Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1356: meeting

"I'm going to find Old Feng."

Commissioner Qian calmed down.

This matter has to be discussed with Lao Feng. Ao Xunshan's book is complete

"One more thing. Peach Blossom Valley sent people over the year before, and most of Peach Blossom Valley will move to the Zhangshan plane.

Tao Yuanming has become the lord of Zhangshan plane.

He sent someone over and asked you if you could make it through. "

Indigo said.

"is it?

Tao Yuanming, finally became a master of the plane? "

Commissioner Qian sighed with emotion. It has been less than thirty years since the Lord Biyou fell.

Tao Yuanming finally became the master of a plane.

Now that someone was sent to recruit himself, Tao Yuanming's serious losses were not in the eyes of Tao Yuanming.

On the Zhangshan plane under Tao Yuanming's jurisdiction, he was granted a fief. It's definitely better than that on the planet Earth. To be many times larger.

If Commissioner Qian was still at the stage of the mysterious fusion of the two elements, he might be moved.

However, Commissioner Qian, now that the power of the four elements merged with Tao Yuanming's proposal, it was not within Commissioner Qian's consideration.

Baba Shan.

It is already a splendid palace.

Its degree of luxury can only be described as Baoguang Chongxiao.

Commissioner Qian, who hasn't been here for more than 20 years, can only look dumbfounded.

What's different from the past is that the guards even asked Qian to show his identity jade badge along the way.

Commissioner Qian was furious. At any rate, he also killed three airships with a single sword, and singled out the celebrities of the wind knife, and made great contributions to the temporary management of Tianyangxing.

Even when he saw Feng Da, he had to show his temporary ID card.

What do you think of Lao Tzu?

Immediately, Commissioner Qian showed the core purple gold medal of the Temporary Management Committee of Tian Yangxing.

This core purple gold medal was when the Temporary Management Committee of Tian Yangxing was established, all the core figures who became the temporary management committee were all one piece.

In front of the Great Hall.

Two enchanting female officials greeted them.

After receiving the jade medal from the Qian, after listening to Qian's intention. .

Immediately use a soft voice,

Apologies, Feng. Chairman Biolin’s schedule for today is full, and another date needs to be arranged.

Commissioner Qian was also invited to wait at the guesthouse in Pibashan.

Commissioner Qian is really angry.

"Go to the hotel and wait?

Do you think Lao Tzu is here to meet the chairman? "

Immediately the robe slammed,

An unmatched force of the net suddenly emerged from Committee Member Qian.

The unparalleled power of this net. Swallowing and destroying all power with terrifying incomparableness, spreading outward.

Everything that he touched turned to gray in an instant.

As for the two sisters, seeing everything around them turned to ashes, but they stayed where they were, unable to move at all.

She opened her face again, her concubine was already pale.

The fierce and unparalleled force of the net moved forward quickly.

The jade steps, the ornately decorated pillars, and the gates of the palace all turned to ashes under this force.

Until the depths of the main hall burst out two shocking forces.

One contains incomparable vitality, and the other is indescribable and vicious.

Touch this powerful force!

Two muffled noises came from the hall at the same time.

Both the vigorous force and the eerie and vicious force are receding heavily!

Needless to say, that vigorous force. It's Feng. The power of Lord Biolin.

Another ghastly force. I don't know which monk belongs to.

Commissioner Qian stepped forward slowly.

Inside a luxurious office.

Feng Bi Aolin and an old man sitting sideways looked at Commissioner Qian in horror.

The seats of the two of them, on the hard black jade surface, have shifted back by a distance of two to six meters.

Feng Bi Aolin's seat moved back three meters.

The old man wore a golden robe. On the golden robe is embroidered with a single-horned purple python, and the seat has moved back six meters.

One face was red and blue.

He was slightly injured in the confrontation between Caicai!

The table before the two of them was furnished in the same category.

It turned into a layer of colored dust on the ground.

"Money...old money, it's you!"

Feng Bi Sanlin originally wanted to call Qian Xing's full name.

But the net. Export was changed to old money.

It's just that the expressions on a face have changed, how wonderful it is, how wonderful it is.

There was a whistle.

There was a flicker of figures.

Hundreds of guards rose with flame-like mana fluctuations. Focus here instantly.

But they took a look at Feng. Bi Aolin and the old man's seat dragged long traces on the ground.

All were stunned.

It's not a fool, you can understand it.

Feng. Chairman Bisanlin and the head of the Purple Python Temple suffered a loss in front of this visitor!

Feng. Bi Jiaolin's expression changed, and he waved his hand. "All back! This is the visit of Lord Qian, Chief of Patrol!"

"Ah, is this the chief patrol officer who has been here in less than twenty years?"

"No wonder people dare not go to work for more than 20 years. There are really two brushes!"

"You know what a shit, in the legend, one sword killed three floating spaceships and singled out the wind knife mountain million.

Is it still necessary to report? "

They said this. Uh... one

Commissioner Qian was a little embarrassed.

