Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1348: accident

"The full set of drawings and manufacturing techniques of the floating castle are in my hands, as long as you complete the task. I will send the full set of drawings of the floating castle with both hands!"

There was an undeniable majesty on Li Yaoshi's face.

"Okay, Jie Lei give it to me."

Commissioner Qian nodded without hesitation.

Although the monster Charles I is extremely mighty. However, its body is too large.

Commissioner Qian is still very confident to complete this task.

The full set of drawings and manufacturing process of the floating castle. What a precious knowledge this is.

For a refiner, the most important thing is the collection of various knowledge.

Another point is the mastery of advanced flames.

Ancient Tianshan brought two robbery thunders.

The whole body of Jie Lei is red, like an egg with its shell removed, from the inside to the outside, it is divided into several layers of red.

The other Jie Lei's body was pitch black, like a cloud of ink condensed from an egg.

These two groups of eggs were the same thing, but it was when the Bifu Army's subordinate monks died in the floating castle. Collect a large amount of the power of the tribulation, refined by secret method.

Commissioner Qian took over these two groups of thunder. I just feel that the breath inside is unfathomable. One such thunderstorm destroyed a city. I am afraid it is not a problem.

The floating castle continued to blast with the monster Charles I.

Commissioner Qian jumped into the water this time!

The water escape technique is activated. After a few breaths, Commissioner Qian came again at the feet of the monster Charles I.

With a move of Divine Mind, Zhanhaijian's power furnace was activated.

There was a sea-cutting sword in his hand that was like a stream of clear water, and suddenly it burst into light, a water-colored sword light. With an unpredictable grandeur, suddenly burst out!

It seems to be extremely clear, but never able to see the side, like an endless sea.

The skin of Charles I, which could not be penetrated by a floating naval gun, turned out to be like a candle meeting a flame in a steel furnace. Melted instantly.


A huge leg of Charles I was shot out of a hole immediately!

A fountain of blood rushed out, its strong momentum. Even Commissioner Qian's protective mask was shaken.

Because of the looting mine.

The direction in which Commissioner Qian’s sword cut was diagonal.

Risking an extremely powerful impact, Commissioner Qian stretched his hand into the wound with great effort.

Place the two Jie Lei between the rough and solid fibers.

Commissioner Qian estimated that the place his hand touched should still be within the range of the epidermis!

"A nasty crawler, dare to come!"

Charles I felt the pain.

It's angry!

According to Charles I's feeling, the sea-cutting sword attack was quite effective.

In terms of proportions, the huge body ratio of Haiyou Zhan and Charles I is inferior to the ratio of the mouthparts of a mosquito to the human body.

However, Zhanhaijian's attack made the monster Charles I feel pain and anger.

This is the best proof of the power effect of Zhanhaijian.

One of Charles I’s right paw slammed into the sea below his feet with a virtual blow!

Centered on the right foot of Charles I, the sea is tens of miles wide and tens of thousands of meters deep. Immediately steamed into nothingness!

This is the anger of Charles I!

As soon as he was approaching the place where the floating castle was located, Commissioner Qian felt that the seawater around his body had become ten thousand times harder than Xuan Tie in an instant!

Although the technique of water escape has reached its maximum, the route in the water is constantly changing back and forth.

But in front of an attack covering up to dozens of miles wide. Commissioner Qian was still affected by Lou Lie.


With a muffled hum, the water escape technique was forced to stop.

Commissioner Qian's figure suddenly emerged from the sea, like a rocket, hurried towards the sky.

At the same time, the giant beast's right leg is stronger than the mountain. A group of crimson light suddenly lit up. Immediately afterwards, this group of scarlet light was covered by a group of dark evil light.

Two regiments are enough to destroy the thunder of Rencheng city. It exploded in Charles I's right leg!

The surrounding sky was reflected red and then pitch black.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of Charles I, fifty miles high, fell so much into the endless gray water. .

"It's now, all up."

A light flashed in Li Yaoshi's eyes.

The order was immediately issued!

A circle of flames lit up around the floating castle.

The floating castle dozens of miles wide immediately rushed towards Qing Ming like a rocket.

The Bifu Army and the Volunteer Army who fought with the monsters outside also withdrew to the castle one after another.

Suddenly, a demon clan shouted: "The ego surrenders to you, take me!"

After raising his hands, he rushed towards the gate of the floating castle.

A leader is like an avalanche.

The other monster races have everything to learn.

They shouted: "I also surrender and take us along!"

Commissioner Qian's sword light flashed, and several Yaozu died in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

Suddenly, his opponent shouted surrender.

"Boy, you chopped off half of my Renault claw last time. This time you can take me out of this endless sea plane!"

