Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 317 I am also a native

The man in leather then walked to cabinet No. 16, took out the girl's body that was frozen inside, picked her up and placed her on another table.

Malu glanced around and found that the deceased this time was indeed very young. He looked like a college student.

The leather-clad man murmured, "Life is only once for everyone, so don't cherish it. If you were older, you should understand this truth. Unfortunately, you don't need this body anymore. Then Just give it to those who need it to use it, and it can be regarded as accumulating some virtue for yourself. "

"Is there really such a thing as moral virtue?" Malu asked curiously.

"No, I've just been running the funeral parlor for a long time, so I'm used to talking about it." The man in leather paused and added, "But I don't know for sure. I have never left this plane. I don't know what other planes are. what's the situation."

"Huh? Are you an ordinary person too?"

This time it was the leather-clad man's turn to be surprised, "Ah, are you an ordinary person?" It looked like he wanted to take out his cell phone immediately and contact the pigeon.

Ma Lu hurriedly said, "The city manager already knows about my existence because my roommate is a visitor from another dimension, and I am currently running a restaurant with him."

"It's quite rare for you to be in this situation." The man in leather clothes softened a little and touched his chin.

"What about you, since you are not an ordinary person, why have you never left this plane?"

"Because I am a native here." The man in leather said matter-of-factly.


"Why, are the New Shanghainese not Shanghainese? My mother is a visitor from another dimension. She gave birth to me here. Like you, I went to elementary school, junior high school and high school, and also took the college entrance examination. , although I didn’t pass the exam in the end, I came out to find a class.”

As the man in the leather jacket spoke, he opened his leather jacket. Only then did Ma Lu realize that there were large Chinese characters embroidered on both sides of the leather jacket, with dragons and phoenixes embroidered on the inside. On the left were the descendants of Yan and Huang, and on the right were the descendants of the dragon.

"If you think about it...you are indeed the same." Malu couldn't argue.

The man in leather clothes had already put the two tables together and shouted to Uncle Zheng's body, "Okay, I've prepared a new body for you. Come out quickly."

He shouted three times, and only on the third time did the back of the corpse crack open again, and Lao Hei crawled out again.

This time, its movements were obviously slower, and the whole insect looked weak. However, it still sped up its movements after seeing the female corpse on the other side.

It tried hard to climb up, but it used its front feet to pull for a long time, and it only scratched some of the surface, but could not get in.

It wasn't until the man in leather clothes helped to use a scalpel to make an incision on the back of the female corpse that Lao Hei drilled in along the wound, and then there was no movement again.

"Is this over?" Malu asked.

"It's going to take some time, it's adapting to its new body." The man in leather clothes turned the body over and laid it on its side.

After about 5 minutes, the motionless female corpse on the table suddenly opened her eyes, and then uttered one word, "Cold!"

After saying that, it looked at the man in leather and repeated, "Cold."

It wasn't that she was pretending to be cute by repeating her words. She was so cold that her tongue trembled when she spoke, and one word was frozen into two.

"Okay, okay, I understand." The man in leather clothes brought out an electric heater and placed it next to Lao Hei. "You asked for it more urgently this time. I didn't have time to arrange for it to be thawed in advance. Also, this body costs 1,500 star coins. Remember Pay it back to my account."

With the electric heater on, after a while, Lao Hei recovered more than half, and finally no longer had to keep talking. His skin became red again, and the wound miraculously healed.

The man in leather clothes got him another set of clothes. After seeing the blood stains on Malu's body, he picked up more clothes and said, "You should change too. I can burn this one for you."

"Thank you." Malu took the clothes and was about to put them on when he suddenly thought of a very serious question and asked, "Where did you get these clothes?"

"Don't worry, this is not a shroud." The leather-clad man's words just made Ma Lu relax a little, and he continued, "It was taken from the corpse, and I washed it."

"Well... it's already very late anyway, so I won't change it. I can wash it when I go back and wear it." Malu returned the clothes, "I quite like what I'm wearing now."

"Whatever you want." The man in leather didn't force it.

Lao Hei on the other side was not that particular. He had already changed his clothes. He even asked for a rubber band from the man in the leather jacket and simply tied a ponytail for himself.

Then he looked at Malu again, "Thank you, my friend. If it weren't for you, I would have been in danger this time. I will always remember your kindness."

"You're welcome, it's just a little effort." Malu paused and added, "Actually, I still have a few questions that I didn't have time to ask before."

"You ask, I will tell you as long as I can answer." The old black man said.

"What kind of dimensional pirates are there? How many of them are there?"

"No one knows the specific number of dimensional pirates," the old gangster said. "The Grand Alliance has organized several rounds of sieges against them, and killed tens of thousands of dimensional pirates in total. However, according to subsequent investigations and statistics, the number of dimensional pirates encountered the following year The number of attacks has remained almost unchanged from previous years.

"So some people have inferred that the number of dimensional pirates in the entire multiverse is constant. If there are as many dimensional pirates as there are eliminated here, the same number of dimensional pirates will be generated in other places."

"Aren't they intelligent life?"

"I don't know. Their origins are very mysterious. So far, no one has had direct communication with them," said Lao Hei. "Anyway, every time you encounter them, you will be robbed, and if you are unlucky, you will lose your life."

"Then why do they target you?"

This time, Lao Hei did not answer again, but just vaguely said, "The smuggling business we do is very easy to be targeted by dimensional pirates."

Malu guessed that this guy might have something that would interest those dimensional pirates, because according to the wandering warlock, those dimensional pirates usually wandered near the plane boundary zone and rarely appeared on specific planets.

Malu was not interested in what Lao Hei had on him. He was more concerned about another thing. "Doesn't that mean there are probably other dimensional pirates on Earth now?"

"Yes," Lao Hei admitted, "so I plan to find a place to hide from the limelight. I'll give you an address, and you can send the goods there later. I'll transfer the money when I'm free. Don't worry, those guys are coming for me. As long as they stay away from me, they won't come after other people."

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