Universe’s Ultimate BOSS

Chapter 1256: fashion!

Creation world.

The sound of Wang Hao's heartbreaking lungs echoed between heaven and earth.

God didn't bother to listen to Wang Hao's voice, and the golden long grab in his hand was still stabbing toward the creation **** at a constant speed.

And just when the flashing cold gun tip was about to hit the creation god, the creation **** suddenly seemed like a god's help, and his body was slightly on one side, and then returned to grab under God.


God ’s pupils shrank sharply, and I really did n’t expect that the divine creation **** would use such indecent attacks.

And because the distance between him and the creation **** is too close, there is no time to defend it. In the end, he can only watch the creation god's hand approaching him.

The expressions of the audience were frozen instantly, and the long sound of Wang Hao's last word sounded in his ears, "Dig ~~~"

"I dig!"

The creator god's gaze was abruptly stunned, and he hit the underside of God in an instant, and then grasped firmly with the palm of his hand, and a faint crackle sounded.

"His ..."

The male compatriots took a sip of cool air, only feeling a cold wind blowing below.


The female compatriots snorted with a small red face, and found that the God of Creation, Wang Hao, the demon king actually cooperated so tacitly. It seems that such shameless things have not been done before.


The heavens dominated and other people changed their faces and rushed towards God

"Asshole !!"

God's face was twisted to change, the golden spear in his hand stopped for a moment, and then a more dazzling golden light broke out, apparently intending to endure the sorrow of the egg and kill the creation god.

"I rely, this can hold back!"

The creator **** sighed bitterly, feeling that he really wanted to say goodbye to the world this time.

"Master, danger !!"

The master of life screamed, and then turned into a rainbow rushing towards the creation **** desperately.

"has it ended!?"

There was a sadness in the hearts of the audience, and it was impossible to imagine what kind of fate would be waiting for them after the creation **** was killed.

Just then, Wang Hao's solemn voice sounded again, "Justice may be late, but never absent, and I am now representing justice, and your cheers are there!"

"It's Wang Hao, the devil!"

There was a touch of surprise on the faces of the audience, and Wang Hao appeared in a space move behind God, and the sword of the master in his hand burst out like a rainbow.

And accompanied by a roaring majestic sword sound like a stormy sea.

"Who is this guy !?"

God's face changed so much that he could clearly see an unprecedented superpower from Wang Hao.

"This kid actually has a kind of extreme power!"

The creator gods were overjoyed, and found that they had not yet lost, and they had the opportunity to fight defeat.


Wang Hao shouted, and the sword in his hand stabbed at the sky in a stance of cutting the sky, and the void where it passed was forcibly torn apart.

At the same time, thousands of swords sounded in the void, as if welcoming the birth of the emperor in the sword.


There was a touch of excitement on the creation god's face, and it was found that Wang Hao's sword was on par with his fifteen swords, which meant that Wang Hao had the ability to kill God.

After all, God has been fighting with him for a month, and the situation is not much better now, so Wang Hao is absolutely capable of killing God.

"not good!!"

The face of God suddenly dignified, and the golden spear in his hand did not continue to pierce the creation god, but bloomed a bright light in the void, collided with Wang Hao's violent sword light.

"Booming ..."

The two collided, and the loud roar rang through the world, and countless dazzling lights bloomed in the void.


The creation **** screamed, and his body was taken off by a wave of air.


The Lord spewed blood, and the body stepped back unconsciously for several steps. The colorful light condensed on the golden spear also broke, apparently unable to resist the power of Wang Hao's sword.


The Lord of the Sky and others quickly protected God's regiment, and then looked at Wang Hao alertly.


Wang Hao raised a brow, instead of chasing after God, he quickly took over the creation god.

Because there is a demon on the sidelines, so it is not a wise decision to rush forward to fight against God.

The creator **** exhaled, "Thank you. If it weren't for you today, I would really explain it here."

"It's all hope in the village. You don't need to be so polite, but I'm curious. How many people did you lose to our red flag, and you were beaten so badly!"

Wang Hao curiously looked at the creation god, and found that the clothes on the creation **** were even worse than those made by Er Ha.

The creator God blushed and shouted, "Is this miserable !? I'm obviously this year's popular model, beggars are good or not, if you don't understand fashion, don't talk nonsense here, it's a shame!"

"Beggar costume !?"

The corner of Wang Hao's eyes was slightly drawn, and it was found that this creation **** brother was really shameless. It was beaten not only to death but not to admit it, but also to say what fashion, can anyone understand his fashion! ?

The creation **** quickly broke away from the topic and said, "Yes, your sword was very powerful just now. It's comparable to my fifteen swords. What's your name !?"

Wang Haoniu said, "I think you have a vision. This sword is the eighth sword I learned in three minutes, a dragon sword in Dongguan!"


The creation **** sprayed instantly, and found that Wang Hao was really shameless, and even a name was so irritating.

Everyone in the audience looked at Wang Hao and the creation **** with curiosity. They couldn't understand what the two were talking about, but one thing they were sure was that these two guys were shameless bitches!


Just then, screams rang out.


The face of the audience changed greatly, and I saw that the demon ran into the young commander and did not know how to take him.

Although the young commander wanted to distance him, and then continued to suppress the demons by virtue of the long-range attack and the advantages of many people, the demons obviously did not intend to give them this opportunity and were entangled all the way.

Demon laughed wildly: "Ha ha, now God, the creation **** is a wasteful man ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and Wang Hao has not broken through the invisible and intangible realm, as long as I destroy these **** gods, then this No one in the world can fight with me, and this world hegemony is my last laugh. "

"I hit your uncle!"

Wang Hao was instantly furious, and he grasped the sword of his master and was ready to rush forward.

The creation **** grabbed Wang Hao, and then said solemnly: "Let him be proud for a while, now you need to break through the invisible state!"


Wang Hao froze for a moment, and in his mind, he thought of that tree of inexhaustible gods, and its fruit could help people break through the invisible and invisible state.

At the same time, this also means that he is about to evolve into a complete devil ... ()

.. m.

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