Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 272: Escape

Before departure, everyone held a simple pre-war meeting, mainly to divide their respective responsibilities.

Among them, Chen Zhengyi was responsible for exploring the path. He had never met the little red devil, so he would not arouse the latter's vigilance. When he determines the specific location, he will send a message to the sorceress, who will make the arrest.

Yanwu, as a back-up player, can turn the tide of the battle when the wind is against him, and he can also drive the last nail into the little devil's coffin when the wind is tailwind.

After hearing the arrangement, the hardware store owner looked at Malu, "What about you?"

"Me? Of course I'm cheering for you." Ma Lu said, "Please, I'm just an ordinary person."

Although he has participated in many battles, they were in other planes. Even if he died, he would just come back early. But in the main plane, Malu is not immortal, so of course he can live as long as he can.


The werewolf was speechless, "Can you be more shameless?"

"When you come back, Lao Wang will cook you another midnight snack to celebrate."

"Is it free?" The wandering warlock became interested.

Although she couldn't hold on anymore, her eyes lit up again when she heard that there was still delicious food to eat.

"It's free."

"Great, can you pack it if you can't finish it?"

"Hey, don't be too pushy. I'll give you two more bags of dried sweet potatoes at most."

"That's okay." The sorceress is quite satisfied. Dried sweet potatoes are delicious and can replenish her mana.

Chen Zhengyi had no objections from beginning to end.

So the three of them got into Yanwu's white van. The wandering warlock also thoughtfully helped Ma Lu move half of the people in the restaurant outside before setting off.

Then she snapped her fingers in the car, and those people all regained consciousness.

And Malu's ears became noisy again.

"Hey, why did I come out!"

"Yeah, I remember I was standing at the counter before, how did I get out."

"Where is Anqi? Where is Anqi?"

"Damn it, it's been an hour, it's over, I promised to pick up the kids from school, now I'm going to be scolded by my wife when I get home!"

"What's going on? Did I eat until I passed out?"

Malu sighed, knowing that the sorceress was unreliable. She said she would help deal with the customers in the store, but in the end she just returned to the state before falling asleep, completely ignoring the changes in location and time.

Fortunately, Malu himself had a way to make up for it.

He opened the thermos cup and poured the unfinished water into the bronze beaver statue at the cash register.

The next moment those quarrels and doubts were gone.

"I forgot what happened in the past hour. Oh, that's how people get older. I'm 45, so I'm almost old enough for this kind of thing to happen." A middle-aged man lamented.

"It was so dangerous just now. There were so many people in the restaurant that my classmates were so crowded that they fell down. Fortunately, I lost my memory after that, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

This is the junior high school girl from before.

"Wow, the food here is so delicious, so delicious that time is distorted!" someone else praised later.

Some people even accepted the crowding accident that almost caused it before.

"I can't help it. Who makes everyone a fan of An Qi? When they hear her here, everyone will inevitably get excited, hahahaha."

"So, is An Qi here?" A die-hard fan from behind asked persistently.

"She came here in the afternoon, but left soon." Ma Lu said, "You guys are late."

"Oh, what a pity. If she comes again next time, boss you must tell me that this is my phone number."

"Yeah, yeah, tell me too, I won't disturb her, just look outside the door."

Everyone wanted to leave their phone numbers for Malu, but Malu didn't remember coming so many times, so he casually agreed and asked all these people to join the restaurant's fan base.

In order to build a good relationship with Malu, some fans even took the initiative to buy all the remaining dishes.

After the last customer finished eating, He Xiaoqian was about to clean up as usual, but was stopped by Ma Lu.

"Are you okay?"


"I saw you being pushed outside the door before."

"Oh oh oh, it doesn't matter. The person didn't use too much force. I just stumbled. In comparison, I was more worried about the people inside. There were really many people at the time. Fortunately, everyone was fine in the end."

"That's good if you're fine. There's no need to do any hygiene tonight, and don't wander around on the road. Go home early and lock the door." Ma Lu advised.

He Xiaoqian asked doubtfully, "Did...something happen tonight?"

"It should be fine."

Malu thought for a while, if Wandering Warlock, Yan Wu and others failed, letting the little red devil evolve into a crimson devil would affect the entire city, and it seemed useless to stay at home.

So he asked again, "Do you have any other plans for tonight?"


"Then come with me."

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Let me see." Malu took out his mobile phone and searched for nearby tourist and resort areas. "Well, how about the hot spring? It's been a hard day today. Let's go and relax in the hot spring."

"Now, it's so sudden, but I don't have a swimsuit."

"It doesn't matter, just buy it now over there," Ma Lu said. "It will be counted as employee benefits and reimbursed according to the company's accounts."

He now feels that it is more and more convenient to have a car. It just so happens that he has been test driving for half a month, driving more than 20 cars, and has experienced almost all the intended targets. He plans to order a car next week at the latest, but he can only rent a car tonight.

Malu went to rent an l9, first to pick up the drunk Mr. Maotuan, and then packed the Valkina in the house with two shoe boxes and put them in the trunk.

Then he went back to the restaurant to pick up He Xiaoqian, and thought about it and simply took Zhen Ye upstairs with him.

He drove for about an hour and a half and finally arrived outside a hot spring hotel in the next county.

Malu calculated the distance and felt that it should be safe, so he stopped the car and planned to wait for news here.

He Xiaoqian was very nervous along the way, and her mind was in a mess. She didn't know if this was considered a date.

After a while, she thought that there were four people going out this time, and there was a cat, so it shouldn't be considered a date. However, Lao Wang and Zhen Ye were both men and young, and they didn't talk all the way.

Lao Wang leaned on the seat with his eyes closed, and he seemed to be asleep, while Zhen Ye squatted in the third row and played Switch by himself, so that only He Xiaoqian and Malu were talking all the way, just like a trip for two.

And the thought of taking a hot spring bath later made He Xiaoqian even more panicked.

The first date was held at a hot spring hotel, which was too exciting. It was hard not to think too much.

Fortunately, when they arrived, He Xiaoqian found that it was a private hot spring, and each room had its own yard, so they could soak in the yard slowly without worrying about being disturbed by outsiders.

When they divided the rooms, she and Zhen Ye shared a room, and Lao Wang and Malu shared a room.

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