Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1863: Tie

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"Come on, these equipment may have been integrated with the formation ceremony.

Without the master's level, even if the formation is broken, these equipments are difficult to obtain. "

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

The pulsating Qi in the body has not completely calmed down,

Shennian came out and scanned the black smoke with all his strength.

But, take a look at the black smoke of the divine ambition,

It seemed to have reached the abyss.

Incomparable forest and horror.

Spiritual thoughts began to melt.

Although I feel the structure of the black smoke,

Unusually complex,

Commissioner Qian hurriedly collected his spiritual thoughts.

Divine Mind, after all, is different from the fusion of the four elements.

"Hurry up, have you digested that guy's soul.

Quickly urge this lupeng to run, we can remember his structure. "

Commissioner Qian urged.

"How can it be refined so quickly?

How to say it is also a monk of the Four Diamond Hu God. "

Guifang rolled his eyes.

Commissioner Qian wanted to talk about it, the spirit of mind was fully activated,

Began to scan the entire structure of the black smoke,

Once deep into the black smoke,

This divine thought rushed and quickly decomposed.


Divine mind turned into a storm, rushing out,

The surroundings of the Qian Qiang committee seemed to be burning with invisible flames.

Some of the members of Commissioner Qian’s divine mansion had supernatural powers.

Expend some divine power to discover the structure of this black smoke.

It is more efficient than performing deductions by yourself.

As for some legends,

A certain might, swallow the opponent's attack.

Then, quickly and completely analyze the opponent’s attack, and send it backhand by himself,

This kind of thing is only suitable for monks in the Qi training period or the early stage of foundation building.

The structure of Taoism during the Qi training period or the initial stage of foundation building is relatively simple.

Once you reach the four-diamond hu god, or above the four-diamond hu god.

Every kind of mystery that comes out,

They are all tempered.

The structure is already very complicated,

Looking at simple attacks,

Even if it’s only one rank difference,

For example, the four-diamond hu **** versus the three-diamond hu god,

There is a possibility of a spike.

A thin black smoke formed in the mansion of Chairman Qian,

Fly up and down, turn left and right.

Thousands of runes appeared, forming a mysterious circle.

Then, above the circle,

This black smoke is woven,

Began to construct the second layer,

Then, another layer of magic circle began to be constructed.

The black smoke weaves and shuttles, but it is like electricity.

In the time of a cup of tea, Commissioner Qian has constructed a two-hundred-layered array.

The divine mind consumes so fast,

Even scanning a range of tens of thousands of miles does not necessarily consume so much spiritual thought.

Even though Commissioner Qian is extremely serious,

However, these two hundred layers of magic circle,

There are still many omissions.

However, it does not matter.

Commissioner Qian's mind scanning is the general direction of the circle.


There was a shock,

It was like burning black smoke, wrapped in the lupeng and disappeared.

At this time,

Gui Fang is just taking a posture,

To play the trick.

"Halo----except for a little black smoke change, nothing was gained."

Gui Fang's mood is really not high.

"Let's go, at your level, it's already pretty good to be able to survive this while and get a little bit of cultivation experience."

Commissioner Qian was not polite.

Gui Fang has been in Longmn Inn for more than 100 years.

I have seen many magic circles.

Guifang’s spirituality may not be as strong as her own,

However, Gui Fang's understanding of the law formation is definitely better than himself.

He spent so long in Tianluojiao,

The experience gained from this black smoke array is definitely more than myself.

A cloud of star fog shrouded, a cloud of colorful smoke floating,

Thunder fire bombarded,

Star fog and colored smoke become transparent,

However, in an instant, it resumed as before.

But dng is only a ripple.

In the vast fog and the thunder and fire, they couldn't hurt it at all, and the two of them moved towards Dindel's location.

According to real people, Liu Dao,

The face is a little pale.

The master's formation and equipment are surprisingly powerful.



The whole battle was shaken.

It seemed to vibrate violently up, down, left and right.

In the vast fog and thunder, countless messages came.

"The Fire Array and the Black Smoke Array have been broken?"

Liu Dao was surprised.

There are only four battles in total, broken by two battles,

The formation cannot be supported either,

Must be readjusted.

Of course, Liu Dao had quite a good understanding of the formation of a real person.

The information in the vast fog arrived.

It was immediately judged that the Fire Array and the Black Smoke Array had been broken.

"The good apprentice you got,"

Shaoneng's face was distorted.

The one who presides over the Fiery Fire Array and the Black Smoke Array is his shì slave.

That’s the kind of people who are not qualified enough to be apprentices,

However, with the name of the real master of Zhaoneng,

Still hún has the qualifications of an intermediate mixer.

Unexpectedly, how long has this battle been opened up?

Has been beheaded by an apprentice.

After this burst,

If he is a real person, he will be looked down upon by others.

However, the one who presided over the red yarn formation was his apprentice.

It's just a piece of equipment-----

"Haha, I didn't expect it either,

This kind of apprentice is probably a long time ago. "

Liu Dao laughed.

Commissioner Qian is really much better than Fan Nan.

Liu Dao knew that the monk who presided over the red yarn formation,

But the photos can be delivered from real people.

"That's it, return the equipment to me, it's a tie."

Liu Dao said.

"Okay, that's it, give it back to you."

Zhao can breathe out a real person,

The flames and black smoke burst,

The red sand array must be broken.

Liu Dao said that, he saved himself a little face.

As for the loss, the master must recruit people,

I'm afraid that no one will come,


It is still used again.

The black rune of silver sè became ten miles big in an instant,

There is a gray flame soaring into the sky,

Like a mountain, smashed down.

However, the red sand is like a tsunami,

A roll,

Just rolled a mountain formed by runes in it,

A few fast spinning,

Ten miles of black ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ silver mountain peaks, have turned to gray.

The rune of black sè and the rune of silver sè charged up in the air,

It has been turned into black and silver long knives that are dozens of miles long,

With a powerful force of thunder,

As if to sweep everything,

Slashing down, the entire sky was full of loud howls.

"Rumble ------"

An extremely violent explosion sounded,

The red sand turned into a cloud of smoke,

These dozens of long black and silver long knives look like a moat.

This is among several people who preside over the formation,

The strongest.

After a long distance, Commissioner Qian gave a long scream.

The eight-sided golden mace in his hand flashed,

Turning into a golden light, it is already attacking like a mountain.


The red smoke cloud flickered for a while, and disappeared unexpectedly.

"Isn't it----"

Dindel turned his head and looked at Commissioner Qian like a monster.

"Impossible, I must have used some illusion..."

Commissioner Qian made a move, already holding an eight-sided gold mace, as if drawing a sword around.

In the vast grey mist,

Grandmaster Liu Dao's voice has been heard.

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