Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1343: Shanzhai Bright Sword

More than 100,000 parts!

Commissioner Qian has never taken on such a complicated job since he learned the refinery. .

However, the Bishui Yuanshan Sword was completely destroyed, and it was necessary to do it without doing it.

The first thing to start is the power part.

Ye Zan is an extremely complex power furnace, and it is this thing that has injected fifteen people into the mystery of the light and power, and it has become an indestructible white sword light.

What Commissioner Qian wants to ensure now is that the improved power furnace will enter the power of water attributes.

It can also excite the invincible water system sword light.

such. After facing the scary magic weapon of the red shuttle again.

Be able to ensure the destruction in the first time, rather than let the red shuttle explode.

Although out of the nature of the experiment, it is the first refinement of the improved power furnace. As far as possible, simple and cheap materials are used. However, the materials used for several key components of the power furnace are still very expensive.

After successfully refining the first power furnace, Commissioner Qian came to the endless sea.

Pinch the law!

The power of the water system in the surrounding dozens of miles turned into countless vast water mists and concentrated towards the power furnace.

Member Qian saw that the gathering was about the same.


A group of aqua lights exploded away!

The power furnace made for the first time just exploded!

The thunder light dissipated, revealing Commissioner Qian's slightly embarrassed expression.

Shrugging his shoulders, Commissioner Qian's spiritual thoughts have been fully recorded for the entire process of the explosion of the power furnace just now.

This is the advantage of the powerful divine mind.

A key part is out of order. This question is being deduced by Xun in the shadows of sixty golden fruits.

In order to successfully refine the Cypriot version of the sword of light.

The demon essence absorbed. Used to expand the gods, it was compressed to the most

Almost half of the essence was used to transform into ten golden fruit shadows.

And, to support the operation of these golden fruit shadows.

The more shadows of golden fruit that join the iron crown magic array.

The greater the effect of this array. .

Although ten golden fruit shadows were newly added, the overall effect produced, these sixty golden fruit shadows, and the efficiency of operating at the same time, is equivalent to one hundred and forty golden fruit shadows.

The deduction equivalent to one hundred and forty golden fruit shadows lasted for several days.

In other words, it is equivalent to ordinary people thinking about the new improvements to this part for nearly two years, and then they have completed it.

So, Commissioner Qian, began to conduct the second power furnace Libai

"Kang Dang. Old money. Open the door!"

The turtle knocked on the door outside.

"What's the matter. Roaring so urgently!"

Committee member Qian swiped his finger, and the protective mask was automatically cancelled.

The turtle stepped in violently.

"Damn, in the last few days, I have found that the Blue Floating Army, the Griffin Legion and the invading Golden Mirage Lord God's demon race, are purely fighting a static war!"

Turtle said angrily.

"Still war? To put it nicely is called confrontation."

Commissioner Qian gave a grin.

"Endless sea plane, in the defense zone of the Gripen Legion.

The Gripen Legion, just one legion, the opponent's demon clan, must be under the command of dispatch.

The strength of both sides. It's not proportional.

It's good to be able to maintain this kind of confrontation. "

Commissioner Qian looked like he had expected.

"The troops of the Golden Mirage Lord God shouldn't have done their best.

However, the souls of those monster races showed that if they succeeded in what they did in Lianhua Mountain. The situation of this endless sea must be completely reversed!

I heard that the upper echelons of the Gripen Legion were also very nervous!

It seems that there is a big battle to be fought recently.

What kind of tool are you practicing? Can you refine one for me? "

The last sentence reveals the true purpose of the turtle.

It turned out that with the collection of various intelligence.

It shows that the demon clan of the golden mirage god, the actions of the Lianhua Mountain under the sea may break the power contrast of the entire endless sea plane.

The senior management of the Gripen Legion became more and more nervous, a bit unable to sit still.

It is possible that a major offensive action will be launched in the near future. (Network Novel Network e

Turtle came here to ask Commissioner Qian if he could refine a few magic weapons to save his life.

"The magic weapon you got from Thousand Treasure City is enough."

Commissioner Qian said without looking up.

"Last time it was just you being too careless. There was no time to use these magic weapons. As long as you use all the magic weapons of your body protection, with the power of the combination of your two elements, it should be no problem to survive."

All of Commissioner Qian's current minds are devoted to the refining of the new sword, and there is really no thinking about these things.


The power furnace exploded into a huge aquatic thunder again.

The difference is. This time the thunder light of the water is ten times more powerful than the previous two.

This is already Commissioner Qian, who has failed for the tenth time.

No, compared with the first failure, the Qian Yuan thinks. I have improved a lot.

However, a problem emerged.

Several key rare materials have been used up.

