let's go quickly, and it won't be too late!" When Niu Yizu spoke, he turned around and looked subconsciously.

At this time, the ancestor of Niu Jia already understood the meaning of ancestor Niu Yi.

They buttoned up their families, and in the presence of Emperor Longwu, they mentioned the Alliance territory and Jingyan more than once. The Niu family wanted to use the reign of Long Wu to avenge Xue hate, of course, they must find opportunities to say bad things about Jing Yan. The Emperor Longwu knew the contradiction between the Niu family and Jing Yan.

At present, Jing Yan has become the master of Lusheng Lunyuan, and his strength is so powerful that he can kill the high-dimensional and extreme state strongman to break the emperor. How did the Emperor Longwu react to this news?

Longwu mixed element is just a two-dimensional mixed element space. The Emperor Longwu is just a practitioner in a two-dimensional state of extremes.

Compared with Lusheng Lunyuan, Longwu Lunyuan is undoubtedly a humble existence. The Emperor Longwu never wanted to confront King Yan, and he was not qualified to confront King Yan.

"Quickly call the family, quickly!" Button Jia's ancestor awoke from shock and shouted with red eyes.


Longwu Temple.

This is the residence of Emperor Longwu, the master of Longwu and Yuanyuan.

The Emperor Longwu just received a message passed in the Quanxiayuan. He looked at the stationery in his hand and squinted and groaned.

In front of him, several His Majesty the Great Emperor of Yuan Dynasty had a strange expression.

"Lord, this is our chance to mix the dragon and the military." An emperor who could not help but said again: "Besides, we can't blame us for turning our faces, it's really a horrible thing for the family members. These **** things , Actually wanted us to fight against King Jingyan with Longwu. "

"Nuo family, **** it!" Said another emperor of the Yuan Dynasty with a heavy emphasis.

"Will we be able to provoke the existence of King Yan?"

"Lord, order it! The Niu family is hostile to the Jingyan Emperor. If we take the Niu family down and hand it over to the Jingyan Emperor. The Jingyan Emperor, at least, can know that we Longwu and Yuanyuan know the Longwu Great!" The name of the one-dimensional and mixed-state great emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the strong voice suggested to the emperor Longwu.

"Now family, there is indeed no forgiveness!"

"Immediately put the Niu family in jail, I will personally send them to the King Jingyan, and let the demon King Jingyan, the master of Lusheng mixed Yuan, judge them." The Great Emperor Longwu took a breath and ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

From the Longwu Sanctuary, a one-dimensional pole-meditating spiritual practitioner set off with a few powerful Yuanyuan emperors. At the same time, an order from the Emperor Longwu was also spread. Longwu Junyuan has entered a temporary blockade state. No one can leave Longwu Junyuan until the blockade is lifted.

"What about brother?"

"Isn't Brother saying to join us here?"

"Did not arrive yet?"

"No, elder brother is going ahead of us. It's impossible to miss it. I'll send him a message and he won't respond."

"Wait a second, maybe something else is delayed."

Several ancestors of the Niu family arrived at a meeting point with many practitioners in the family. Originally, they were here to join Longjia ancestors and leave Longwu Junyuan together. However, when they arrived here, they did not see the button ancestors who left the button house first.

"Can't wait any longer. If you don't leave, your Majesty the Dragon Emperor will come." Niu Bing said in a deep voice.

"No, we can't leave the elder brother." Niuting ancestor said immediately.

"Where do you wait to escape!"

Just then, a loud shout came. Then, from that void, a figure descended. This person is the Emperor Longwu's next state of perfection.

Seeing the advent of Yongde the Great Emperor, Niu Yi and others just felt a cold in their entire body. However, these people have seen big waves after all.

"Yong Ye, the emperor, are you?" Niu Yi ancestors stepped forward, and asked arch-handedly.

"Niu Yi, your Niu family thing happened. My Lord Longwu ordered me to come and put you in jail, and wait for it to be delivered to the Lord Jingyan, the master of Lusheng and Yuanyuan." The emperor waved a spear in his hand and yelled at Niu Yi.

"Determining the emperor bravely, what crime did we commit?" Niu Yizu asked hard.

"What crime did you commit, don't you know?"

"Niu Yi, Niu Bing, Niu Ding, Niu Wu, you are too disappointed to my Lord Longwu. The Lord trusts you so much, and you have concealed the Lord from you. You really deserve it!" Yong Jue said angrily.

"Take down all of them!" The guard of the Longwu Sanctuary led by Yongdei has arrived ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yongdei ordered to the guards.

"Yes!" The guards answered in unison.

"Bravely decided the emperor, what laws in the Longwu mixed Yuan did we violate? If you want to arrest you, let us know clearly?" Asked Niu Yizu, but his eyes were looking around.

He is still expecting the ancestral ancestor of Niu Jia.

If their eldest brother Button Jia was also here, the five of them could join forces to fight with the deciding Emperor Yong and have some chance to escape.

"Your button family has not violated the Longwu mixed law. However, you are the prisoner of King Jingyan."

"Well, Niu Yi, don't deliberately delay time. I can tell you that Niu Jia has escaped from the Long Wu mix, and he didn't wait for all of you." The temple guards drank in unison, and rushed towards the Niu family.

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