Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1344: Golden Beamon

"Gu Tianshan, you bunch of trash, you haven't even figured out how many people there are on the other side!"

Commissioner Qian shouted at Gu Tianshan ten miles away. (Network Novel Network e

Although they are ten miles apart, the side of Gutian Mountain is also full of dense monsters.

Even though the big silver hands of the ancient Tianshan Mountains can hold more than a dozen monster races into meat sauce every time.

However, the opponent's attack still whizzed out a honeycomb-like cavity in the water. Densely passed by around the ancient Tianshan Mountains.

Seeing a blue floating army around him burst into a mass of blood.

The voice of Commissioner Qian came from all directions in the gray water, as if it were everywhere.

"Of course I know they have a lot of people!

If they are few people, do they still need to call you? "

The silver giant hand turned into five long claws and grabbed it with a bang!

The gray sea water within a few miles exploded suddenly.

The monsters died again.

"Damn, why don't you call other corps for support!"

Commissioner Qian's apricot yellow sword shines in one stroke. Cut diagonally!

The gray sea water and even the space were unbearable for the huge power of this apricot yellow sword light, and a huge gap was cut open.

The sword light went all the way, whether it was the sharp light of the sword turning like a knife wheel, or the huge monster clan that appeared in its original form, it was broken by the sword.

The apricot yellow sword light is like a flower; but the power of breaking the sky and the earth contained in it allows everyone to shoot. They all looked bleak. "

In the midst of the fierce battle, Gu Tianshan missed his mouth.

"Damn. Your site.

I guessed it was right, the Bifu Army really began to scrape the site.

You guys are hairy. What are we taking! "

Commissioner Qian muttered angrily and dissatisfied.

A demon clan appeared in its original form, with two li long feet and two li high feet, with a head like a lion and ears like a deer

A fluffy golden retriever automatically blocks the seawater from ten meters away.

On the four huge soles, twenty shining giant claws are hundreds of feet long!

"Roar, kid, stop for me!"

With a roar of anger, the behemoth stretched out its claws and patted the mighty apricot sword light!


Numerous golden sparks lit up.

Most of the claws of the giant beast were cut off.

And the invincible apricot light bursts everywhere!


This is the amazement of Commissioner Qian.

"Roar, it hurts, how could you break the defense of our Bimeng clan?"

This is the roar of the golden beast.

Both were surprised by the strength of each other.

Commissioner Qian is a reminder of Fa Jue Quan Yi!

The person has turned into a stream of light, and the light whizzes across.

A vacuum channel appeared in the sea in an instant.

This monster called Beimeng should be the hardest creature that Committee Member Qian had encountered. It is much harder than Fenglong's body!

He even blocked the Qiang chief committee member with only half of his claw.

This half of the claw can be said to be a must-have for the Chief Qian.

The power of the light system was urged to the limit.

A distance of ten miles, even in the water. It's also coming soon.

Although Erlichang and Erligao's body is huge and mighty, it is far not as fast as Commissioner Qian.

The golden retriever was about to catch half of his broken paw while blindfolded.

Commissioner Qian is slashing again!

The golden beast, like a mountain, no longer dared to despise it.

The whole body of golden hair stands upright, and a circle of golden light covers the whole body!

In the bang!

A mile-long wound stretched from the head of the golden beast to its abdomen.

The blood blasted like a stream. Commissioner Qian had already collected the cow's giant claws, and by the way, he collected a lot of this golden retriever's blood and turned around. Swim in the water and disappeared.

Golden Retriever Bimeng furiously waved his huge claw that was hundreds of feet long!

Several cold rays. Suddenly broke a dozen miles of water.

Whether it is the demon race of the Golden Mirage Lord God, the Bifu Army and the Volunteer Army, the strength is slightly insufficient. .

It was counted down to pieces under the cold light.

Flesh and flesh flying in the grey water,

The thick **** air wafting out added a river of blood to this frenetic and **** battlefield.

An apricot yellow flower blooms.

Moreover, the petals of this apricot yellow flower; as if endless, blooming all the way to the front.

All the creatures that stood in front of this apricot-yellow flower were shattered and then sucked into the sacred mansion of Commissioner Qian.

The land and lakes in the divine palace were stirring with all their strength.

Time to digest these flesh and blood. Compared with usual, it has improved several times.

Countless layers of apricot petals. Overlapped. It has been open for more than ten miles before stopping.

Commissioner Qian looked around with his sword, and there was no one around him!

Regardless of whether it was the enemy or the enemy, as soon as Jian Guang approached Commissioner Qian, he immediately turned away in fear.

"Damn! I'm tired too!"

Commissioner Qian shook his head straight.

Infinite Sword Intent is extremely expensive.

Regardless of the fact that Commissioner Qian made a series of shocking moves on the battlefield. In fact, the mana has been consumed too much.

