Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 318 Secret Mission

Malu then checked the purchase price with Laohei again.

Finally, the purchase price of 3-star ingredients was set at 75 star coins/thousand catties, 4-star ingredients at 200 star coins, and 5-star ingredients at 525 star coins.

In addition, after making bacon, Laohei will pay 125 star coins more for each thousand catties of 3-star ingredients, 180 star coins more for 4-star ingredients, and 290 star coins for 5-star ingredients.

As for ham, because it takes longer to make and the process is more complicated, the selling price is also higher, and it can be sold at 80 star coins more per thousand catties than bacon.

Malu calculated that if he mainly sold ham, the selling price of 3-star ingredients could reach 280 star coins/thousand catties, 4-star ingredients at 460 star coins/thousand catties, and 5-star ingredients at 895 star coins/thousand catties.

As for ingredients below 3 stars, Laohei does not intend to collect them because the profit margin is too low and they take up space on the smuggling ship, and Malu does not intend to sell ingredients above 5 stars.

After all, if you want to make money, it is definitely more profitable to cook. For example, when Chen Zhengyi and his friends come to eat, they have to spend hundreds or even thousands of star coins for a meal, and the ingredients used are only a few kilograms.

Even when Malu lost the most, he held a BBQ for Mickey and others. Those big eaters ate two or three thousand kilograms of his ingredients in one go, most of which were low-star, and finally paid a full 8,000 star coins.

Of course, Lao Hei did not deliberately blacken Malu. Even if he deliberately exaggerated, the risk of smuggling is indeed there, and this is a partnership business. He has already offered the highest price possible within his authority.

But this is Earth after all, located outside the free shipping area of ​​the Major League, so the smugglers are destined to only be an additional channel for processing excess ingredients and earning extra money. Malu's business focus is definitely still in the restaurant.

But this gave him more motivation to continue upgrading the desktop farm and collection bag.

Malu then sent 2,000 kilograms of bacon to the place designated by Lao Hei, which was worth about 1,000 star coins. This also freed up more space for ham, and almost two days later he received a transfer from Lao Hei, totaling 3,065 star coins.

This also included the reward for helping Lao Hei get a new body, so the total number of star coins on Malu's hand reached 14,253.

It seems a lot, but it is still a long way from paying off the debt, and it is not even enough for him to buy new equipment at the moment.

Malu asked the hardware store owner to help him find a high-dimensional creation that can open equipment slots. The cheapest one costs 20,000 star coins. As usual, he still has to pay a 70% deposit first, and the remaining 30% can be settled when the smuggling ship comes next week.

After Malu paid the deposit, he only had 188 star coins left, and he had to earn another 6,000 star coins in the next 6 days, but it was not a big problem.

After receiving several special guests and receiving favorable comments, the reputation of the Infinite Universe Canteen gradually spread among the visitors from other planes.

Especially Love Brain, in order to find true love, she is keen to expand her friend list. Her friend list includes not only ordinary people, but also people with special identities.

Love Brain manages her social account seriously. In the past few days, she has been posting the food of the Infinite Universe Canteen crazily, although she is a skeleton girl and does not eat.

However, according to the research and statistics of Love Brain, the comments and likes under the short videos and pictures related to food are very high, so she will naturally not miss it.

In addition, the ground promotion team composed of Valkina people headed by Gigina is also active in the city, so Malu received 4 reservations in one go, including a large order worth 7,000 star coins, which is comparable to the New Year.

But before that, Malu went to the Temple City first. This time he deliberately went a day later, so that he could catch up with the 230th anniversary of the city's founding celebration.

Malu himself is not really interested in the celebration. Although he can eat and drink for free and watch entertainment programs, given the Order Church's usual cold and abstinence style, their programs are probably not as interesting as the marginal videos on Douyin.

In contrast, Malu is more concerned about today's extra program, which is why he rushed here. As an outsider, he may not care about the win or loss of the Order Church and the Witch Alliance, but he cannot completely ignore the changes in the situation.

In addition, as a commander, it is also his responsibility to ensure the safety of the team members. Whether from personal feelings or training costs, Malu does not want Yunque and others to have any accidents.

Therefore, the first thing he did after arriving was to go to the Witch House and plan to pick up the witches under his command, but he was told that the Witch House was closed today and no witches were allowed to go out.

Malu was a little surprised, because witches were also allowed to participate in the celebration in the past, as long as the knights reported in advance.

He specifically asked the nanny inside, and then he knew that this was the Paladin Corps, or more accurately, the new order that Levi had just issued last night.

It seems that Levi should not be completely ignorant of the next actions of the Witch Alliance.

And then Malu also found that the signal near the Witch House seemed to be temporarily blocked. Yun Que was such a chattering person, Malu sent her a message, but the girl didn't reply for a quarter of an hour.

This was impossible in the past.

Could it be that Levi had discovered that there were still fallen witches hiding in the Witch House? Or maybe he just suspected it, but there was no evidence. In order to avoid any accidents, he simply cut off the connection between the Witch House and the outside world on the day of the celebration?

Malu was too lazy to use his brain to guess, so he just asked the person involved directly.

He is now a senior member of the Paladin Order, and he is also Levi's man, so he still has this privilege.

However, Li Wei was not in the office. Malu rushed to the empty space. After leaving the giant tower, he was thinking about where to find Li Wei when he was unexpectedly tapped on the shoulder.

Malu turned around and found that the person standing behind him was actually the herald.

The latter looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he quickly stuffed a small note over.

"What's the meaning?"

"This is specially written by Lord Li Wei to you." The herald said, "You are one of the few people he can trust, so only you are qualified for this secret mission."

"Secret mission?" Malu frowned.

"You will know after reading the note," the herald said, "Remember, this note cannot be seen by a third person including me, and this mission will not be recorded in the files of the Knights. May the Lord of Order The light will always shine on you, Master Ximu.”

After saying that, he turned around and hurriedly turned into a side alley.

Ma Lu held the note and frowned even deeper. Why did he have to work overtime during the holidays? Even if he worked overtime, he still had to be so mysterious.

The key is that no matter how good Li Wei is in keeping secrets, you can't stop Malu. He is illiterate and can't understand what is written on the small note. In addition, Yunque and others can't be contacted at the moment.

Malu could only stop a passerby and handed the note over, "Read what is written on it."

"Yes, Lord Knight."

Although Malu's request was a bit strange, passers-by saw the knight's armor on his body and did not have any doubts, so they immediately read it loudly.

"Recently, someone in the city has secretly spread the news that the Shrike is just pretending to die and will appear on the celebration day. Go investigate this matter and find out the mastermind behind it. Goethe of the Drinkers' Assembly should know something. Be careful, don't Being discovered by others."

After the passerby read the words on the note, he was completely stunned and stammered, "Then... is the evil fallen witch leader not dead?"

Malu grabbed the note from his hand and comforted, "It's nothing, it's just a celebration day joke. Just go ahead and do whatever you want."

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