Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1342: Powerful

Or raise your hand to resist. . Or fully defend. Or they will use the secret method, or be surprised.

A group of tiger-headed wolf-faced monsters behind Ai Fusheng thought that they were thousands of miles away from the enemy. Even if the enemy counterattacked, the first counterattack object must be Ai Fusheng who used mystery to attack.

There is no defense at all for such a violent and large-scale counterattack.

When caught off guard, most of the people on the outer circle lit up that amazing apricot at the same time


Everyone's movements stopped in an instant.

Then the head of a leopard with a horn surrounded by electric lights shot up first. When the blood was sprayed, the dozens of companions behind him either separated or halted in two stages, in various death situations. The sky is full of blood.

Then another group of monsters resisted by Yujian. After contacting for one or a few breaths, the apricot yellow sword light flooding endlessly from the space will fully guard the sword light. The thunder fire smashed to pieces, and one after another followed in the footsteps of the previous wave of monks.

At this moment, everything seemed to freeze. It seems to have become eternal,

Only the countless apricot yellow sword lights flickered constantly.

The entire battlefield. Rendered into an endless aurora.

It's like a dream and magic. But it is invincible.

Screams one after another. It's like a **** accompaniment.


The blue and red sword light wrapped Ai Fusheng into a high-rotating blue-red top.

Pieces of apricot-yellow light were all smashed into pieces by this blue-red top with the meaning of boundless death!

This guy must have made great progress in the Biluo Ancient Realm!

Ai Fusheng regretted it in the struggle.

When I met last time, I brought more men this time.

Unexpectedly, the end will be worse than the last time.

Finally, the endless apricot yellow electric light against the Buddha. Finally stopped flickering from the numerous gaps in space. Ai Fusheng felt that it took less than ten breaths, but it seemed to be longer than ten years.


Ai Fusheng showed his figure with the light of the blue and red dying sword. (Network Novel Network e

A silver head was scattered, and his body was already covered with blood.

When I looked around in a hurry, my whole body was already empty!

In the gray sea water under your feet, there are already all kinds of huge monster corpses!

These are the original appearances of his subordinates after death.

A crack appeared in the air.

Two figures raised their feet and stepped out of the crack.

One hand grabbed it in the sea!

A tornado rushed the corpses up. It went straight into the palm of this big hand and disappeared.

Another red robe monk fought a magic trick. Take a long breath!

Various blood mists separated from the gray sea water.

A huge blood rainbow was formed and was sucked into the nostrils of this monk.

The red-robed monk trembled all over, looking very comfortable!

These are the flesh and blood of his own hands!

Ai Fusheng was originally an arrogant person. Seeing this scene, how can I stand it?

After gritting his teeth, he reached out and found a magic weapon in the shape of a red shuttle.

As soon as the red shuttle was taken out, Commissioner Qian only felt an aura that seemed to destroy everything. "Wait, Ai Fusheng, you don't need to be so excited. Tell me, what exactly are your golden mirage demons looking for in the Lotus Mountain on the bottom of the sea, how about I just let you go?"

Commissioner Qian quickly shook his hand at Ai Fusheng with a smile.

Anyway, you Ai Fusheng is not dead, why do you be so excited?

It looks like. The thing like that red shuttle is a powerful magic weapon.

"You want to know? Go to **** and ask!"

Ai Fusheng gave a grin.

Reach out!

A red light flashed through the body of Chairman Qian.

However, Chiguang just turned around in the air. Strike in the other direction!

A few miles away, Commissioner Qian's figure was just showing up.

Just now the red brilliance. What was hit was just a phantom left in place by Committee Member Qian.

Seeing this scarlet light, tracking himself, Ai Fusheng's figure turned into a blue light and fled madly into the distance!

In other words, this magic weapon does not need Ai Fusheng to manipulate.

You can automatically track your breath.

From a refining point of view, being able to maintain such a high degree for automatic tracking, the energy contained in this magic weapon should be quite terrifying!

Seeing Ai Fusheng's frantic fleeing energy.

An unpleasant feeling came to Committee Member Qian.


Commissioner Qian shouted wildly at the turtle.

Glowing with blue stars,

The blue water and distant mountains sword appeared. A azure blue sword light blasted away at the red shuttle!

At this time, Jiang had already contained a large amount of the essence of Yin Ming and evil water in the sword of clear water and distant mountains.

This azure blue sword light appeared, and it could corrode everything in an instant.

This red shuttle could only be hit by this blue sword light.

This power, I am afraid, will greatly decrease a lot!

