Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1384: White Ape King Tudan

You can mobilize endless groundwater, and Ah Chou can also use it. Let's take a look. Who is the best!

Commissioner Qian showed a fierce grin!

Right here, black profound ice had already covered A Chou's small body.

A Chou's movements in the air immediately became sluggish.

Although the orange flame on A Chou's body is full!

The black profound ice shattered and turned into black energy. Thousands of water snakes fly up in the waves of hundreds of miles

The back is covered with long thorns of dark black ice, and the wind drives the clouds, the cold is in the bones, and its speed is extremely fast. Has been wrapped around A Chou in all directions.

A Chou screamed.

Two wings fan fiercely!

Orange sparks shot out.

When the mysterious black water snake touched, the orange sparks burst one after another.

However, these mysterious black water snakes are condensed using Taoism.

Defiant not afraid of death, one after another.

"Swish swish!"

Seeing A Chou's claws were already entangled.


White Ape King Long said, laughing with joy.

This cold water beast performed so well, it is worthy of the White Ape King to help him with his life.

Daoxi has a thin face. Dan Feng's eyes were a little ecstatic.

The clothes on weekdays are elegant. They have all been thrown out of the clouds.

The White Ape King used his pill energy to help the Shuihan Beast improve his cultivation, and it was his Daoxi who benefited the most.

Although this cold water beast was borrowed from another expert.

However, judging from the performance of this cold water beast in battle, the grade of the cold water beast has increased by at least one level.

When this battle is over, you have to think of a way to get this cold water beast from the expert.

With this cold water beast, I am afraid it will not be

Suddenly, after smiling, the White Ape King turned to Daoxi and said, "Daoxi, this cold water beast. The old man saw it and liked it very much.

After this battle, how about this cold water beast transferred to the old man?

Although the price is open. "

With the cultivation base of the two of them, of course it can be seen that this situation continues.

A Chou's defeat is only a matter of time.


Daoxi's expression of brows suddenly stiffened.

I cursed secretly in my heart: "Well, you White Ape King Longdao, the abacus is really good. It's really a little loss, don't eat.

This cold water beast. It has greatly helped my water system Dao Fa, how can you help it? "

"This Jie" This Jie" Long Brother, you know, I don't raise a spirit beast. I borrowed this cold water beast from a fellow Taoist, and I can't be the master.

Daoxi spread his hands, expressing powerlessness.

The two are fighting here.

In the sky, there was a sudden burst of light!

In A Chou's view, after following Committee Member Qian for so many years, he finally got a chance to fight independently.

And, I still use my own record as the decision of the ownership of such an important item as the gravity pool.


Ah Chou made up his mind to earn this breath in front of the boss.

So, even though Ah Chou was beaten into a panic.

However, A Chou still didn't want to use Zhanhai Sword.

A Chou screamed again!

The howling went straight into the sky!

A pair of golden claws immediately skyrocketed several times!

A grip with two claws!

The orange flame flashed!

Chong Chong Xuan Black Water Snake, like a group of ropes, is lifted in the air!

Followed by

Suddenly burst in Anzhong!

However, Chong Chong Xuan Black Water Snake cut off a group, and another group came.

Every time a group of black water snakes burst, it makes an extremely cold air rush in.

The orange flame on A Chou's claws, after soaring. It was dark, and then it skyrocketed again. It's dark again!

Looking at the orange flames on A Chou's claws. It is getting weaker and weaker.

Commissioner Qian was really anxious at this meeting.

Just a stern shout: "A Chou, don't do it, use Zhanhai Sword!"

Commissioner Qian used his spiritual thoughts to pass the stern shout. Like thunder!

A Chou seemed to be awake suddenly. With a grip on his right wing, the Sea Slashing Sword appeared in A Chou's right wing.

Immediately after. A Chou's wings waved!

An aqua ray suddenly dazzled like heaven and earth. Transverse in people's sight.

And, from the sight of people, it has been traversed into the soul of people.

Anyone who saw this dazzling water-colored sword rainbow, at that moment, everything in the world has disappeared, leaving only this dazzling water-colored brilliance!


A hundred miles wide, the turbulent golden sea surface was divided into two by this water-colored sword light. Under the seabed, there even appeared a straight, bottomless crack!

After this dazzling sword light disappeared, "Boom!"

Somewhere on the cliffs of the two water waves, each rushed out a **** brilliance. Has been lasing into the air, reaching a thousand feet high!

As soon as the dark golden core rushed out of the half of the corpse, it was about to escape underwater.

However, A Chou stared!

Two golden lights suddenly passed through the water, covering the black golden core firmly!

The action ability of Jin Dan was obviously inferior to the monster's body.

Covered by these two golden lights, it whirled around in the air!

Ah Chou had arrived, opened his mouth and sucked, a whirlwind rose out of thin air.

Swallowed this dark golden core in an instant!

A Chou just spread his wings, looking around. Look very full

"Ah... one"

The monks in the audience fell into a petrified state again.

Obviously, there are two things that spew out a wave of blood. It was this cold water beast that had been split into two halves.

The monsters use weapons, it's normal.

Generally, the weapons used by monsters are made with the horns, claws, or hair that fall off their bodies.

Even if it is powerful ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, compared to the attack power of the monster body, it is also limited.

And the sword light from A Chou was more powerful than A Chou's own attack.

That one is called. It is simply too strong!

"You cheated" This is your magic sword, how can you equip pets? "

Daoxi's face, originally thin and elegant, suddenly disappeared completely.

Instead, the desperate and ferocious flew away as he watched the victory.

No mood is much better than Daoxi.

"Haha... Since there are no enchantments in the ground!

Your cold water beast can use endless groundwater, but my A Chou can't use a sword. What's the point! "

Commissioner Qian had his hands on his hips, his chest bulging.

Seeing the gloomy face of the White Ape King and Daoxi's desperate look, I just felt extremely happy in my heart!

"This is the Sea Slashing Sword, it is really powerful"

"It's really amazing... Fortunately, it wasn't during the match!"

At this meeting, no one said anything about Commissioner Qian’s cheating


Instead, let them fight.

In the field, tens of thousands of eyes were already fiercely focused on the sea-cutting sword in A Chou's hand!

What a mess. His eyes glowed green like a wolf.

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