In the Temporary Management Committee of Tian Yangxing.

Feng. Biolin is the chairman.

Commissioner Qian was awarded the position of Chief Patrol Officer.

Take on the responsibility of leading the team to patrol and guard the entire planet.

However, Commissioner Qian also showed up on the day when the Temporary Management Committee of Tianyangxing was established, and had a meal with all the bigwigs.

Since then, Pibashan has never been seen again.

As for leading a team to patrol the planet Earth, it was half a time that he had not performed this duty.

I have been receiving two salary for more than 20 years in a row, but I haven't worked for half a day. So many people talk about it.

No matter how thick-skinned it is, Commissioner Qian is a bit embarrassed.

The guards retreated like the tide.

Commissioner Qian immediately returned to normal.

"Old Feng, I'm here to see you. It's unreasonable and unreasonable for your subordinates to ask me to stay in the guesthouse and wait!

No, accidentally


Feng. Biolin smiled bitterly in shock.

"Old money, you have never been here for a while since the Temporary Management Association of Tianyang Star was officially launched. Many of these guards are new-generation monks. Who knows you!"

Fortunately, from what Committee Member Qian calls him, at least on the surface, Committee Member Qian has not yet shared with him.

The head of the Purple Mang Temple, he heard the name of the member of Qian.

An incredibly complicated light came out of his eyes, and it circled around on Committee Member Qian.

The representative of the Purple Mang Temple planted in the Yantai Pavilion, the deputy head of the special palace, was killed by Commissioner Qian.

One of the hopes of the Purple Python Palace, Jin Qiong Ling Snake, was also killed by Commissioner Qian.

The power of the Purple Mang Temple in Yantai Pavilion was replaced by Commissioner Qian.

How can this not let the purple python palace go up and down, hate in my heart.

However, Commissioner Qian's series of battles in Tianyangxing made the Purple Mang Temple dare not act rashly.

After that moment, even Feng. Bi Jiaolin also seemed to be at a disadvantage.

The head of the Purple Python Palace reluctantly understood one thing.

Commissioner Qian is already the existence that Zimangdian can only look up to.

Face Feng calmly. Bi Jiaolin said goodbye, "Punch. Peng. Peng. Peng. He walked out.

As if Commissioner Qian did not exist in his eyes.

The scorn on the surface is already the greatest anger that the Purple Python Temple can express.

"I haven't seen you for more than 20 years. Congratulations on how your cultivation has progressed to this point."

Feng. Bi Aolin's eyes flickered.

The eyebrows are open, there is a lot of blue light.

but. No matter how you look at it, I don't think I can see through Qian's committee.

This ten thousand azure rays disappeared into the invisible as soon as they were three feet away from Chairman Qian.

Find out the current cultivation level of Commissioner Qian. What realm he has reached has become Chairman Feng's first major event!

In the past two decades, Chairman Feng has been busy dealing with things about the planet Earth and coordinating various relationships.

However, the training has not fallen too much.

How could there be such a gap with Committee Member Qian?

"Hey, I can’t compare to your Chairman. So many new-generation monks have been trained

Commissioner Qian smiled.

"In front of you, it's nothing but gray."

Chairman Feng Da replied helplessly.

"You are too lenient with Jinhumen. The temporary management will make a statement, and it is hard for me to trouble Jinhumen."

Member Qian said dissatisfied.

Commissioner Qian opened his mouth. Chairman Feng knew that Chairman Qian wanted to expand the site.

"Old money. If you want to expand your territory, it's early.

Riding on those giant monster beasts to appear, when the Golden Mirage Lord God reclaims his forces, you will not attack.

No, Jinhumen Zuotuo asked again. On the planet Earth, it is not just their family who are in contact with the foreign god.

No, I really couldn't get bored, so I had to approve their offer of atonement.

Ningbiya~www.wuxiaspot.com~Guanghandian, don't you also have contacts with the monks of the main **** outside?

What else can I do with them? .

Chairman Feng stroked his forehead and said something like this.

Commissioner Qian has nothing to say.

"My neighbour is Jinhumen. This is a monster clan, it's easier to fight.

On the other side was the site of Xuantian Gate, and on the other side was Qingyi Gate.

With this Temporary Management Committee of Tian Yangxing, any disputes will be submitted to the Temporary Management Committee for ruling.

I want to expand, but I can't find an excuse! "

Committee Member Qian was bitter towards Chairman Feng.

Until now, Commissioner Qian understood.

The Temporary Management Committee of Tian Yangxing was established. Make the situation on the planet Earth more stable, but it is not easy to expand for oneself.

"There is no way. Since the first practice sect on the planet, it has a history of at least 100,000 years.

The monk sect has been exhibited for hundreds of thousands of years, and the sky star is almost open

Chairman Feng spread his hands.

His implication is obvious.

Chairman Feng did not approve of the large-scale war launched by Chairman Qian on the planet Earth. Not forbidden to love to build a distillation of Lie Lu Shan Liu Yun two surnames

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