Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1349: Balut's attention

"So, I still owe the Gripen Legion.

These people are blocking me from coming in. Is it justified? "

Commissioner Qian didn't mean to be responsible for the behavior just now.

Yaoshi Li glanced at the Wang Qingshui in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

The door of the floating castle can be closed.

However, when Commissioner Qian called the door, the Bifu Army guarding the door should of course open the door.

I couldn't find this in the closed pill, and I did a little too much.

However, Commissioner Qian made this hurricane. It must be too harsh.

Come up, it is the commissioner Qian’s fault that is even greater.

However, the Wang Qingshui in the hands of Commissioner Qian, the words that made Li Yao Master punished, swallowed again.

If Yao Master Li tried his best, he might be able to defeat Committee Member Qian and capture it, but the floating castle might be destroyed by half.

Originally, Pharmacist Li wanted to recruit Commissioner Qian to join the Griffin Army, but that was the case.

The words of solicitation can't be said.

"Do it yourself!"

Pharmacist Li shook his head, his body became transparent on the spot. disappear.


Renault suddenly yelled, and the blood vessels all over his body swelled up, like small snakes!

He moved with difficulty towards the gate.

A row of deep footprints was stamped on the ground.

It seems to be fighting an extremely difficult struggle with something invisible.

"Get me tied up! That monster is calling me again!"

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, and countless vines grew on the ground, tying Renault firmly!

"It seems it makes sense for the Blue Floating Army not to let you in. What if you enter the floating castle and follow Charles I's orders to make trouble?"

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

"As long as I return to the plane of the Golden Mirage Lord God, this prohibition will always be released!"

Renault gritted his teeth.

"Come on all, reptiles, in my arms!"

Charles I chanted a thunderous spell.

The monster monk in the sky flew towards Charles I amidst screams.

They were driven by the ban, like dense mosquitoes in the summer grass, rushing towards Charles I's huge mouth!

Charles I’s huge mouth was chewing, and blood was constantly dripping from the corner of Charles I’s mouth.

The monks from the monster race until Charles I were as sparse as flowers in the cold winter.

Only then did Charles I stop chewing.

"So that's it!

Golden Mirage Lord God?

That guy turned out to be the main god!


Charles I was completely mad.

A pair of giant claws fluttered wildly.

Thousands of miles of sea water around, one after another soaring into the sky!

After raging for a long time, Charles I's anger finally calmed down.

He opened his mouth, this time, spit out an azure pattern.

"Let me see, where are they after all these years?"

The giant claw of Charles I. He squeezed several monster races, and fell on the blue pattern.

These monster races all exploded into a cloud of blood when they fell on the azure pattern.

The cyan pattern turned sharply, scene after scene. Suddenly emerged.

The earth star, in the cave mansion of Leigu Mountain.

Commissioner Qian released the blood of Charles I.

A ball of blood the size of a small car stirred and jumped. It's like a huge heart.

A strong wave spread out in all directions.

As he wished, Lei Nuo left the endless sea and returned to the demon world under the rule of the golden mirage god.

Commissioner Qian also carried the Zhanhai Sword. Back to his own cave.

It's just that Charles I's blood and flesh are too strong.

Commissioner Qian’s divine mansion could not be refined.

This time, Commissioner Qian released the blood and flesh of Charles I, preparing to divide them into very small parts.

In this way, digestion and deduction are easier.

No matter how strong the blood is. It is also easy to divide.

However, the flesh of Charles I is not easy to divide.

The apricot light condensed. . Like a saw, it was held in the hands of the Qiang Chief Commissioner, and he saw it chucklingly.

Suddenly, around Committee Member Qian, a huge crack opened silently.

A pair of silver-white eyes, the size of a small house, appeared in front of Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian shivered, Jian Guangjiao protected himself.

"Ah, Barut, why are you?"

The thunder beast Balut. Tore the space to take the initiative to find himself, this really surprised the member Qian!

"You little devil, you have trained so quickly that the three elements of power and mystery have merged. No wonder you haven't seen your shadow!

Where did this group of flesh and blood come from? "

In Barut's silver-white eyes that never showed any expression.

Staring at the blood that Commissioner Qian was splitting, he showed a nervous look for the first time.

Balut is about 1,500 meters high, which is about three miles high.

However, compared with Charles I's body which was more than fifty miles tall.

The height of these three miles is just like a small point.

Therefore, Ballut's head appeared directly in the space crack, and Commissioner Qian was under the pressure. It's completely unchanged.

: A behemoth over fifty miles high. Yao Lishi, why? "Commissioner Qian hasn't finished speaking, Barut's eyes flashed a burst of colored light!

Asked hurriedly.

