Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1874: Ruins Haifengyun

m reminds book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes yo Chapter 1874 Ruins Hai Fengyun

Longmn Inn is a gathering place for crafting monks.

There are many avid researchers.

Whether it is an apprentice, an intermediate refiner, or a master.

It is a matter of course to quickly research out the detection device of the Middle Ages equipment.

While leaving this frozen battlefield, Commissioner Qian had a few pieces of ancient equipment in his pocket.

"Boom boom boom-----"

The explosion like a huge thunder, like a flare from a star, flashed hundreds of miles in an instant

More than a hundred miles away,


Tens of thousands of thin awns swept across the sea, like meteor swarms,

Gives a sense of boundlessness.

This is called jīlie,

Even if there are many big monsters sighing in the trench,

More than 700 people came to the Dragon Inn, the apprentice didn’t say,

Use the skills of those intermediate refiners,

The power is still great.

Let's talk about the target of the tens of thousands of fine lights.

An intermediate refiner,

Seeing the boundless light booming, my heart was frustrated, but it was also very calm.

The feeling of using skills worked,

Among tens of thousands of fine awns,

The opponent's position is clearly locked.

With a wave of his hand,

A cyan light shone straight out, but the thickness of the bucket,

Comparing with the boundless fine light, it is simply insignificant.

Where this blue light passes,

The thin glow seemed to be a cloud of smoke encountering a violent wind, and disappeared without a trace.

However, among the tens of thousands of light rays, a cloud of blood raged

An angry roar, like jagged friction.

The master of Xiangong, a four-diamond ruined sea monster,

Obviously it was unacceptable, and he was hit hard after one encounter,

In the roar,

Tens of thousands of thin glows, the degree of brilliance increased several times in an instant, already with a thrilling whistle, marking countless mysterious tracks,

In an instant, surrounded this intermediate refiner.

A cover emerges, like a large bowl, transparent like crystal, and shining with metal luster. There are countless runes on it. These runes flow, dance, and combine to form a magic circle.

Cover this intermediate mixer

"Puff, puff, puff-----"

In an instant, sounds ten times denser than heavy rain,

Within a hundred feet of a radius, the space was smashed to pieces, floating in a cloud of ashes,

The body of the intermediate mixer,

Several blood hus have been splashed.

Obviously, most of the attacks were blocked,

However, the power of these fine awns is really great, a few fine awns hit,

This intermediate refiner was also seriously injured.

There were only a few thousand of the thin mangs left, and one turned around in a furious roar, and quickly escaped into the distant ocean.

In different ways of warfare, the gap appears,

The skills of the intermediate refiner of the Dragon Inn, the magic weapon for strengthening the power outside the super perception, compared to the four-diamond hu **** monster in the ruin sea, still occupy a considerable advantage.

The big demon in the sea of ​​ruins is still not good at refining.

This battle was all recorded in the mansion of Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian knew immediately,

The monks at the Dragon Inn can at least guarantee their free movement in the Trench of Sighs.

Commissioner Qian let out his breath, he didn’t have time,

Participate in this hún battle,

At this moment, he is the sea, the mountains, the boundless sky,

A long sword smashed into the sky, and the general momentum of lifting weight accompanied him fast forward.

Ordinary war monks, really did not easily provoke him.


A green brilliance suddenly blasted towards Committee Member Qian

Deep and green, with only the thickness of a human arm, but extremely forested and extremely fast.

A sea of ​​hu is in full bloom, in an instant,

Wrap Commissioner Qian.

Immediately afterwards, with the touch of the green brilliance, the sea of ​​hu seemed to have a meal, and it had already turned to gray.

Commissioner Qian was shocked,

He now remembered what this green brilliance was.

"Nine Nether Dissociation Technique"

In the hún battle before entering the Dragon Inn,

Commissioner Qian cut off a big monster in the ruins of the sea.

The great demon of the ruined sea,

When the Yuanshen escaped, he gave the Chief Committee Member Qian, for a moment.

However, Commissioner Qian escaped into the space and escaped.

This "Nine Nether Dissociation Technique" fell on the monk next to Committee Member Qian, and immediately caused the monk to escape with serious injuries.

Hand shake,

A shield, Lan Sensen's, was already floating in the air, and when he turned, a cloud of blue mist billowed.

At a glance, it was like a sea of ​​fog, endless feeling.

This blue shield is the carapace of Commissioner Qian who used the ruined sea monster.

A shield for refining when practicing skills.

