Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1364: Mysterious collision

"Gravity seal?"

"A treasure left by the Lord God?"

"Oh my God, I heard it right!"

Commissioner Qian, Turtle, and the big three took a breath at the same time, and then exclaimed.

This time it was the turn of Commissioner Qian and Turtle Turtle.

The expressions on their faces are as wonderful as they are.

It is so easy to miss a treasure of the Lord God. Commissioner Qian just wanted to slap himself twice.

Back then, in the gravity pool, why didn't you stay for more time, why didn't you turn the console upside down? "

Linda was frightened by the changing expressions on the faces of the Qian, Turtle, and Dayou three.

The footsteps couldn't help but shrink back.

Commissioner Qian spent a long time looking on his face before turning the already sordid expression on his face.

"Linda, don't be afraid, I am here. He can't touch a single hair!"

Member Qian said indignantly.

The endless and deep gaze had already swept towards Ramstein.

That expression made it clear that as long as Ramstang dared to move, he had to pass the commissioner Qian.

An invisible ripple. Just rush towards Ramstang!

A trace of uncontrollable anger flashed in the eyes of Aunt Lastang!

The proud four-winged black dragon, once upon a time. Have you been so humbled?

Aunt Lastang just yelled: "Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Dark golden flames roared from Ramstang's body.

Pounce towards this invisible ripple!


There was a thunderous sound.

This dark golden flame was torn apart.

La Auntie Stang, the whole person was under tremendous pressure, and she seemed to be short, and she sat down on the gravity pool!

The whole person sat and sank into the gravity pool.

With Ramstein as the center, the gravitational liquid within a radius of 100 meters suddenly sank down to a depth of 100 meters.

Commissioner Qian Fu also flickered.

Linda's eyes widened again, this is gravity fluid!

The gravity at a depth of one hundred meters has reached five to six hundred times!

The gravity fluid at a depth of 100 meters is equivalent to the weight of ordinary water at a depth of 50,000 meters!

Commissioner Qian gently and skillfully, without even moving his hands, caused such a great destruction!

Aunt Lastang was really angry. (Network Novel Network e

"The Gravity Seal is not something you can use as a little girl. Without the godhead of the Lord Hureer, you will not be able to succeed in the sacrifice for thousands of years!

There is no gravity mark. No one wants to move this gravity pool here!

Sir, is it going to be the last one? "

Commissioner Qian raised his eyebrows!

Just a long laugh,

"What a shame! The weight on Rams Downey's hand is far less than your weight!

I was thinking of how the dragon meat tasted! "

Ramstang back then. Just use in addition to the dark system. The two powers of the fire element are mysteriously merged.

In addition, this guy has the godhead fragment of the main **** Hurell.

Over the past hundred years, what unique tricks have been comprehended?

Isn't the turtle the best example?

Just a try, Ramstang fell short.

Commissioner Qian was determined.

Aunt Lastang bowed, and suddenly rose into the air like a big shrimp!

With a roar: "The brazen boy, then you can taste it, the three elements are merged, and the gravity is a thousand times!"

Just in the blink of an eye. He has transformed into a black figure in the sky.

This black figure is covered in pure black close-fitting scales, and the black scales are crystal clear and deep. There are layers of dense cloth on that person, without a trace of gaps.

There is also a special whole piece of armor protection on the chest, crotch, knees and other important parts. He wears a ferocious and mighty dragon horn helmet on his head, revealing only a pair of black eyes. Those eyes gleamed like the deepest Yulei black hole.

Long Wei billows like a mountain like a sea!

It seems that this is Ramstein's humanoid fighting state.

In terms of styling, it is much more prestigious than Qian Qian!

As soon as the dark golden storm rolled, the sky above the entire gravity pool suddenly became dark.

This darkness, on the other hand, carries a pressure of billions of billions of weight, like a piece of mountain, overlapping each other. (Network Novel Network e

And in an instant, it smashed down!

In the black and whispering piece, there are countless golden stars flickering, and among the flickering golden stars, there is a pulling force that is a thousand times the gravity in front of Committee Member Qian!

But behind Commissioner Qian, there was a repulsive force that was a thousand times the gravity.

There is tension in front. There is a repulsive force behind, which is equivalent to two thousand times the gravity, acting forward on Committee Member Qian.

Member Rao Qian’s excellent cultivation skills were also pushed forward by two thousand times the gravity.

At the same time, the extremely hot heat has become pure and transparent. Suddenly pressed over to this Qian Qian!

All the people on the floating stone pier are covered!

The floating stone pier under your feet instantly turned into shattered!

Then was burnt to ashes by this pure and transparent high temperature.

The black dragon Ramstang is a mysterious fusion of the three powers of darkness, flame and earth!


