Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1363: Black Dragon Reappears

The Turtle and Qian Committee members are ashamed.

After so many years of cultivation and fighting for so many years.

It was compared by a little girl.

Originally, the two people thought that Linda's answer was at best a hundredfold mystery.

Unexpectedly, Linda's improvement was several times what the two expected.

The two looked at Linda carefully.

Sure enough, under Linda's pretty outside, there was a faint light.

This kind of light made Linda stand there.

Everything around is faintly centered on Linda.

The previous few people didn't care, thinking it was just Linda's beauty.

Now, a few people carefully looked at it, and this was clearly a kind of aura that was vaguely revealed by practicing gravity profoundly.

The old faces of Commissioner Qian and Turtle. Can not help but a red.

After all, after so many years of training, he still lags behind a little girl in the mystery of gravity.

It is really not so easy to accept.

"No wonder, Martel is very honest in front of you, without the style and prestige of his uncle at all.

The cultivation base is not as good as your niece, where is there any face to show prestige in front of you?

Really winning! "

Commissioner Qian hurriedly gave a thumbs up, and did not hesitate to express his praise. Several people finally entered the control room where the mixing station was.

Linda pointed towards the cave wall and hit the magic trick.

In an instant, the console appeared.

What happened again. After the tactics were played, Linda shared the console permissions with Commissioner Qian.

Suddenly, Commissioner Qian's powerful spirit rushed into the console like a tide.

How powerful is the spiritual mind of the Commissioner Yi Qian now.

It’s just a dozen breaths. The divine mind, like the ocean tide, has completely turned the console's function upside down.

"Well. This console can only control the portal and the floating stone piers. It really cannot control the gravity pool."

Commissioner Qian said to the turtle with disappointment.

I couldn't find it with the spiritual thoughts of Commissioner Qian, so the turtle would naturally not come up and try.

"Impossible. Without the control of a central authority, such a large gravity pool would have more weight?

How much magical power is needed to remove this gravity pool?

Old Qian, even if the three of us work together, there is no such magical power. "

Datou also looked at Commissioner Qian with suspicion: "Qiantou, this time, your brain is hot.

The three of us "can't move such a large gravity pool at all."


Commissioner Qian smiled wryly, only then did he feel that his actions this time were a bit taken for granted.

Could it be that they have to dive in this gravity pond for decades.

Raise his gravitational mystery to an incredible level.

Move this gravity pool again?

"You can't move this gravity pool, this little beauty can!"

A cold, proud and arrogant voice sounded in the gravity pool not far away.

Turtle, the two big heads were surprised.

When the other party reached such a close distance, the two of them did not even notice.

This can only illustrate one situation.

The opponent's cultivation base is at least not weaker than that of the turtle and the big head.

What's more, the opponent's cultivation base is much higher than that of the turtle and the big head.

Commissioner Qian smiled easily: "Your Excellency, have you followed us for a long time, don't you feel tired?"

"Not tired, it's much easier to treat a gem as a stone than you guys are blind."

There was another cold and arrogant answer.

A tall figure rose slowly from the gravity pool.

A tall man who can't tell his age, he has a black head and a fierce eyebrow.

A pair of fierce eyes turned out to be golden.

The cold and lonely golden pupils showed an unspeakable bluntness and cruelty.

As this person emerged from the gravity pool, wave after wave of coercion, like a tide. Several people rushed toward the Qian committee.

Like a mountain after another!

"Long Wei!"

The turtle exclaimed.

"Yes, it is the same as the pressure brought by Fenglong, but it is more powerful than the pressure brought by Fenglong."

The big head also looked serious.

This man with golden eyes and black eyes is undoubtedly a dragon transformed into a human being.

Linda looked at Commissioner Qian strangely.

She found that the high-level look on Commissioner Qian’s face had disappeared.

Commissioner Qian's expression changed several times after the man appeared.

First of all doubts, then confirmation, then anger, and then, it was cold.

"Hahaha. Fenglong? That kind of inferior thing is worthy of comparison with me!"

This black-golden-eyed man said so arrogantly.

"Turtle turtle, don't you think this guy's Longwei seems familiar?"

Commissioner Qian said so. The expression on the turtle's face suddenly changed.

It seems to be remembering something.

Suddenly, the turtle was shocked, and a face was a little pale: "Kasang Continent, Longshan!

You are the continent of Kasang, the four-winged black dragon Ramustang appeared in Longshan! "

"Hahaha, that's right, I'm Master Ramstang, you little bug, actually recognize me?"

