Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1375: Stand out

For an instant. The entire form of the battlefield, like a clear and incomparably three-dimensional map, is presented in Commissioner Qian’s palace.

Commissioner Qian can also wield the Zhanhai Sword and attack a sword.

However, after attacking this sword, the other two attacks will inevitably hit


And the weird White Ape King and the Black Tiger God didn't make any moves.

Papan, the blood wolf beast, had his legs cut off by himself.

However, given his cultivation level, after so many days, his legs should have grown out.

At most, it is just a decrease in cultivation base, and it is completely capable of participating in the attack.

Among the lightning and flint, Commissioner Qian did not choose to continue to attack the enemy.

Rather, when the Fa Jue urged, the watery apricot-yellow light circulated, like lightning, rushing to the front.

Commissioner Qian's calculation is yes. This punch. All three attacks will fail.

At this time, it was much easier to deal with the White Ape King and the others.

However, when the lightning flashes started, a nine-color flywheel suddenly appeared right in front of the empty space. What a surprise, the nine-color flywheel appeared. Immediately spin at an incredible height,

For a time, the world changed color!

The space above the gravity pool seems to be filled with endless gusts of wind.

This fast-spinning flywheel gives people a will to dominate all the winds in the world.

Commissioner Qian just wanted to react.

This fast-spinning flywheel has already turned towards Commissioner Qian, far away!

An irresistible divine intent, suddenly passed through the apricot shield, and firmly locked the divine intent of Commissioner Qian.

In an instant, the great commissioner Qian's palace. It turned out to be frozen.

"Boom except one by one!"

Like thunder in the sky, the three-party attack has already arrived!

And below this high flywheel. A long blood-colored ruler appeared suddenly.

Behind the blood-colored ruler was a wolf-shaped face that was already extremely excited and distorted.

Seeing the revenge of the broken leg, Papan, the blood wolf beast, is about to pay it back. That kind of pleasure and ferociousness was vividly expressed.

Fa Jue urged with all his strength, and sparks composed of nine blood inflammations floated out of the jade ruler, which was as gentle as a precious red jade.

After a short lag in the air, it turned into nine blood-colored Changhong electric shots and shot towards the member Qian who was momentarily still.


Just a moment, just that moment.

In Commissioner Qian’s divine mansion, a deduction array composed of ninety golden fruit shadows shot out a thousand dazzling lights!

Just a shock!

Commissioner Qian has restored his freedom of movement.

Although this nine-color flywheel that brings together the essence of the wind between the heavens and the earth is very strange and supernatural. Full of a will to dominate.

However, the cloud-like apricot-yellow light that surrounds Commissioner Qian's body is indeed not covered. At least 50% of the power of the nine-color flywheel was blocked.

Moreover, it also delayed the power of the nine-color flywheel and extended the time in the gods.

Despite the delay, it was only a trivial moment.

But for the ninety golden fruit shadows.

A trivial moment is enough for hundreds of deductions.

Therefore, the deduction array of ninety golden fruit shadows exploded with the greatest energy in an instant, and in an instant, they found a trace of this divine will that dominates everything.

Ninety Jin Guo brothers worked together, and instantly broke the shackles of this bookish wind wheel on the Commissioner Qian's palace.

At this time, it was too late to escape.

Not to mention anything else, even the big mountain that was pressing down on the top of the head made the space around Commissioner Qian's body seem to be solidified.

Commissioner Qian has a back!

The apricot-yellow clouds behind, swirling, bright, and immediately doubled!

A marvelous formation composed of 10,000 pieces of three-inch jet black flying knives, Commissioner Qian chose to resist the knife formation and looked at the great momentum, but in the eyes of Commissioner Qian, the changes were simple and the sword was scattered and weak.

I want to destroy myself with this kind of knife formation. That's still unsuccessful!

At the same time, the top door of Commissioner Qian. A flower is in a hurry!

In an instant, the shadow of a golden fruit in a yellow robe stood in the stamen!

Amid a long roar, a golden light blasted towards the huge mountain peak that was almost pressing on top of the head.

This golden light. There were tens of thousands of vibrations in an instant. It can be said to be endless.

At the same time, Commissioner Qian had five fingers on his left hand!

Five watery apricot-yellow rays shot from the five fingertips. Its color was watery and agile, and it bombarded the huge semicircle on the left that covered hundreds of meters of fire red sword light!

Because of the mana expended to activate the sea sword. It can be neglected for the Qian Qian committee.

Therefore, the left-handed blow can be said to be an all-out blow by Committee Member Qian!

"Boom!" With a sound, the gravity pool was hundreds of miles around, all of which were reflected in the watery apricot yellow realm, full of infinite vitality!

In the **** fog, first Polish Daoyuan together with the huge half-circle fiery red sword with a radius of hundreds of feet, the fiery red long sword with electric glow. They were bombarded into crumbs together!