The turtle grabbed Linda, the brilliant blood flashed from

In an instant, there was a howling sound like muffled thunder, towards the farthest point of the control room

go with!

The same is true for the big head, the blazing white flame volcano explodes like a blast!

The "explosion of flames. The profound mysteries of the wind and the profound mysteries of the wind are fused together, bursting into incredible degrees!

In an instant, he ran without a trace on the spot!

What a joke, Ramstang roared a three-line power mystery fusion, and the Qian committee member was a four-line power mystery fusion.

The collision of the three-line power mystery and the four-line power mystery, for the two of them who have merged the two-line power mystery, is simply an existence that dare not even touch it!

Zhan Feiyu's expression was determined, his breath did not flow out, and his eyes and pupils, like a flash of light and ice, condensed into two sharp weapons.

With a cold scream: "I will send you on the road!"

In the long whistle, an apricot-yellow cloud was watery. Facing this dark golden light, it rose leisurely.

It seems to be slow, but it seems to be slow.

Among the monks who were stationed around the control room; a dazzling apricot beam of light suddenly rose from the building connecting the space where the control room was located, and then a circle of dark golden flames was mixed around it.

The apricot-yellow beam of light rose instantly, reaching a hundred meters high. Then twist with the dark golden flames

Start spinning, and the dazzling light waves spread out,

All earth and rocks, buildings are turned into ash, everything is turned into nothingness.

Some monks who were on duty in the building and had no time to escape. Also swallowed by this beam of light.

The remaining monks. In the screams, regardless of whether there are floating stone piers or not, they flew into the gravity pool and flew frantically!

It's like a swarm of headless flies.

A monk with a low cultivation base is above the gravity pool. It didn't fly far, but was pulled down by the gravity pool, and it suddenly disappeared.

Centered on the location of the original control room. A huge hole with a radius of tens of miles appeared, and the wall was abnormally smooth, as if it had been cut by a laser.

The monks of various factions who were on duty in the Winter University building on the shore of the lake had already disappeared.

The remaining cultivators looked at the huge and wide opening, all in a daze?

The apricot light and dark golden flames. What is it?

If this is two people fighting. This is too abnormal!

In this gravity pool, when did such a powerful character come?

Shocked for a moment, in the center of the giant's cave, two figures slowly rose, and they were ten miles apart.

Aunt Lastang’s mysterious and dazzling dragon-shaped armor has completely turned into an old-fashioned armor that has been air-dried on the battlefield for hundreds of years, with holes everywhere, looking scattered, broken, and miserable.

The muscles, like black steel, rolled outwards from the hole, like big howling mouths.

Deeper, broken bones and internal organs showed up one by one.

Commissioner Qian is far less miserable.

However, the long blue shawl has been burned into a flat head that has been chewed by a dog.

The cyan robe has long been turned into ashes.

The void armor under the cyan robe also turned into pieces.

The strength of the blow that was immediately endured was too strong. The Void Battle Armor also couldn't bear it.

A blood hole with the size of a fist, the blood flowing outwards, has also stopped.

Compared to the injury on Ramstang. Commissioner Qian’s injuries were much less severe.

"Your demons are really far beyond the human monks!

It's so unfair. "

Commissioner Qian shook his head and drew Zhanhai Sword.

The strength of the four-winged black dragon is even close to the level of the behemoth Charles I.

This is underestimated by the Chief Qian, who is reluctantly fighting with the four elements of strength.

And ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this four-winged black dragon is in the dark system. In terms of the profound attainments of the earth force, it was beyond imagination.

The body is the earth dragon of Longshan, and it also incorporates fragments of the godhead of the Dark Lord.

This makes the power of the mysterious fusion of the dark, earth, and fire elements of Latingstang only a fraction of that of the four powers of Commissioner Qian!

Of course, this gap is like the difference between an atomic bomb of 100,000 tons and an atomic bomb of 60,000 tons.

Although it was a bit short, it was enough to cause enough injuries to Committee Member Qian.

"I underestimated you!

Big crawler! "

Commissioner Qian raised the Zhanhai Sword coldly!

Shock and despair flashed in the eyes of Aunt Stang!

The guidance is numb!

The flow of mana that was already chaotic throughout his body actually stopped moving.

Ramstan witnessed the **** battle outside the fortresses just now.

What shocked Ramstang most was the power of that sea-cutting sword!

The power of this water-colored sword aura, when he regained his main body demon god, I am afraid he could cut himself in two. Now, still in this humanoid stage, seriously injured!

Even more can't stop the power of this sea-cutting sword!

"Stop! If you dare to kill me, I will explode the Dark Godhead, so that you will never have a gravity pool."

Aunt Stang yelled frantically!

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