At this moment, the red shuttle suddenly lit up!

The whole world seems to pause in an instant

"not good!"

The power of the explosion of this red shuttle was far beyond the estimation of Committee Member Qian.

Apricot flames floated all over.

The Clear Water Far Mountain Sword is already fully urged!

A group of extremely shiny red light exploded in an instant!

It's like a huge sun. Rise in place.

A time to breathe. This huge sun exploded a huge fireball within a radius of tens of miles.

The unimaginable high temperature instantly steamed all the seawater within a hundred miles around it.


On the endless gray ocean surface, a huge spherical depression with a diameter of more than two hundred miles appeared instantly!

Immediately after. Waves of thousands of meters high, from the four corners of the bead, toward the surroundings, with a degree of hundreds of miles in a few breaths, they whizzed frantically.

The power of this fusiform magic weapon explosion has spread to thousands of miles in a flash. "

Ai Fusheng stood in the distance, laughing wildly!

But then, his face darkened!

This thing was originally divided from above. Used in the Lotus Mountain on the seabed.

I just used it up, and I don't know what kind of punishment will he face after returning?

After a few days, the sea area returned to calm.

The endless sea, the entire plane is a gray ocean. Ao Xunshan's book is complete

The land exposed on the surface of the ocean are very few islands.

Although the power of this red shuttle magic weapon exploded thousands of miles.

However, for the entire endless sea plane. It's just a small spray.

Commissioner Qian and Turtle, both of them stared at the sea.

One by one was embarrassed.

"Unexpectedly, this one-time magic weapon is so powerful!

The atomic bomb is just as powerful! "

The turtle's eyes still flashed with terror.

"I got rid of these monster races, and all the blood essence he had absorbed was wasted, and there was still a lot of it."

The turtle shook his head and said.

Under such fierce power.

Although the turtle escaped quickly, it was also seriously injured. A lot of blood was wasted before he recovered.

Commissioner Qian was even more miserable, his face pale and his body armor shattered, until now, he has not recovered.

"Our magic weapons are too weak."

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

"My clear water and far mountain sword has been completely destroyed.

I need to refine a sword again, let's go. "

The two have just arrived at the floating castle.

"Has your mission been completed?"

A centurion greeted him coldly.

Questioning words. Like a cold rock.

It looks like. The centurion had been waiting at the door of the floating castle for a long time.

"Don't you have eyes!

The explosion on the sea near Lianhua Mountain a few days ago. Didn't you see it!

Not to mention the two of us, even if two hundred go up, they will also turn into gray! "

Commissioner Qian yelled.

The curse was not enough, and he slapped it.

The centurion saw a slap quickly enlarged in front of his eyes, and while his figure was shaking, he had changed dozens of body styles, and he had to retreat with all his strength.

but. No matter how back, my own speed, in front of this ever-increasing slap, is as slow as a snail.


The Centurion flew up, his entire body and armor. Embedded in the metal wall behind!

"There is a kind of you go by yourself and stop barking at Lao Tzu!"

Turtle also dropped a word fiercely, and the two walked over.

Only then did the centurion remember that this lord was the man who cut off three floating ships with a single sword!

Commissioner Qian returned to the cabin and reached out his hand, and a light curtain emerged.

The cabin and the outside world. Completely cut off.

Reached out again ~www.wuxiaspot.com~A long drawing appeared.

On this drawing, various parts are engraved with great precision.

If you carefully count the number of these parts, there are hundreds of thousands!

These parts. It is the parts that make up the sword of light!

Commissioner Qian had seized the sword of light in Thousand Treasure City, and after thinking and thinking about it, he still dismantled the sword of light.

These hundreds of thousands of parts are all the drawings of the parts that make up the sword of light.

As a refiner whose skills are constantly evolving, every time the sword of light is used, it needs to extract the mana of 15 or more god-level monks who practice the power of the light element.

In the hands of Commissioner Qian, there are simply not so many cultivating cultivators of light and power.

This sword is for Commissioner Qian. It's just a waste.

It's better to remove it.

Commissioner Qian has to do now. It is to drive the core of the sword of light. Driven by the power of the light element, transformed into the power of water attributes.

Of course, the mana used for each drive. There is no need for fifteen. The god-level monk is so perverted.

It is equivalent to the mana drive provided by several ordinary god-level monks.

After changing these. Most of the other parts. Both and the sword of light, nothing


Commissioner Qian wanted to create a handful of water properties. Shanzhai version of the sword of light! . If you want to know what is going on, please log in to Jishan, more chapters. Support the author, support genuine reading!

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