Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1357: Long-lost gravity pool

"Old Qian, let's be honest. On the endless sea plane and the demon clan of the golden mirage god, Zhaizhen Zhoubin. Even without the appearance of Charles I, can you beat the demon clan of the golden mirage god?"

Seeing that Committee Member Qian was about to do it, Feng Bijiaolin quickly asked another question. "One"

Commissioner Qian was dumbfounded.

In the grey sea, the monster clan under the command of the golden mirage god. Pounced like endless sardines.

A battle formation composed of a dozen monsters. Commissioner Qian's apricot yellow sword light can be wiped out with one sword.

A battle formation composed of more than one hundred monster races. Commissioner Qian’s apricot yellow sword can only be broken with a single sword.

With the battle formation composed of hundreds of monster races, under the influence of the battle formation, Commissioner Qian can only be evenly matched.

This is only underwater. Large-scale deployment is far less convenient than in the sky.

If it is in the sky, Commissioner Qian estimates.

The resistance I receive will be even greater.

"Can't beat it, no matter how many enemies you kill, it's useless.

Unless you have the power of Charles I. "

Feng Bi Aolin seemed to say sincerely.


Although Qian Qian is not in his heart. However, I have to admit that Feng. Bijiaolin's judgment is correct.

"In Golden Humen alone, there are five or six thousand demon cultivators, plus Ningbi Cliff and Guanghan Temple. I’m afraid the monks


With so many people, I can order them all to be killed

Isn't it just dying? "

Chairman Feng said this.

Commissioner Qian has nothing to say.

"Hey, Lao Feng, you are still taller."

Member Qian smiled, and with a flick of his sleeve, the person had turned into a stream of light and flew out.

Looking back at Pibashan's palace, it was a hundred times more luxurious than it was more than two decades ago.

The great principles that Chairman Feng said just now do not count. This is tangible and visible.

No need to say anything.

More than two decades have passed, Feng. Better than Aolin’s control of Sky Earth


It looks like. . I don't need myself as I used to.

Commissioner Qian had to admit that this is a fact.

Able to wear the name of a patrol chief. I can get one piece of material every year.

"Damn! What's so great about having a lot of people. I want to get a group of monks out soon!"

Commissioner Qian took a heavy sip.


In fact, there is a large amount of materials for white-collar workers who don't need to do anything everyday, and it is also quite comfortable for the member of the committee.

However, Commissioner Qian was a little bit reconciled with this underestimated uselessness.

Commissioner Qian made up his mind that he would also send out a large number of monks in four countries including Yongshi Kingdom as soon as possible.

Jean Feng. Look at this kid Bi Sanlin.

Want to play Xun to cultivate a large number of monks.

According to need a lot of props!

Pills are also a bow to props

However, it takes too much material to refine the pill.

Commissioner Qian would never choose this.

The cultivation of wood monks requires a large area of ​​woods with abundant spiritual energy, which is also a kind of cultivation tool.

Get up, wood monks are practicing, and the large areas of woods they need are easy to find.

However, ordinary forests, no matter how large they are.

The aura of the wood attribute produced is also limited in quality.

Unless it is the spiritual root of a blockbuster.

But something like Linggen.

Not to mention blockbuster movies, even small ones. It is also extremely difficult to find.

Therefore, it is easy for a monk who cultivates wood power to get started, but it is difficult to improve.

The endless sea plane, the ocean that is millions of meters deep. It is actually a prop.

A huge and incomparable water system training prop.

As long as he stayed long enough under the surface of the endless sea, a monk with average aptitude. They can also have varying degrees of understanding of the mystery of various water systems, especially the mystery of water pressure.

Although the magnificence is not very fast, the biggest advantage is that it does not cost materials.

However, the endless sea has now been marked as a private domain by Charles I.

A few people can practice in the past. If an increase in the number of people in the past, provoke Charles I.

Commissioner Qian could not eat, so he walked around.

"Endless Sea" Gravity Pool!

The inspiration flashed in the head of Commissioner Qian!

Isn’t there a gravity pond on the Jinsha River plane?

If you move all the gravity pools to Yeongsi Kingdom... even if you move part of it.

Practicing in the gravity pool, you can quickly understand the mystery of gravity!

In this way, wouldn't an army of mature monks appear soon?

Of course, the monks who are cultivating quickly in the gravity pool are naturally a bit biased in their cultivation base.

But what does it matter?

Why didn't I think of such a good idea before?


Commissioner Qian snapped his fingers excitedly.

Besides, the cultivation has reached the fusion of the four elements.

For each of the branch mysteries in the great mystery, I must step up my cultivation, and strive to cultivate the branch mysteries to the perfect state.

Just like this water pressure mystery.

Stayed for so long at a depth of more than 2.5 million meters.

