Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1385: 0 Xuan Huo Luan

If it weren't for worrying about the power of the Zhanhai Sword, the Qian Qian behind A Chou. .

And the people of the Taibai Legion were so-so.

Perhaps, a **** crime will be staged.

"What to look at! Whoever wants this sword, just come up!"

A Chou stretched out the Zhanhai Sword and pointed at the cultivator on the other side. All the cultivators who were pointed out were different. The figure is to shrink back.

I was afraid that A Chou would completely excite the sword light of this sea-cutting sword.

"Who wants to taste the taste of being beheaded by this sword?

If you don't want to try, just shut up! "

A Chou was even more proud.

The tens of thousands of cultivators from several camps, facing the threat of this powerful weapon, closed their mouths consciously, stepped aside, and stopped speaking.

"Panagar, you are enough buddy, No, this is half a million immortal stones."

Commissioner Qian made a bet of 500,000 celestial stones with a white bar, and won 550,000 high-grade celestial stones at a ratio of 1.1 to 1.

Five hundred and fifty thousand high-grade celestial stones were accepted by Commissioner Qian himself.

The 500,000 top-grade immortal stones were of course returned to Panagar.

Panaga looked at the storage ring that he took out of his hand.

Wiped sweat from his forehead.

If Ah Chou was at a disadvantage in the battle just now.

He is about to lose a million top-grade immortal stones!

If you really lose a million high-grade immortal stones, even if you get half of the rights to the gravity pool, your own credit will probably be discounted!

Fortunately, A Chou even took out the Zhanhai Sword at a critical time.

Once the Zhanhai Sword is out, can it still be compared?

Panaga looks to the Qian committee.

I saw Commissioner Qian's face full of smiles, but there was no trace of ashamed.

Here, the quarrel between the big brothers of several legions has entered a white-hot stage!

"How can this count? No!"

The white ape king's huge head trembled angrily.

Daoxi just borrowed this cold water beast, but he spit out his golden core and used his own life core.

The Shuihan Beast was cut in half, and the White Ape King felt much more distressed than Daoxi!

"It doesn't count, you let the cold water beast get up again

Commissioner Qian smiled. (Network Novel Network e

Count or not, how can your White Ape King family have the final say?

The corpse of the water cold beast divided into two halves is the best proof.


Bai Yuan Wang reached out his hand and pointed to Commissioner Qian, and was so angry that he could not speak.

"I see, so be it. The barrier extends to ten miles underground, and Lord Qian’s pet is not allowed to carry the Sea Slashing Sword in the next battle.

Sussmander said, seemingly calm.

"Okay! Sussmand's suggestion is absolutely correct! Just do it!"

Daoxi raised his eyebrows and immediately went forward to agree.

Sussmander's abacus is perfect.

The monster he brought was not from the water system.

And the monster beasts sent by the Lanxi Lord God's army were not from the water system. Extending the enchantment to ten miles underground, restricting the endless use of underground water, for both of them, the monster beasts about to appear, it has no effect.

However, the sea-cutting sword that A Chou removed was a huge limit to A Chou's combat power.

"I object! It's normal for monsters to fight with weapons. Let your monsters also use weapons.

Commissioner Qian blushed and his neck was thick!

"I agree!"

Li Wei, a new representative sent by the Lanxi Lord God Army, has sparse eyebrows and a pair of goldfish eyes.

Speaking lazily.

"A few of us voted with a show of hands. Anyway, this is a battle between us.

Not a single party can decide

The White Ape King finally grabbed a glimmer of hope and quickly agreed.

"That’s right, this is our six parties. The contention here is not a matter for your side.

Daoxi hurriedly agreed.

It is rare to find a reason for righteousness.

"Doesn't this show that our Bifu Army suffered? We only have one vote, and you have five votes!"

Commissioner Qian was angry.

Do it right away.

Panaga is just grabbing!

"Old money, don't be angry. The challenge between the corps is like this. In any way, everyone must vote.

When Panaga stopped, Qian Dawei Yan's anger also subsided. .

No way, this is the rule.

Several people are competing here.

However, after Li Wei, the representative of Lanxi Lord God, expressed his opinion. But he seemed a little absent-minded, with a pair of goldfish eyes, always looking at A Chou.

Seeing the White Ape King and the people making noise there, Li Wei's eyes became a little complicated.

Seeing Susmander's proposal passed.

Looking at the White Ape King and Dao Xi, they looked smug.

Commissioner Qian just stared: "You two are happy, fart, you two are not my opponents!

Making this bird-like image again made me unhappy, and cut you with a sword! "

The white monkey king and Daoxi both had their faces shaking, but they did not dare to step forward.

Angrily said, "You fellow, don't deceive people too much"

Commissioner Qian managed to bring his face back a little bit, but he was amused by the two people's words, and ignored them as air.

Sussmand patted Levy on the shoulder.

