Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1873: Taobao boom

m reminds book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes, "Old money, it's really hard work — ha ha, ha ha —

We, Tianpeng Mountain, are in the White Bone Fortress and should be on duty. If you report a name, they should all know your name, Lao Qian. "

Luanpo hit haha.

Turn around and go to practice skills.


This is incidental.

"Your equipment is really good. It helped me achieve a technological breakthrough."

Grandmaster Liu Dao returned the ancient equipment that crystalized plants to Commissioner Qian.

However, there seemed to be something that was not said.

To help you achieve a technological breakthrough, naturally, your master, don’t want this technological breakthrough, the other masters of the Dragon Inn will also have it. "

"Master Grandmaster, don't worry, this plant crystallized equipment will never appear in the hands of other Grandmasters."

Commissioner Qian was all smiles.

I can do it myself, so what can I do for the other masters?

Enough support?

In the Dragon Inn, it has been more than three years, and it seems like a blink of an eye,

However, the gain is a lot.

Commissioner Qian swiftly walked towards Qingtanzhai, the distance leading to the sea of ​​ruins, the nearest shop.

From a distance, I saw the heads of people rolling around Qingtanzhai.

Commissioner Qian was taken aback, but did not go to the transmission side.

Stepped into the Qingtanzhai.

One look, ho, three years ago,

How deserted is this Qingtanzhai,

Now it is much more lively.

Different people shuttled through the store.

Dude has one more,

And Ah Hao, already stood in the position of the store manager.

The short shirt of the year has changed into a gorgeous gown, and I can see at a glance,

It is a good protective equipment.

The kind smile also brought a trace of pride.

It's been a long time since Ah Hao has developed.


Commissioner Qian said hello from a distance.

Unexpectedly, A Hao walked over from the manager's seat.

The smile on his face has become as kind as before.

"Old Qian, it turned out to be you, and you are too interesting. I haven't come here for a long time.

I heard that you are chasing with the master now, not bad. "

It seems that the plant crystallized equipment is very famous.

Commissioner Qian smiled: "What? An apprentice is an apprentice, just follow the master and learn.

Why, near the teleportation, why is it so lively? "

Seeing that Commissioner Qian was obviously unwilling to talk about the plant crystallization equipment.

Ah Hao’s expression was stagnant: "These people are all going to the ruined sea plane to find medieval equipment.

There are many stalls in the market, many apprentices, and many intermediate crafters.

We talked about the fast, relying on this wind, a lot of fun, no, I also mixed up with the manager. "

Ah Hao's answer is quite detailed.

In the Dragon Inn, one piece of equipment can cause such a sensation, not much.

"So many people? There are more than two hundred people, all of them?"

Commissioner Qian concentrated on the imitation of plant crystal equipment every day,

I don't know that there are so many people who want to go to the sea of ​​ruins to find medieval equipment.

"Hi---more than 500 people have passed,

You know, in the Dragon Inn, the best thing to use is not the best immortal stone, but all kinds of superb equipment designs"

A Hao said.

"Now there is an inference, do you know? The dozens of pieces of equipment that flowed out of your ruined sea monks, after identification, are all the technology of the ancient Dragon Inn 50,000 years ago.

The sea of ​​ruins is probably related to the huge changes in the Dragon Inn 50,000 years ago.

Therefore, there are so many ancient equipment, distributed in the sigh trench of the sea of ​​ruins,

This one, even the master has passed a few. "

Ah Hao said with enthusiasm.

Damn, you even know the sigh of the trench.

Commissioner Qian shook his head. He still wanted to keep the sighing trench as a secret.

He talked to Grandmaster Liu Dao and sighed why so many ancient equipment of the Dragon Inn appeared in the trench.

The conclusion is the same,

It is related to the battle of the Dragon Inn 50,000 years ago.

However, the power of that battle was too great,

Many deeds have been untestable and turned into legends.

"Why don't you go, maybe you can get a few pieces of ancient equipment."

More than 500 people have passed, and there are more than 200 people here,

Commissioner Qian can already imagine,

Sigh what kind of scene is the transmission over the trench,


Fierce and fierce battle

Sigh the trench, but a place full of big monsters

Don't be in a hurry at this time after sending it.

"When you only came, I had a little understanding of the situation in the sigh trench.

I'm already a four-diamond flower god, and I'm a store manager again, that's enough. "

Ah Hao's smile, at this time, looked a little deep.

Commissioner Qian looked at Ah Hao again.


Dragon Inn, teleportation on other planes. The location is probably fixed.

The rough meaning is that the range of error does not exceed a hundred miles.

With the envelope of the law, the Dragon Inn does not have the idle time to move the teleportation position at will within a plane.

The space distance is far, and the location of the teleportation can be moved at will, but it is a matter of mana.

Therefore, Commissioner Qian stepped out to transmit,

What you see is not water, but ice

The sharp edges and corners, like a crystal-like ice wall,

Stretching for hundreds of miles, layer by layer, piece by piece

Continuous ups and downs, like a mountain straight into the clouds

In the ice wall, there are huge explosion marks everywhere

Hundreds of flames burned on the ice,

As if eternal and immortal.

The impression it gives is only magnificent and shocking

It can be seen that there has been a terrifying battle of masters here

Moreover, there are not a few masters participating in the war.

Both sides of the war are gone.

Sigh the scope of the trench, but it's very large

Oh-----It's so lively,

I don't know where the silver swordfish went on the airship.

This is the idea in Committee Member Qian's mind.

More than three years have passed, and the Silver Swordfish floating airship should return to Flying Town~www.wuxiaspot.com~ if it is not destroyed by the ruined Hyde Demon.

Commissioner Qian made a gesture,

A faint fluctuation,

This wave of volatility appeared star blue,

Only after leaving Commissioner Qian’s hand,

Has become invisible in the air.

However, Commissioner Qian’s figure shook, and he was more than ten miles away.

Reach out

The Xuanbing that was several feet square has turned into nothingness, reaching a depth of tens of feet.

A piece of equipment shining with light red brilliance flew straight up from Xuanbing.

"Guys of the Dragon Inn, I didn't expect that the equipment you were looking for would be right in front of your eyes."

Member Qian laughed.

The big demon who sighs the trench is only interested in equipment that can promote biological evolution.

There is no interest at all for equipment like this that does not fluctuate strongly, and has equipment that cannot promote biological evolution.

And the folks at the Dragon Inn, although they are looking for treasure.

However, I still don't know very well what kind of Taoism can be used to correctly find these medieval equipment.

Commissioner Qian estimated that apart from the great master who can quickly produce the detectors for finding these ancient equipment, it will be difficult for others to produce them within a short period of time.

Before heading to the Bone Fortress, Commissioner Qian can also pick up a few pieces of ancient equipment

Enjoy reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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