A big golden-haired man with a height of five meters yelled at Commissioner Qian.

"Renault, are you that Beamon?.

Supervisory committee member from his interest. The right engraved recognized the prototype of the sobbing man, and the Behemoth beast he had encountered.

"How did you become so Cui Bao?"

Commissioner Qian couldn't believe it.

"Don't say it, as soon as that giant beast woke up from its deep sleep, it swallowed more than two thousand of us with one mouth!

It also threatens us, if we can't find enough food for it, he will swallow us all to satisfy our hunger!

It’s better to ask for your help than to be swallowed by it! "

Commissioner Qian looked at Renault up and down.

Commissioner Qian's two eyes swept away.

Renault immediately went all over.

A golden hair stood up, and a thunderous roar came from his throat: "We, the Bimen clan, never succumb to any creatures!

Understand, man, don't want me to be your slave! "

Commissioner Qian just smiled mockingly.

"Then in your soul, why was it banned by Charles I?"

Renault became angry from embarrassment.

"It's all to blame for the shamans of the golden mirage gods, their illusions are useless to that monster!"

This guy has a tough temper.

Commissioner Qian pondered and nodded.

"Well, I can take you into the floating castle, and I don't need your surrender. Give me all the rare materials on you, and then give me a map of your demon world."

Commissioner Qian agreed.

"This condition is still in your ears. Our proud Bimon clan will not surrender to anyone.

The map is in the floating castle, I will make a copy for you. "

The golden retriever murmured. He took out all the materials on his body and handed it to Commissioner Qian.

"Don't come in!"

Of course the Blue Floating Army did not dare to put these monster races into the floating castle. Who knew what these monster races would do after entering the floating castle? "

After the Commissioner Qian collected the materials handed over by Renault, he caught up with the floating castle.

The floating castle has entered the thin air of Qing Ming.

The gate of the floating castle was closed tightly, and a cannon like a hedgehog protruded from the gate.

These protective artillery fires all have the power of the main guns on the airship.

"Open the door! Bastard!"

Seeing the giant beast on the sea, it quickly rose from the sea like an island and chased it.

Commissioner Qian’s spatial strength can be judged based on the mysterious repair.

Once the floating castle enters the space gate, such a huge volume and mass can cause the space gate to collapse after it is transmitted.

At that time, if you don't have time to build a remote space portal, you will face the terrorist attack of Charles I.

This is not what Commissioner Qian wanted.

"No. You are about to enter the space gate, no one is allowed to enter!"

Inside the gate, there was a cold voice.


Do you want to fall back on the bill? "

Commissioner Qian is really hot.

Putting the thunder thunder into the behemoth, but the real risk of fighting.

This time it was good, just hit the sentence "I'm about to enter the space gate, no one is allowed to enter!"?

"I don't care where you want to go!

Drive me! "

Commissioner Qian shouted!

The water-colored sword light in his hand pointed towards the door!

A reminder!

A sea-cutting sword that resembled a stream of clear water suddenly burst into light, a water-colored sword light, as if it was extremely clear, but it was never in sight. It's like an endless sea.

With an unpredictable grandeur, suddenly burst out!

On the door that was dozens of thick, dozens of colorful bans suddenly lit up.

However, just in an instant, these dozens of layers of colorful prohibitions have already turned half of the door into ashes.

The aqua light rushed into hundreds of meters, everything encountered. All turned into nothingness, connected to the master who had just abandoned it.

"Oops... The power is over-tuned!"

Commissioner Qian saw hundreds of figures, and under this clear and deep water-colored light ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it was too late to exclaim, and it turned to ashes.

Suddenly, the power of the Sea Slashing Sword in the closed castle was really greater.

Quickly transport the tactics, and the light of the aqua color stops. As if solidified in the air, it slowly dissipated!

On both sides of the gate, the densely packed Bifu Army and Volunteer Army were already stunned.

"Sorry, you guys are too crowded, this kind of formation is very bad."

Commissioner Qian gave a smile that was more ugly than crying.

The gate of the floating castle is made of unknown material. I was able to isolate my own spirit,

I really didn't know that there were so many people behind the door.

Commissioner Qian is really sorry.

However, Commissioner Qian's words of apology came out.

In the eyes of all monks. All aroused raging anger.

"Is this an apology or a mockery?"

Admiral Li Yaoshi gloomily appeared in front of Committee Member Qian.

Committee member Qian sank. With his own cultivation base, he didn't even see how he came from.

There is only one conclusion, this guy is at least four diamond flower god!

"Take it. The Gripen Legion owes you no more."

Pharmacist Li put a stack of jade slips as thick as bricks. It was thrown to Commissioner Qian. , If you want to know what's going on, please log in and be busy. More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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