Universe’s Ultimate BOSS

Chapter 1225: One-on-one opportunity

Creation world.

A violent storm of energy swept the world.

Wang Hao quickly propped up an energy shield, and then approached the life dominator in a coma step by step.

"Buzz ..."

Just then, a sound of majestic swords shaking in the void sounded.


The sabre sword dominated by life, the God of Heaven's Divine Sword appeared in front of Wang Hao, and also sent out a series of fierce sword-gas fluctuations, apparently defending the invasion of the big satyr.

Wang Hao said with displeased expression: "Hurry away with this broken sword, or you will have a big deal!"

As soon as the words fell, a sound seemed to come from ancient times, "boy, this girl is your man sooner or later. Now you still put away your wretched expression and put your mind on destroying the demons!"

Wang Haoqi shouted in desperation: "Nonsense, ugly talents are insignificant. A handsome man like me should be called ... cheap!"

Teana Sword was speechless for a moment, and found that this genius' mind is different from that of normal people. You will never guess what they will say in the next sentence.

For example, when it followed the creation god, the mind of the creation **** never guessed it. It was not until the creation **** gave it to the master of life that it found the self-confidence.


Just then, the Lord of Life made a soft moan.

"Unfortunately, the master of life is awake!"

Wang Hao sighed helplessly, then quickly turned around, pushed forward with both palms, posing a figure desperately to resist the energy storm outside.

After a few seconds-

The life master woke up from the coma, and at first glance he saw a wide back that was not tall but resisted the energy storm like Optimus Prime.


Life dominated and looked at Wang Hao's back. Somehow his heartbeat suddenly accelerated and he felt that Wang Hao was so handsome at this moment.

Wang Hao turned back and apologized and smiled, "Looking at how well you sleep, I wanted you to sleep for a while, but I didn't expect to wake you up in the end!"

"No, it doesn't matter!"

Life was dominated by the white greasy cheeks, and the heartbeat was throbbing.

In the heart of Tian Di's exquisite sword galloping horses, he found that Wang Hao was right, he was cheap, and not ordinary!

"Since it doesn't matter, can I ask you for a baby !?"

Wang Hao suddenly turned around and came to the Master of Life. He pinched his exquisite little chin naturally with his hands, and then stared down at the cowardly Master of Life with tender eyes, his actions can be described in one go.

"A baby !?"

The master of life panicked, and began to think wildly in his mind. Did Wang Hao the devil want her now! ?

"Yes, I want your Divine Sacred Sword, so that my Lord's Sword can evolve to level nine and it will be easier to defeat the Demon."

Wang Hao looked at the master of life seriously, thinking that since he could not make a fortune while the master of life was in a coma, let the master of life take the initiative to give money and contribute.

"Shenyu Holy Sword !!"

The shameful expression of the master of life gradually disappeared, and my heart shouted angrily. Your aunt and grandma were ready. You asked me for a knife.

"Buzz ..."

At this moment, a mammoth blade sounded.

The face of the Lord of Life changed: "Not good, Shenyu Shengdao is angry!"


Wang Hao raised his eyebrows, and saw ripples around the dominion of life, and then a black giant knife appeared, with a cold and extremely cold air rising from it.

The angry voice of Shenyu Holy Knife sounded, "Damn stinky girl, I thought you could take me to the top of the world, but who knows that you actually want to send me to those trash to devour, now I'll find the real knife People! "

"call out……"

As soon as the words fell, Shenyu Holy Sword turned into a black light and rushed towards the storm of energy.

"No, it's going to find the demon!"

Life dominated with a scream, I really can't imagine what the image would look like after the demon possessed the Holy Sacred Sword of the Day.

"Rest assured that it will never see a demon in this life!"

There was a confident smile on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth, and then he brought the sword of the dominator full of scars and threw it against the sword of Shenyu.


The sword of the dominator instantly turned into a roar of Zulong, then opened his mouth and swallowed the sword of Shenyu Sheng.

The master of life called out in a hurry: "You are crazy, use a damaged eight-level **** soldier to devour the completed nine-level **** soldier. Do you want to destroy your sword !?"

"Relax, my sword is invincible!"

Wang Hao waved his hands confidently, then began to call the system, let the system use all the points, it will let the sword of the dominator immediately evolve into a nine-level magic soldier.

The system sounded, "Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for consuming all the points, so that the sword of the Lord successfully swallowed the Divine Sacred Knife and evolved into a nine-level magic soldier!"

"Booming ..."

As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying thunder sounded, covering up the violent roar between heaven and earth.

"what happened!?"

There was a huge earthquake in the audience, and countless thunders roared out in the sky. A huge sword flashing with cold light was suspended in the mid-air, shining the entire creation world, and the sword sent out by the sword was enough to break this. The sky.

"That's fine !?"

The master of life was stunned, and it was impossible to believe that the Divine Sacred Knife was digested so quickly.

at this time--

The collision between the demon and the one billion young soldiers has ended.

The demon suspended in midair with panting gas, the breath was more than half weakened.

And the one billion young commanders are not so good. Many people in the front row lie weakly on the ground. The middle row is not injured, but it is very expensive, and the back row is busy with treatment.

However, the young commander still had a high spirit and directed the weapon in his hand to the demon again.

At this moment, Wang Hao Hongliang's voice sounded, "Young commander, all back!"


The one billion young commander stunned for a moment, then responded in unison, retreating as quickly as the tide.

"What is this !?"

The entire audience was confused, wondering what Wang Hao, the devil king, let the one billion young commander retreat do, shouldn't the one billion young commander be beaten down? ?

Tianmo warned, "What kind of ghost do you want to do !?"

Wang Hao said solemnly: "I give you a chance to single out, lest others say I bully more people!"

"I am !?"

The crowd blasted in utterance, feeling that they have really learned today.

The original definition of heads-up is that I first beat your group to half disabled, and then give you a chance to head-to-head.

"Booming ..."

Just then, a roar came from the sky.

Everyone in the audience looked up subconsciously, and saw a fireball fall on the ground like a meteor, and when the dust was gone, a very embarrassing figure stood on the ground. This is the creation that disappeared for more than a month God.


The face of the master of life changed greatly, indicating that the God of Creation had never been so embarrassed.

At this moment, a faint voice sounded all over the world, "Creation God, you have been fighting with me for a month and the mountains and rivers have been exhausted. Now you can die!"


The faces of the audience changed dramatically. I saw that God suddenly appeared behind the creation god, and the spear with golden light in his hand had been lifted up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ ready to pierce the creation god.

"has it ended!?"

The God of Creation showed a bitter smile, but in the end he failed.

"Master, be careful!"

The Death Lord yelled desperately, desperately trying to stand up to stop God from killing the creation god, but the reality was that he couldn't move at all.

And just then, Wang Hao's heartbreaking call sounded, "Go, go, look back ..."

The creation **** froze suddenly, remembering a word in his mind, his right hand became a claw unconsciously, and then backward ...


.. m.

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