And the monk who followed the main **** of Lanxi behind the Polish Daoyuan, from before to

Hundreds of blood fog, like hundreds of fascinating flowers, bloom in full bloom in the air,

At that moment, it seemed eternal!

The full blow of the four elements of the mysterious power, the power is so powerful!

At the same time, tens of thousands of black lights, which were operating in a strange formation, touched in the clouds behind Qian’s chairman and exploded with all their strength. The tens of thousands of black sword aura suddenly hit the endless apricot yellow. Above Yunxia.

Although the apricot yellow clouds were circulating, there were still hundreds of black lights, breaking through the endless apricot yellow clouds.

Directly hit the back of Commissioner Qian.

In an instant, Commissioner Qian's back became a veritable honeycomb!

Over the head of Commissioner Qian, the golden light blasted from the ten-type golden fruit hits the mountain a few miles high.

The end of the whole seat. The bottom of the peak, in an instant, was shaken into countless ashes by that golden light!

Countless ashes immediately surrounded the Qiang Chief Executive.

At the moment when countless ashes were covered.

Commissioner Qian’s sword has already been swung forward!

The full force is not, just Zhan Haijian, urging to the maximum mana.

In an instant, the dazzling aqua sword light illuminates the entire sky.

The blood wolf beast even felt that this dazzling aqua-colored sword light had illuminated his entire soul!

Seeing the nine blood-colored Changhongs that are bound to win. It was submerged in the light of the water in an instant.

As soon as the blood wolf beast's escape method was urged, it turned to escape.

However, under the urging of the escape method, there was no response.

I just feel that the dazzling aqua light is getting brighter and brighter. Until it illuminates the entire sky. I even melted myself in!

The blood wolf beast melted in the aqua sword light, the aqua sword light did not stop, and it swept across the edge of the spinning Nine Wind Wheel!

The White Ape King Longdao in the distance is a joy in my heart!

I thought that my own magic weapon at the bottom of the box would survive this time." As soon as the method urged, he had to command the Nine Color Wind Wheel to attack Committee Member Qian again.

What do you think. Fa Jue urged, only felt that there was no response.

The connection between myself and this magic weapon. It has been completely lost!

There was a "bang".

The nine-color wind wheel, in the rapid rotation, burst into tens of thousands of lasing fragments!

Even a master with a high level of refining can not restore these nine-color wind wheels.

Although it just wiped the past, the nine-color wind wheel. Still completely shattered by Zhanhai Jianguang!

The Black Tiger God who appeared on the side of the White Ape King was completely stunned.

The pattern on his forehead became completely disorganized. The shot is uncertain, not out of it, in full view. It's not justified.

The combat strategy that everyone reached at the meeting was perfectly implemented.

Each team of monks used the teleportation reels to move to a predetermined place, forming a perfect encirclement for the member Qian.

However, the result was far from what was expected at the meeting. Committee Member Qian was bombarded and killed!

Those who were bombarded and turned into scum were the besieged.

Right here, Fat Scherner made a virtual fist. It's a virtual blow to Commissioner Qian who escaped from the shrouded area of ​​the mountain!

At the same time, with the violent attack of the sword formation composed of the main **** Cisse monks of Sussmand. It has also arrived behind Commissioner Qian!

See the sky and the earth crack!

Behind Commissioner Qian, it was like a huge firework exploded!

Together with this huge firework, Commissioner Qian tossed and rolled out a dozen in the air.

"Old man!"

A Chou screamed!

It has turned into an orange light, tracing a mysterious arc in the air, burning orange flames all over, and has already rushed on the body of the big fat Scherner, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com has a big mouth, and has severely torn a large piece of meat from Scherner's fat body.

At the same time, the orange flame quickly spread to Schelner's whole body!

"Ah, it hurts! What kind of fire is this?"

Scherner yelled!

One punch hit A Chou on the back!

A splash of orange feathers!

Ah Chou flew out in a hurry.

However, A Chou's mouth and claws never let go, and three more long pieces of meat were torn from Scherner's body!

Commissioner Qian, who was tumbling, only felt that the five internal organs were like turning over the river and the sea, and the scenery in front of him was sometimes clear and sometimes blurred.

Mouthful of blood, don't spit out like money!

It's been a long time since I suffered such a serious injury!

Commissioner Qian felt only a kind of fortune at this time. Fortunately, I deduced the flesh and blood of the monster Charles I, which increased my physical strength by multiples.

Otherwise, just relying on the three consecutive blows just now, he would collapse and escape from the soul.

In the midst of tumbling, Commissioner Qian aimed at the sword formation of the main monk of Cisse, Zhanhai Sword with a single wave!

Although the angle is not so good during the roll,

However, the dazzling aqua sword shines brightly!

The sword formation of the main **** of Cisse disappeared out of thin air for a fraction of an instant! , If you want to know what's going on, please log in. More chapters, support the author. Support genuine reading! Day o Shan Xun book sun ridicule mustard umbrella

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