"Really it? Charles I!

Where did you run into it! "

Commissioner Qian immediately recounted what happened in the endless sea.

"God, it turned out to be sleeping on the plane of the endless sea!

Golden mirage, **** it. He didn't know what kind of monster his men had awakened! "

Barut roared thunderously.

The whole cave was shaken by the shock.

Indi Yuer and Vidona rushed over, shocked on the spot.

The sword light flashed, and the two of them had their swords in hand.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's a friend from the past, you leave first."

Commissioner Qian waved his hand quickly.

"Boy, do you want to be my friend?

Let's talk about the fusion of the five elements of mystery first! "

Barut sneered mockingly.

"The last time I saw Charles I. I was still a cub. I didn't expect that Charles I was a..."

Barut gasped for a while.


You know this year"

Commissioner Qian is very curious.

"Three hundred thousand years old. Not old, money boy!"

"Thirty" ten thousand years old? "

Commissioner Qian's face fell.

This thunder monster has a long lifespan.

"Boy Qian, listen, your most important task now is to pay attention to what Charles I is doing.

If he comes to the side of Tianyangxing, you must tell me in advance.

If you gather all the monks on the planet Earth, you may still have a bit of power. "

After that, Barut's head was about to retract into the space crack.

"That Nine Heavens Bida Little Extinction Divine Light"

Commissioner Qian asked quickly,

Isn't Barut holding a big killer, Dahuang real person's Nine Heavens Bida Little Extinction Sword Art?

This thing is exactly what I want to learn. "Nine Heavens Bida Little Extinction Divine Light can't kill it!"

Barut answered simply.

"Have you practiced all of your Five Elements Thunder Technique to the Golden Core Realm?"

Then asked again.

"No, it's still a gold mine."

Commissioner Qian answered honestly.

"That won't work, because of the vows I made to the Dahuang real person back then, only when I practiced the five elements thunder method. I have all reached the Golden Core Realm before I can cast the Nine Heavens Bida Little Extinction Light.

In fact, the extinction of the light of the Nine Heavens Bida is also a special way of fusion of the five thunder methods.

You are playing with the power and mystery of six different elemental systems, and you can definitely figure out a spell that is more powerful than these nine days of Bida's extinguishing light. "

Barut blinked.

Consciously enlighten the Qian committee members.

"So it is!"

Commissioner Qian suddenly felt his eyes shine.

Barut is right. Isn't the so-called powerful technique created by the monk?

Own three-line apricot light fusion. It can also be said to be a powerful technique.


Commissioner Qian nodded slowly but firmly.

A month later, the trace of Charles I was passed back from the nearby Beast Corridor, along with a decent gold-based lightning technique.

Commissioner Qian intends to cultivate the thunder method of the gold system to the realm of golden core as soon as possible.

Nine Heavens Bida Little's extinction of Divine Light is a peculiar way of fusion of five thunder methods.

Able to merge the minecraft of five different element attributes.

This fusion of ideas. At least it's beyond the reach of the current committee members.

It's also good to take Nine Heavens Bida's magic art of extinction of divine light for reference.

Those who have not been here for a long time are familiar with the palace, white jade is the wall and sapphire is the ground.

On the white jade pillars and walls, there are carved pictures of countless weird monsters fighting.

Commissioner Qian has only been here once.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for this. But the memory is extremely deep!

"The guy Charles I appeared in the area ruled by the Golden Mirage Lord God, and after several planes slaughtered and poked, he unexpectedly resurrected a strange monster of the same size.

I heard that the monster is called Louis V.

Now, the main **** of the golden mirage, the invasion of the original plane under the jurisdiction of the main **** of Biyou has all stopped.

All the army withdrew back to deal with those two monsters! "

"What? Woke another one!"

Barut's eyelids visibly twitched twice.

I glanced up and down at the committee member Qian.

"Hurry up and train the golden lightning technique to the power of Jindan level. It seems that you can't delay it any longer."

The main **** of the golden mirage, the invasion of the realm of the main **** Biyou. It ended silently.

However, the Golden Mirage Lord God's own territory has become the focus of attention of all parties.

With the current cultivation base of Commissioner Qian, it is not a difficult task to train the lightning technique of the gold element to the Jindan level.

Only a few months later, when Chairman Qian was sitting cross-legged, countless golden thunder and lightning surrounded him. Each golden thunder and lightning, shaped like a long knife, exudes an extremely sharp golden spirit.

At this moment, outside the practice room, a knock on the door rang quickly.


Commissioner Qian's eyes opened, and the thunder light of thousands of golden swords suddenly stopped rolling. , If you want to know something about the future, please log in to Muscle, more chapters, support for

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