"Brother Li Wei, the next game is to let your spirit beasts go first, and the spirit beasts that return the fierce spirit beast wells are also fire-type spirit beasts. I think, let Yinzhu Konger spirit beasts be arranged until the last. "

Sussmander wanted to discuss with Li Wei.

However, Li Wei's untidy head turned slowly.

Two goldfish eyes looked at Sussmand without blinking.

Sussmander was stunned by this look.

Instinctively feel that there is nothing good.

"Sorry, Susmand, our Lanxi Lord God, has announced that it abstained from participating in today's challenge."

Li Wei's voice was slow and calm.

In Sussmander's eyes, it was like a bolt from the blue!

Sussmand's mouth opened slightly.

Why can't I figure it out, why did Li Wei do this?

You know, Poland Doyle, but the elite men who led him, were hit by Committee Member Qian with all his strength, and they were all destroyed!

As the general who succeeded Poland Doyle, Li Wei could not find any reason to give up fighting with A Chou.

"Give me a reason?"

Sussmander couldn't understand.

Polish Road shrugged.

"There is no reason.

After that, take a leisurely pace and walk to one side.

"I Pooh" one by one!

Don't think you are great! "

Sussmand was confused.

However, Levy doesn't say anything, Sussmander can't even fart!

Sussmand took out a spirit beast bag, and this spirit beast bag had a cloud of clouds above it, and its aura was compelling.

With a mouth of the bag, a peacock-like spirit bird flew out, and its feathers were mainly dark green. The feathers were covered with colorful red spots. After flying out, it did not enter the venue immediately.

Rather, he raised his slender neck, made a sharp hiss, and then made a sharp inhalation.

Li Hai, the temperature between this heaven and the earth seemed to have increased a thousand times, and countless dark red light spots rolled in the air, surrounded,

Frantically poured into the body of the flame bird,

The body of the flame bird suddenly soared a hundredfold.

After rising in anger, his body is more than one hundred feet tall and three hundred meters large

Two pond-sized fiery red eyes gleamed like the purest rubies.

On the bird's tail, there are more than a dozen feathers that are hundreds of feet long, gently swinging, adding a touch of unoffending majesty to the bird.

A wave of infinite coercion headed towards Ah Chou overwhelmingly!

However, A Chou was in the air, but a pair of wings fluttered!

There is no fear.

As if this endless coercion was a breeze blowing towards the face.

"Huh? This Qianxuan Huluan, the coercion is not as strong as imagined?"

When I borrowed this Thousand Profound Fire Luan, the owner of this Thousand Profound Fire Luan was simply bragging.

"This Thousand Profound Fire Luan, but a fire bird of the same level as Huofeng, can be called a divine beast.

As soon as this bird comes out, as long as the Phoenix clan is not there, the rest of the birds will only be ears. "

Sussmand still remembered that he retorted on the spot.

"It's not a phoenix, but it's a bird that is a sacred beast.

You Qianxuan Huluan, in the final analysis, if you can't coerce the Phoenix, you can't be called a divine beast! "

Just this sentence, the owner of Qianxuan Huoluan who refuted, was speechless.

However, the ugly bird with an ugly foot on the opposite side looked like an old god.

As if not affected by Qianxuan Huoluan at all.

"Is this Qianxuan Huoluan a parallel import?

However, this Qianxuan Huoluan was a bit too watery.

Encountering a strange bird like A Chou, who is several times smaller than this Qianxuan Huluan, he is not afraid of it."

Sussmand's face changed and suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Unless this strange bird named A Chou is more advanced than the blood of Qianxuan Huluan!"

But, if so, which one? Sussman's mind flashed for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, Qin raising spirit beasts, especially powerful spirit beasts, was not an easy job.

It is laborious and time-consuming work.

Therefore, Sussmander has only a rough understanding of the species of spirit beasts.

Go through all the information in your mind.

Can't find it at all.

At this moment, Qianxuan Huoluan was angry!

It cannot tolerate such challenges to its dignity.

The mouth sprayed out a red flame.

"Haha, dare to play with fire, just in time for us to compete."

A ugly laughed.

One mouth.

An orange flame is surging out!

At the touch of the two, the orange flame prevailed.

Keep pushing the red flame, at least separate the two kinds of flames, which turned into sparks scattered all over the sky.

However, Qianxuan Huoluan just flicked his wings and screamed.

The red flame became more and more prosperous, and in an instant, sparks scattered all over the sky, bursting into a sea of ​​flames that burned the sky.

The flames were stacked one after another, not only surrounded the orange flames, but also surrounded Ah Chou in this sea of ​​red flames.

On the other hand, A Chou, the orange flame, once dispersed, would no longer be manipulated. In other words, A Chou did not expect that the flame he instinctively breathed could be controlled so delicately.

Suddenly fell into a disadvantage!

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