Commissioner Qian, he has cultivated the profoundness of water pressure to the point where it is difficult to make progress.

Today, I met with Committee Member Feng, and the water pressure is mysteriously released. Is it still useful? After the gravity pool on the Shahe plane, the gravity that is currently only one hundred and twenty times that must and should have risen well.

However, it is not so easy to move the gravity pool on the Jinsha River plane as a whole.


At the very least, the Qian Chief Commissioner for those gravity fluids. I don't know what it is.

"Turtle, I'm going to the Jinsha River plane to move the gravity pond, are you going?"

Commissioner Qian told the turtle of his intentions.

Beside the turtle who is meditating. There are a few red-robed monks who are exactly the same as turtles, but the skin of these red-robed monks is faint blood red.

This is the blood shadow clone created by turtles.

In the feeling of Commissioner Qian, there was a faint volatility connection between the six blood shadow clones.

Obviously, this is also a secret technique of blood spells.

I just don't know if the efficiency is as high as the iron crown secret technique.

"My blood shadow clone is inferior to your golden fruit shadow in terms of thinking ability.

The six blood shadow clones are just a small supplement to my practice deduction.

The turtle shook his head.

"On the side of Jinsha River, the people of the abyss are there, and all the main gods are stationed.

The gravity pool may have been spotted a long time ago, how could it be so easy to move?

Forget it, I'll go with you

Commissioner Qian slapped his shoulder!

"The power of your bloodline is more profound than mine!

Your blood power profound and wind power profound fusion, how is your cultivation?

It looks like. You have grown a lot! "

From the perspective of the Qian Yuan committee's four elements after the integration of power, it can naturally be seen.

For more than twenty years. The mystery of the blood force of the turtle and the mystery of the wind are fused, and the progress is very fast.

It seems that this is another characteristic of the power of blood.

"My cultivation base is progressing, and that's the same thing, but it's a big head, breaking through the mysterious fusion of fire, wind, and the two elements. You can also call him on this trip to Jinsha River."

The turtle said.

"Oh, so quickly, to break through the mysterious fusion of the two elements of Fire and Wind?"

Commissioner Qian was a little surprised.

Big head, but without the blood of Tricolor Zhima, and using the prayer power of the people.

Entering the country so fast, it was a bit out of the expectation of Chairman Qian.

"Don't forget, the big head is fused with the power of all insects. It is not only the power of ten thousand windworms. It also merges the heads of ten thousand windworms."

"Thousands... the heads of windworms?

Commissioner Qian has a black line on his forehead.

Insects are creatures of low intelligence among all kinds of animals.

However, the heads of ten thousand windworms merged together. The resulting wisdom is also extremely impressive.

Commissioner Qian has always ignored this point, "Well, let's call the big head."

Soon after communicating with Datou, I saw the horizon. There was a red flame in the white.

This fire ran like a dragon, with red flames bursting all around.

Based on the degree of pulling the wind of this escape light, compared to before, I don't know how much it pulled the wind.

As soon as the three met, looked at each other, they laughed for a while, without saying a word, the three escape lights together, like Changhong shaking the sky, went straight to the direction of the teleportation formation.

As for Benn and Stone, the two formed a golden core of water and the other formed a golden core of darkness.

Did not comprehend the mysterious fusion of the two elements.

Naturally, I just stay as a guard.

The plane of Jinsha River. Still countless golden rivers crisscross.

In the sunshine, it shines brightly.

The loss of years lies on the plane of Jinsha River. As if not seeing the slightest impact.

The three escape lights went straight to the northwest. As for the Blue Floating Army Jinsha Regiment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and its commander Nathan, stationed on the side of Jinsha River, the three of them didn't even consider the meeting.

Information obtained when leaving the teleportation array.

The Jinsha River plane has now become a place for monks of various main gods and abyss creatures to trade various materials.

The gold sand group of the Bifu Army is now a full-time middleman who resells the special products of the abyss to the various planes of the Biyou Lord God.

The three escaped lights went straight to the underground ruins that year.

after all. The underground ruins are known points on the semi-plane of the gravity pool and the plane of the Jinsha River.

Miss this place, even if it can tear the space. It would take a lot of work to get into that half of the face.

"The password of the teleportation console was given to Linda with the chestnut head. I wonder if Linda Yan can control the gravity pool in her own hands.

The turtle said with a smile.

"Difficult! Both Di Mattel and Linda. The strength is limited.

Besides, the news of the existence of the gravity pool is known to all parties.

The Dongliu Army of Canglang Lord God knows the news, and the fifth brother Losinke also knows the news.

Can this place stop?

I think Di Mattel and Linda can participate in it and get a little benefit. Already very content

Commissioner Qian shook his head and said.

The turtle was also silent.

Come to think of it, the conclusion reached by Commissioner Qian is the most reasonable.

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