Even if Commissioner Qian ransacked the two warehouses in Thousand Treasure City, the amount of these rare materials is not very large.

Commissioner Qian can be considered as an understanding of why there are so few level refiners in the world.

Practice light depends on oneself

Refiners, even the lower refiners, also need a lot of materials.

In more than a month, Commissioner Qian finally went to find turtles.

"Do you still have these materials? I will use these two defensive weapons to exchange them."

Several images of materials. Together with two defensive weapons. Appeared in front of the turtle.

"Okay, I have some more

The turtle responded happily.

He took out a few materials and handed them to Commissioner Qian.

"In two days, all the airships of the Griffin Legion will be dispatched to attack the monster race gathered in Lotus Mountain, old Qian, this is a good opportunity!"

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

"It's rare that this endless sea plane is full of seas. It's an excellent opportunity to refine a powerful water system flying sword. I'm not interested in joining the fun!"

Commissioner Qian did not want to go. However, it does not mean that the Gripen Legion will forget him. "Boom boom boom."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Commissioner Qian’s voice was unusually cold.

A monk with a chestnut shaggy head came in.

Under the wide forehead. There are two big shiny eyes.

The two-faced chestnut-colored eight-character mustache appears to have such a gentlemanlike demeanor.

"Your Excellency Qian."

The visitor bowed respectfully to Commissioner Qian.

Old Qian knew him, Coléry, Feng. One of Bijiaolin's capable men.

"What judgment, let's talk, Colery

Cole Liju followed Feng. Bi Aolin, knows a thing or two about Committee Member Qian's temper.

I know that Commissioner Qian doesn't like to make rounds.

So, I had to speak straight.

"The legions of the Griffin Legion issued an order that all members of our Volunteer Army, Poison, will participate in the battle two days later.

Also specially named your name.

If your Excellency does not participate by that time, it is a passive avoidance... one is..."

Coléry did not say what followed.

"Do you promise that I am a deserter?"

Commissioner Qian gave a severe sneer.

Thinking a little bit

Sure enough, the Gripen Legion's brain would not allow itself to be so free.

"Well, you said to them, I can go, but our Heavenly Earth and Star Volunteer Army will definitely not board the airship, but must separate and fight in the form of skirmishers!"

Member Qian said coldly.

"I have the same opinion, your Excellency, the other party also has airships. Is it possible to stay in the airship and be bombarded by the other's airship?

Kohler? There was light from the eyebrows,

For this opinion of Commissioner Qian, he greatly agreed.

Two days later, the sky above the peak of Lotus Mountain under the sea.

Thousands of terrifying thunder fires pierced the sky with incomparably piercing howling noises, colliding with each other, exploding, or passing by close to each other's airship.

Countless clusters of sun-like rays gleamed in the sky.

As the two sides bombarded each other.

A fleet of airships either fell towards the sea or exploded on the spot.

Out of consideration for the battle of airships.

The monk troops on both sides did not stay on the floating flying sword, but stayed on the sea or in the sea.

There was a long roar of shocking sound.

The fighters on both sides formed a torrent, broke the drunken water, and violently slammed into each other!

A huge vortex suddenly formed.

In an instant, Commissioner Qian and dozens of people around him were trapped in a whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of sword lights rushed in from outside the whirlpool!


Commissioner Qian roared like thunder!

Wandao Jianguang. Suddenly soared into the sky, in the gray water. A huge apricot flower is formed in the front.

Each sword light represents a petal.

This huge apricot flower has as many petals as ten thousand petals.

Ten thousand petals, arranged naturally and harmoniously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the gray water on all sides, it forms an indescribable beauty.

It's just that all enemies within this huge petal will be destroyed by sword.

Even if he didn't even show his original form, he was rejected by the Qian Yuan committee. Income is in the palace.

These monster races also contained materials unique to the plane ruled by the Golden Mirage Lord God.

For the Qian Qian, who is moving fast on the road of refining tools. Any rare material. Must be in the bag.

The Qian Qian member who rushed to the front. Use the sword infinitely again and again.

The immense power of this trick, even on such a **** battlefield, is enough to make people look at them.

It was just three consecutive times of infinite sword intent.

The demon cultivators who stood in front of Commissioner Qian flashed toward both sides and even farther.

But within a few minutes, Commissioner Qian felt that his eyes were bright, although it was still boundless gray water.

However, the dense silhouettes of people and countless vertical and horizontal thunders, lights and fires have all disappeared completely.

Looking back, there was a gap in the enemy formation behind him, running through the entire enemy formation!

What a glory it is to break the enemy formation by riding alone!

However, Commissioner Qian frowned!

There are too many of these monster races.

Although in the gray water, it spreads out densely on both sides! , If you want to know what's going on, please log in to Muscle. More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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