Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1864: Visitor

m Remind book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes. Chapter 1864 Visitors

The thunder and fire roared in the sky, but it was a little more peaceful.

However, there is no more thunder and fire,

Several people realized that

The difficult, but not difficult journey to break through the formation may be over.

"The equipment has been obtained,

This is considered a tie, follow the revealed channel and go out. "

The voice of Master Liu Dao,

No joy and no worries.

"It's a tie---"

Dindel shook his head, a complicated brilliance flashed in his eyes.

At the end nothing said.

They were originally Ke Qing invited by Master Liu Dao,

Too much is useless.


Guifang let out a sigh of relief.

Finally we can leave this formation.

Even with the protection of Tian Luojiao,

The mana of the whole body is almost exhausted.


The thick mist separates and exits through a channel.

This passage leads directly to the outside of the formation.

As soon as a few people stepped on their feet, their bodies became like electricity.

The sun is shining, and the voices are boiling.

Grandmaster Liu Dao has been waiting outside for a long time.

Seeing how many members of the Qian committee came out,

Thousands of eyes, "brush-----"

Just focus on a few people.

"These are those apprentices?

It’s a bit real---"

"The apprentice also has the magical artifact of Yuanying Hua, which is interesting."


Commissioner Qian heard the next sentence,

I have already got skin bumps all over my body.

Grandmasters, they are interested in their Sea Slashing Sword, which is not a good thing.

Commissioner Qian felt that the design style of Zhan Haijian,

The equipment and design style of Longmen Inn are different.

The design style of Longmen Inn,

Emphasis on the enchantment of multi-layer magic circle.

In the design style of Zhanhaijian, every part is very complicated and possesses top-notch functions.

Commissioner Qian didn’t want a certain master to speak to himself,

Take your own Zhanhai Sword to appreciate it.

The break ended, and the tie was tied.

The audience was naturally not interested and gradually dispersed.

The time of the masters is precious.

Liu Dao stretched out his hand, Tian Luo Yi had already flew out of Guifang and Dingdel.

Swift Shrinking Dao was only as big as a slap, and flew into Grandmaster Liu Dao's sleeve.

Guifang and Dindle can only secretly call bad luck.

Liu Dao waved his hand again.

Two shields have flown out, five horns, big palms, and countless mysterious runes on them. There is a faint light emission of bronze.

At a glance, you know that it is not Fanpin.

Guifang and Dindle,

Immediately, he smiled and nodded in thanks.

However, this kind of shield is far worse than Tian Luo Yi.

The sky is like smoke, which is great.

It belongs to a realm close to "tangible and insubstantial."

It can be said that every ray of the sky is full of flowers,

It is a shield.

In terms of grade, the two are far apart.

However, the general magic weapon refined by the master is already very good for Dingdel and Gui Fang.

Commissioner Qian looked expectantly,

Looking at Master Liu Dao,

In this battle, my contribution can be said to be the greatest.

Grandmaster Liu Dao waved his hand: "My research on this equipment will take at least one year. You can come and watch the research on this equipment at any time."

With that said, a yù talisman was suspended in front of Commissioner Qian.

"Thank you, Grandmaster."

Commissioner Qian is overjoyed.

Able to watch the master’s crafts, research,

Compared to getting a piece of ordinary equipment, I don't know how much better.

From the several planets above the palace,

Commissioner Qian received nearly ten more skills.

Deduct duplicate skills.

There are also several skills.

However, Commissioner Qian only selected one of these skills.

For several other skills, let Golden Fruit Shadow practice.

I want to refining tools in Wanli again,

I have to practice skills again, and I have to go to Master Liu Dao to watch Master Liu Dao’s refining tools and research on that piece of equipment.

Occasionally, some chores,

It is also necessary for Commissioner Qian.

There are too many skills to practice at the same time.

On this day, Commissioner Qian was refining and processing some primary materials.

This kind of work,

Master Grandmaster will never do it himself,

Master Master’s disciples and shìcong usually do this kind of work.


Commissioner Qian is doing well here,

Liu Dao lent some of his experience in refining tools to Committee Member Qian for viewing.

Although it is only a basic refining experience.

However, Commissioner Qian has benefited a lot.

Finally got rid of Wanliju’s, every time new equipment is refined,

You have to memorize all the parts of the new equipment, the magic circle,

Deduce carefully by yourself,

Can understand how much it is, the difficult state of learning.

To be honest, Commissioner Qian’s rules regarding Longmen Inn’s treatment of apprentices,

I'm very dissatisfied, this is completely herding sheep.

"Come here, someone is looking for you."

Master Liu Dao's voice sounded in the ears of Member Qian.

Find me?

In this master’s yard, people usually come to find the master,

Those who ask for help with refining,

How could you come to me?

"Just come."

Commissioner Qian responded.

Reaching out a finger, a chill shot out,

Freeze the material.

Materials that have been tempered and finely processed must exist in the ice when they are placed.

Sitting in the living room of Liu Dao, there was already an extra person next to him, with the mark of an intermediate refiner.

Thin eyebrows and long face.

The robe is embroidered with beautiful scenery. Compared with Liu Dao's clothes, it is more gorgeous and generous.

Liu Dao's face was expressionless.

Seeing Commissioner Qian come in,

In front of Committee Member Qian, just stretched out his hand.

"You were there when you broke the formation that day, you should know the reason for the breakdown,

This piece of equipment belongs to this apprentice. If you want to buy this piece of equipment, you ask him. "

Oh, it turned out to be here to buy that piece of plant crystallized equipment.

The master of this equipment is studying, how can it be given to you.

Commissioner Qian was a little strange,

Liu Dao is a master, this person is only an intermediate refiner.

Liu Dao wanted to refuse this person's request, but it was just a matter of waving his hands.

"Sorry~www.wuxiaspot.com~This equipment, I value it very much, it will not be sold."

Member Qian smiled,

Said to this monk.

This monk is also smiling,

However, his eyes sharpened: "What do you want? Immortal stone, equipment, and powerful equipment drawings, I have here."

What's the use of drawings for immortal stones, equipment, and powerful equipment?

Commissioner Qian spent more than a year in Longmen Inn.

I watched the master's refining and research several times.

For Longmen Inn’s crafting technique,

There is already a general framework.

That is, the refining technique of Longmen Inn relies on skills, a three-dimensional magic circle.

In addition,

The design of the equipment has its own characteristics, mainly about the connection of the three-dimensional array on the components.

Commissioner Qian has been an apprentice here for more than a year.

I also have a certain grasp of the structural characteristics of the various components of the Longmen Inn.

Relying on Mr Qian’s previous refining standards,

It is no longer a problem to design common magical instruments that meet the Longmen Inn refining standards.

This mid-stage mixer said a few things,

For Commissioner Qian, how can it be compared with makeup made from plant crystals?

Commissioner Qian looked down upon him,

Not to mention the master.

.. Enjoy the fun of reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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