Aunt Lastang laughed for a while and looked up and down the turtle and the Qian committee in a little surprise.

He eats

There is no time to remember the fish that slipped through the net of his men.

Can become a slippery fish under Ramstein.

The cultivation base on hand is absolutely not bad.

However, in front of these few people, the cultivation base of the two is already a mysterious fusion of the two elements. The Tsing Yi monk in the middle. With the fusion of the three elements of my own power, there is no depth.

Is it the fusion of the four elements?

In Kasang Continent, Longshan, when he was out of trouble, he had a big meal, only remembering the taste of those human monks.

In addition,

Haven't encountered any human monk masters?

Except that the old neighbor, Blood Orchid, Eke, prevented himself from devouring a human reptile.

what. Wait... one

Ramstang's golden pupils enlarged.

Two blunt and cruel golden lights. Commissioner Qian looked all over.

Long-lasting memories, floating in my heart.

For an existence like Ramstang, what he has seen is never forgotten.

but. a lot of things. Not worthy of the memory of the four-winged black dragon.

Under the two blunt and cruel golden lights, Commissioner Qian is like a bottomless sea, like an endless sky, and like a continuous mountain!

Ramstein was shocked and searched the memory with all his might.

Long-lasting memories came to mind.

"You, you are the...human being saved by the old boy Ekker!"

When it came to the last two characters, Rams paused and didn't say the reptile.

Although the black dragon is arrogant, it still retains the minimum respect for the strong.

"You" one you. you…"

I even said a few words of you.

Ramstang just couldn't say a word in the following words.

It’s only been more than a hundred years. In Ramstein’s innately peculiar concept of life, more than a hundred years is just a time for a nap.

No one could see that the food before the nap turned into something stronger than himself. This psychological gap is really not that big.

Commissioner Qian laughed openly and excitedly

Not surprisingly proud. "It's not much progress, it's so average, it's really funny, just laughed

The four-winged black dragon is beyond the existence of ordinary dragons.

Even his arrogance makes people feel. It is so natural.

Ramstang's fierce and frowning face was completely crooked.

Your cultivation base is higher than mine, or average. Isn't it that you are not as good as the average?

Is this not clear to me?

The old money was still polite, and the gazes of Turtle and Big Tou had already swept towards Linda in surprise.

There are so many things that happen every day today.

That fierce existence back then. It came out unexpectedly.

Moreover, Linda was able to move the gravity pool as soon as she opened her mouth. How can this be?

The console has been fully checked by Commissioner Qian’s spirit.

Under the full scanning of the Four Elements Profound Fusion, there shouldn't be any tricks inside.

Could it be Linda"

"No. Impossible? How could I move the entire gravity pool?

I am three hundred times the mysterious gravity. You are slander!

Brother Qian, don't believe him! ,small

After Linda was surprised, she was full of anger.

This brawny man not only looked bad, but also wronged himself when he came up.

If he had the ability to move the entire gravity pool. Will it still be here?

Linda quickly glanced at Commissioner Qian, but saw Commissioner Qian as if nothing had happened.

"This gravitational pool was established by the Lord of Darkness, Hurell, and it contains the mark of Hurell's gravity.

If I'm not mistaken, this little beauty inherited the seal of gravity of the Lord Hureer. "

In the golden pupils, the two golden lights shot out, full of greed and possession.

"Of course, with this little beauty's cultivation base, she has not yet reached the point where the seal of gravity can be used ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Therefore, she didn't know that she could move this gravity pool, which is normal.

Not as good. How about we make a deal, give me the seal of gravity in this little beauty palace, this gravity pool, I will help you put it away

After that, Ramstein cracked his mouth. It was just a smile when he turned to Qian.

This smile on the face with fierce eyebrows. It is indescribably ugly.

Commissioner Qian, Turtle, and Big Head simultaneously looked at Linda.

"Well, I took over this console for a year, and again, somehow, from the console, a dark yellow mark suddenly appeared, only as big as a fist. I tried to sacrifice it. This palm-sized seal, all of a sudden It flew into my mind and stayed in my divine palace, no longer able to control it."

Linda was like a kid who made mistakes.

This is the secret that Linda can reach three hundred times the gravity in such a short time.

There was a hint of panic in Linda's eyes.

A treasure left by the Lord God!

Linda was completely shocked!

After experiencing the invasion of abyssal creatures, and having been in the gravity pool for so many years, the battles of various monks have seen a lot. In front of the treasure left by the Lord God, how many people can be unmoved?

Linda seemed to be watching her own head split, the divine palace being dug out alive! , If you want to know what happened, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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