Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1374: Teleport

However, the scope of the attack is not very wide.

In fact, this is true of any magic weapon.

"I have a magic weapon called Jiufenglun. Last time I played against the guy, the number of people was too strict and there was no such guy, so it was too late to use it.

This time, as long as you are close and restrained by the few of you, I will sacrifice the Nine Wind Wheel, and I will be able to lock the soul of the servant.

Once the Soul was locked by the Nine Wind Wheel, it would not die and was seriously injured. "

Seeing that everyone agreed with his proposal.

Long Dao's thick lips turned up, and he spoke out the magic weapon under his box.

Although his magic weapon is powerful, it is very difficult to hit an electric opponent like Commissioner Qian.

"The Nine Wind Wheels are refined from nine types of wind between the heaven and the earth. I heard that the mystery is endless, but we have to make a large number of teleportable scrolls to ensure that the teams of people and horses appear in the four instantly.

However, in the end. He keeps his eyes. Aimed at the commander of the arc light army at the mouth of the lion's nose, Sussmand, who was fat and fat.

"That is, the Dawn Crystal needed to make Teleportation, who doesn't know that it is a special product under the command of the Lord of Xizhai.

Presumably, Brother Sussmande, he also carried a lot. "

On Scherner's fat face, the facial features almost made a ball of laughter.

The big bosses all cast their gazes over.

Teleportation is a kind of transmission without tearing the space.

The difficulty is much higher than tearing the space. For the average monk, he wants to move instantly. We must resort to some magical instruments.

The Dawn Crystal is the irreplaceable raw material for refining these magical artifacts.

"Shadow" Sussmander groaned.

The Dawn Crystal is a good thing and cannot be handed over so easily.

The eyes of the big brothers are persistent towards Sussmand, just like looking at a long-lost lover.

Everyone understands. Sussmander, waiting to make an offer.

However, since it is a cooperative action, there is absolutely no reason to be the first to make a price.

For a long time, there was a strange abundance of silence.

Faced with the piercing eyes of the big guys.

Sussmander cursed secretly in his heart, and finally couldn't hold it anymore.

The most important thing about this plan of action proposed by Long Dao is to use Dawning Crystal as the main material to make a successful teleportation scroll.

Only by using the teleportation scroll, each team can appear around the target in an instant.

He coughed twice and spoke unhurriedly.

"Everyone, Dawn Crystal, what price it is on the market now, you also know that my Dawn Crystal was not brought by a gale.

Although we should work together. However, this cost should be shared. "

Sussmand said this, and the hearts of the big men suddenly fell to the ground.

I'm not afraid of you asking for a price, but I'm afraid that you won't be willing to offer it.

"Well, the right of the gravity pool is divided into six parts. How about you take two of them?"

The White Ape King spoke.

However, Sussmander just curled his lips.

A bitter look on his face.

Who doesn't know, the magic weapon that is being sacrificed is much more important than this gravity pool.

How big is the difference between one-sixth and two-sixth of the gravity pool?

Sussmand, not to mention anything else, from the size of the market under the jurisdiction of the main gods, from the specifications of the materials, from the rarity of the materials that can be moved instantaneously. Sussmand analyzed in detail one by one.

One finger said an hour.

Everyone who listens directly is drowsy.

However, Sussmander's analysis is indeed reasonable.

This dawn crystal is indeed very valuable.

"Okay, okay, don't analyze it.

I admit that this dawn crystal is valuable.

I suggest that after we seize the magic weapon, the six of us take turns to discuss how.

The first one to be referred to belongs to Brother Sussmand. how about it? "

Daoxi finally couldn't help it, and finally proposed.

"Okay, I agree."

Dogen of Poland took the lead in responding.

Scherner's fat head moved repeatedly: "I agree too."

The two nodded first, the White Ape King Longdao originally didn't want to agree to this condition.

Once the baby has seen it with his own eyes, he will immediately understand that there are endless mysteries inside. The White Ape King would rather not have the rights to the gravity pool, and get the baby first.

But at this moment. Seeing more and more people nodded.

After thinking about it, the White Ape King nodded heavily.

"I agree."

The decision has been made, and the next step is to make an instantaneous transfer scroll and agree on the details.

"Yes, your progress has accelerated. It seems that my urging is effective."

Commissioner Qian said to Heilong with a smile.

However, Commissioner Qian's smile. In return, the Black Dragon stared angrily!

Commissioner Qian’s urging was a cynic change.

Let the black dragon almost blow up his belly in anger these days.

Although great progress has been made in cultivating the Gravity Seal, Heilong will never be grateful for the existence of Commissioner Qian.

Suddenly, Commissioner Qian's face sank.

Then, the black dragon also felt it.

"Hey, are you sure this time?

