While the wandering warlock was eating, he suddenly burst into tears, which caught Malu off guard.

Fortunately, she quickly wiped away the tears on her cheeks and continued to lick the sweet potato powder in front of her fiercely.

"Are you... okay?" Malu asked.

"Well, it's nothing, I just remembered some things that happened during my past practice."

"whats the matter?"

"My mentor is suspected of cheating and abusing me."


"In my memory, we have been wandering in the multiverse, from one plane to another, and all the thoughts of our mentor are on sealing the gate of hell. She often buys a lot of fast food at one time and takes it with her. Eat on the road.”

"I remember that we ate dried sandworms for half a year. The reason why we stopped eating them later was because we came to a planet with a very humid climate, and those dried sandworms became moldy soon after.

"So she went and bought 100 bitter flour cakes. I was less than 10 years old at that time, and asked my mentor why we didn't eat something more delicious. My mentor told me that this is a kind of practice, to control the thoughts in the heart. Desires, talents and elements resonate better.

"She was someone I trusted very much, so I had no doubts about it until I was 16 years old. But then we accidentally met another wandering warlock, and I didn't know that there was no such thing.

"There are also many powerful wandering warlocks who enjoy life very much, but when I woke up and got fooled, I had become just like my mentor. When I got hungry, the first thing I thought of was the convenience store.

"The most I eat in this plane are instant noodles and sandwiches. I had no idea there were such delicious things in this world."

The wandering warlock cried sadly again as he spoke.

"Uh... before you take care of the sealing matter and leave this place, you can come to my restaurant to eat."

"Really!" the sorceress stopped crying in the next second and said excitedly, "Are you willing to take care of my meals?"

"Of course... this won't work," Ma Lu said, "You still have to pay."

The wandering warlock was very disappointed, "But after paying for this meal, I don't have many star coins on me. I still have to leave some travel expenses, and this universe plane is outside the Grand Alliance, and there is no place to earn star coins. "

"You can come here during normal hours like ordinary guests and spend RMB to eat," Ma Lu suggested. "Although you may not be able to eat dishes that can speed up your mana recovery like you do now, the taste is still very good, oh, provided that You go through the front door like everyone else, and then change out of your fancy robe."

"This robe can be transformed." The sorceress said, and as she finished speaking, the robe turned into an emerald green cheongsam.

"That's quite convenient."

"This is one of the few benefits after becoming a wandering warlock. I don't need to buy clothes. I can wear whatever I want, and this robe can also protect me from harm." The wandering warlock introduced.

At this time, another white van stopped outside the door.

The hardware store owner strode down from the van and opened the store door, "Why do I feel like I've become your thug?"

"How could it be? I just thought that those gangsters didn't seem to make you happy last time. This time you have a more powerful opponent who can help you unleash your wildness and save our city by the way." Ma Lu said .

When the sorceress saw the werewolf, a look of surprise appeared on her face, "I left an illusion outside the door, how did you come in?"

"I have something more reliable than my eyes." The hardware store owner took off his sunglasses and looked up and down at the sorceress in front of him. "You are the wandering sorcerer. I heard about you from the city manager.

"Actually, everyone has been discussing you recently. Since you appear here, it means there is a problem with the Gate of Hell here, right?"

The sorceress nodded, and then said seriously, "We, a family of wandering sorcerers, wander around in the multiverse, focusing on sealing the gates of hell in various planes. We fully respect the local order and sphere of influence..."

The hardware store owner waved his hand, "I have met your people before and know the rules of your wandering warlocks. You don't need to read them again."


Yanwu then twitched his nose twice and said, "The powerful activated plant also smells like a monitor lizard. Give me a piece too."

Malu didn't talk nonsense and immediately asked Lao Wang to burn another portion and confiscated the hardware store owner's money.

There was no other way, he was the one who invited the person. Yanwu is different from the wandering warlock. His main business is hardware. Today he is just working part-time.

Speaking of part-time jobs, another man in a rabbit-headed suit who works part-time in the city to defend justice did not reply to Malu's message, but his figure also appeared outside the restaurant.

The difference between him and the werewolf boss was less than a minute.

The illusion that the wandering warlock left outside the shop also failed to deceive him.

——Chen Zhengyi.

After entering the door, the man in a rabbit-headed suit nodded to Yan Wu, then greeted Ma Lu, and then turned his attention to the wandering warlock beside him.

"Are you responsible for the recent bustle in the city?"

"Uh..." the sorceress was a little embarrassed, "I'm trying to think of a way to send that little red devil back to hell."

"I'm not talking about that little devil, but you." Chen Zhengyi shook his head and said, "You accidentally broke your big pants, one of the iconic buildings of this city."

"Oh, sorry... I, I repaired it with magic right away, and there were no casualties."

A look of panic appeared on the wandering warlock's face, "It looks the same now as before. I thought no one noticed it."

"It doesn't matter, I don't like that place anyway."

Chen Zhengyi's answer later made her a little stunned.

"Let's continue chatting after victory..." Yanwu said, "Let's talk about business now. Let's study how to catch that little devil."

"I left a mark on it," the wandering warlock said first. "I did it as soon as it ran out of the gate of hell."

"There is a high probability that your mark has been discovered by it, and it should also have a way to hide the mark, so that it can in turn use the mark to attract you to follow it everywhere, leaving you no time to recover your mana." Malu interjected.

"What should we do?" The sorceress was a little panicked again, mainly because they didn't have much time left.

Fortunately, Malu soon received the news from Gigina. The Valkina people used their mouse partners to find traces suspected of being left by the little red devil in a nightclub.

The wandering warlock had almost eaten by this time. Her belly was visibly bigger. She had recovered part of her mana. Although the remaining part could not be digested, the sorceress could also extract it from it at critical times. mana.

In addition, Lao Wang also baked two packs of dried sweet potatoes, which were regarded as blue-returning props, and he asked her to take them with her.

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