Commissioner Qian is already on the verge of thief going to empty the building.

Even more miserable is that it took so long to kill.

The Yaozu’s Japanese and Shanxun books have their mouths and umbrellas

The number of Bifu Army and Volunteer Army is constantly decreasing!

Commissioner Qian can be regarded as having an intuitive understanding of the Yaozu's quantitative advantages.

"Withdraw, all withdraw!"

Finally, Gu Tianshan's desperate shout came from the communicator.

In the face of absolute quantitative advantage. The Gripen Legion does not have a five-diamond flower god, a six-diamond flower god, and the like.

After the hard fight, the goal of destroying the actions of the demon clan under the golden mirage **** in Lianhuashan was not achieved, even the demon clan of the golden mirage god. I haven't figured out what I want to do in Lianhua Mountain.

Retreat has become a last resort.

The Bifu Army and the Volunteer Army finally heard this long-awaited order,

One after another blocked the swords and swords that were approaching. Rushing crazy toward the water!

The demons also swarmed and chased them, like a dense group of sharks.

"Om one by one"

A sea of ​​apricot-yellow flowers suddenly appeared before the monsters who were chasing after them, and countless flowers bloomed like Lu Zhen.

In an instant, a large swath of apricot thunder light shining brightly across the grey sea!

All the monster races that bumped in, one by one. It was blown to pieces.

The monsters stopped in amazement. After seeing the thunder light, a pair of eyes seemed to be staring at their side.

For a while, every monster race felt that these eyes had been staring deep into their soul.

All the monsters trembled in their expressions and couldn't help but freeze their steps in the sea.

Staring at the figure, Shi Shiran turned around. Rising leisurely in the sea!

In front of the floating castle of the Griffin Legion, rows of stretchers marched miserably towards the treatment room.

The Blue Floating Army and the Volunteer Army standing in front of the floating castle. The number is average when it is already insufficient.

In a gloomy mist.

Gu Tianshan waved his hand and sounded like thunder!

"Brothers. We have achieved great results this time!"


All the Bifu Army and the Volunteer Army opened their eyes wider than eggs.

Commissioner Qian was no exception, and immediately fell into a petrochemical state.

"In this battle, we have eliminated nearly 100,000 monster races!

Such a great achievement, immediately spread to all the planes under the command of Lord Biyou!

The fighting we waited for should inspire the people and soldiers. Stand up and fight, take me as a model...

After Gu Tianshan finished his impassioned speech.

Commissioner Qian stretched out a thumb blankly, and could not say anything else. Being able to become the deputy commander of the Gripen Legion is really just one word!

"What. Do you have an opinion?"

Gu Tianshan's eyes swept over. "

this moment. Commissioner Qian thought that Gu Tianshan's idea was great.

After this battle, the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

The number of active attacks by the Bifu Army was even less.

And Qian Yuan. It is even more devoted to the great cause of sword making.

Originally, it was also an option to make the sword of light directly.

The heart of angels can be used as energy.

However, Commissioner Qian’s divine mansion is based on planting spiritual roots, the heart of angels, but it should be used as a sun!

If the angel's heart is used as the energy of the sword of light, it will be easy to use.

However, in the God House, who will provide the energy for the growth of those spiritual roots?

Therefore, Commissioner Qian thought over and over again, and chose to transform the blueprint of the sword of light.

It just so happens that this endless sea plane is all sea water.

The first enemy to create a water-attributed Shansai version of the sword of light became the first choice of Committee Member Qian.

If you arrive at a place where other elements are extremely abundant in the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Commissioner Qian will not mind, and create a copy of the sword of light with corresponding attributes.

After this battle was over, the Chief Qian, who had obtained a large amount of nourishment in God's Mansion, increased the number of Golden Fruit Shadows to seventy.

Seventy golden fruit shadows form an iron crown magical array.

It is equivalent to the deduction ability of one hundred and seventy ordinary monks.

So, a month later, the original Guangming system power furnace, and the water system power furnace transformed into it, finally succeeded in manufacturing.

This month's time. It is equivalent to fifteen years of research for an ordinary monk!

However, after another half a month.

Before the floating castle, the monks coming and going.

Surprised to find that among the people who set up a stall in the floating castle, exchanging materials.

One more once stalwart figure.

Commissioner Qian also joined the monks who set up a street stall in front of the floating castle.

All kinds of materials obtained by hunting monsters, and materials unique to the golden mirage master god’s reign plane, were all put out by Commissioner Qian.

In exchange for materials needed by the money committee.

Although I had a hunch when I looked at the drawings, when it came to the moment of the actual refining, more than 100,000 parts made the materials of the member of Qian's chairman fly.

Moreover, what Commissioner Qian made was not one set of parts, but two sets of parts!

Two sets of more than 100,000 parts can ensure that one set will be successful at the final moment of overall refining.

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