I'm going to stop the sacrifice, then

The black dragon felt the vastness and strength of the distant breath.

Asked hurriedly to committee member Qian.

Commissioner Qian gave Heilong a meaningful look and said quietly, "Don't worry."

There are only three short words, but the decisiveness contained in the words makes the black dragon who eats people as food feel shocked!

Commissioner Qian had fluttering sleeves, with a calm expression on his face. Rising slowly above the gravity pool. On the opposite side of the gravity pool, a group of sword lights had already flashed.

The six big bosses stood in front of them majesticly.

Behind him is black, there are as many as 1,500 people!

Commissioner Qian said to the White Ape King Longdao and Daoxi, shaking his head and sighed slightly: "You people, relying on a large number of people, you are really not afraid to kill.

Daoxi said coldly: "Does it make sense to say this?"

During the conversation between the two.

Dozens of lights lit up!

The personnel who were divided into dozens of teams crushed the scroll in their hands at the same time!

Just as Commissioner Qian was shocked, the black heads on the opposite side suddenly disappeared. In the blink of an eye, there were only three hundred people left on the opposite side.

In the perception of Commissioner Qian, there was no fluctuation in space tearing on the opposite side.


How did they make so many instant-moving artifacts!

Commissioner Qian judged it and was shocked!

However, Commissioner Qian, who has Zhan Haijian in hand, is bold!

You move instantly and like a flower

Can it be worthy of the Sea Sword Sword if it moves ten thousand times?

At least, in these thousand-plus breaths, Commissioner Qian has not yet discovered such a master!

With a wave of Zhan Haijian, Commissioner Qian raised his hand with a sword!

The more than three hundred people on the opposite side only felt that this dazzling aqua light occupies the entire media. Heaven and earth are general.

In an instant. This aqua-colored light actually printed directly on their souls!

These three hundred people were left in the front, and they were unhappy in their hearts, seeing the power of this sea-cutting sword. There was such a fierceness that he immediately urged him to escape and wanted to escape.

However, many people found that they were completely unable to activate the mana of the whole body, don't talk about the power, even if they wanted to make a horrified expression, they could no longer do it.

Horror can only be seen through the eyes.

These people just feel that there is a dazzling water color in front of them, as if they want to merge with themselves.

As Zhanhaijian fired with a single sword, the formation of more than three hundred people on the opposite side showed a straight blank passage that penetrated back and forth, losing more than half.

The rest of the people ran away in horror.

However, at this time, Commissioner Qian only felt the front, back, left, and right directions. At the same time there is a soaring evil spirit!


A long fiery red knife lingered with electricity. Under the urging of Polish Daoyuan, the long knife drew a huge semicircular flaming red flame, covering a radius of hundreds of meters, and slashed towards him!

On the right, there is also a brilliance of water, but like an endless river, compressed in a small area.

Amidst the furious conflict and circling, it turned into a mile-long sword light, and bombarded him violently!

Within a few miles, the violent waves alternated and rotated, enough to smash everything into powder!

This was Daoxi's sword with all his strength.

Behind, a jet of black light gleamed, and ten thousand pieces of three-inch jet black flying knives immediately shot a jet of jet black light towards the sky.

The jet black little flying knife casts quickly, covering a very wide range, and the tens of thousands of little flying knives faintly operate in a certain strange formation, and in a flash, the Chief Qian is enveloped under layers of black light.

This is, the turtle and the big head, have rushed from a distance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Amidst the strange whistling sound, the two rushed into the battle formation that just appeared behind the chairman Qian.

However, the two of them are very concerned about this 10,000-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-throwing knife. Qi Qiliang sighed extremely.

This kind of flying knives that can operate automatically is extremely rare, and it has never seen tens of thousands of flying knives.

It was Sussmander who made this flying knife.

On the top of Commissioner Qian, a huge mountain peak, a few miles away from the ground with a meteor, suddenly pressed towards Commissioner Qian!

A shadow will immediately be centered on Committee Member Qian, and within a few miles, all will be enveloped.

It is the fat man Scherner of the Giant Rock Earth God!

Commissioner Qian didn't check it for a while. He didn't expect that his opponent would make so many teleporting scrolls, and he was immediately surrounded!

The Zhanhai Sword that had been pierced forward had only time to swing to the right!

Daoxi's violent attack was like a tide of sword light, instantly dissipating into a cloud of mist!

Daoxi had seen the power of the Sea Slashing Sword anyway, and the water-colored sword light flicked to the side.

Zhanhai sword light swept like a shock, illuminating everyone's eyes!

"Puff puff!"

It even runs through the queue of Dongliu Army monks!

Poor Dongliu Army on the plane of Jinsha River, so far, the whole army was wiped out, only Daoxi and a few people survived.

Commander Daolun, also in the sword just now, completely merged with the dazzling water color right light.

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