Although it is not a fine work.

That is, it has penetrated into a multi-layer defense array of several water systems, and several multi-layer defense arrays are connected to form a composite array.

However, there are several steps to refine materials, use fusion skills to fuse materials, use enchant skills, and inlay multi-layer magic circles.

Take it out, if you just talk about the defensive ability, take it out and use it for the three-diamond hu god.

Several multi-layer magic circles entered and connected to each other.

A piece of blue mist, broad as the sea, more powerful than Qian, before committee members engraved the entire shield into the circle,

More than ten times stronger.

Of course, if it comes to the realm of magic weapons,

This kind of multi-layered array of water is not as good as the integrated seal cutting and layout of the array of multiple element systems.


The green brilliance had already hit the blue mist.

The blue mist, the shield, immediately dissipated a big dng.

The magic circle in this shield has been damaged.

However, the power of this green brilliance also ends here.

"The magic weapon of the Dragon mn Inn really is you, so I can't enter the Dragon mn Inn"

With the roar of anger sounded.

A lanky monk emerged from the water.

For the monsters in the sea of ​​ruins,

It is much easier to hide your body in the water than in the air.

This monk, in a green armor, looked fit and hideous, and at first glance it was the usual look of monsters.

Several pairs of fins shook behind.

Six hands like tiger claws, holding a pair of knives, a pair of swords, and a pair of hammers,

Just standing there, there will be endless chills

Six round eyes circled around the head,

At a glance, there are no dead ends

Although it has been transformed into a human body, that is, six eyes around the head,

But it was the same as the primordial spirit of that monster.

"Do you also know Longmn Inn?"

Commissioner Qian was a little surprised.

"Of course, someone who entered the Dragon mn Inn has already come over, and you all have great benefits there."

This monster was very angry when talking about Dragon Inn.

Great benefit?

Who said this?

Apparently, there are ruined Hyde monsters, or abyss monsters, returning to the Trench of Sighs to collect materials and medieval equipment.

Commissioner Qian rolled his eyes.

Among the more than 100 people who entered the Longmn Inn, they soon became apprentices, but only a few.

The other four diamond hu gods all went to the void lun stream to refine the power crystals, and were killed by the void beasts.

Until his plant crystallized equipment became popular in Longmn Inn,

Those ruined sea monsters and the ancient equipment in the hands of the abyss monsters have risen.

The ruined sea monsters and abyss monsters who were born, relying on the ancient equipment in their hands, have switched to refining tools and become apprentices, and their situation has improved a lot.

But, apparently, returning to the ruins of the sighing trench, sea monsters and abyss monsters,

Meet the previous companion, which is just one word: "Blow"

"Since you think of Longmn Inn so well, then you can go to Longmn Inn. Get out of the way and don't block my way."

Member Qian smiled coldly.

With a raised hand, a group of blue and gray brilliance gathered.

"Your Longmnju license only restricts the person holding the Longmnju license to and from the teleportation array. How can I get there?"

When it comes to this,

The six eyes of this monster are already covered with red silk.

Even if the body is shattered, the monk of the four diamonds hu god, as long as the soul is there,

It’s easy to change your body, but your cultivation base is lowered.

However, the license for the Dragon Residence is restricted to those who hold the Dragon Residence license to enter and exit the ruined sea plane.

This is annoying,

All the great monsters in the sea of ​​ruins, the strong among the abyss monsters,

Unless you get a license for Longmnju, you cannot enter the Longmn Inn.

There are many secrets,

However, after entering the secret realm and turning around, after three years of work, you will become a master craftsman. This makes the masters who have not entered the secret realm feel bad in their hearts.

In fact, as an apprentice in Longmn Inn for a year,

As long as you work hard enough,

In the sea of ​​ruins, enough to be called a master craftsman.

Seeing the group of people coming out of Longmn Inn,

The pros and cons of those magic weapons, relying on these magic weapons, in the battle with the ruined sea monster and the abyss monster,

Those treasure hunters at Longmn Inn,

Although the number of people is small, it has an advantage.


The dragon mn inn teleported mn around, and the battle was no longer visible.

"Are there many big demons who want to enter the Dragon Inn?"

Member Qian asked.

"Tell you, this matter has spread throughout the entire sea of ​​ruins. The dng mansion of the sighs of the teleportation turned out to be a holy land leading to a refiner.

The great monsters in the ruins of the sea, the abyss monsters, are all coming to the sighing trench. "

This monster said with a sullen face~www.wuxiaspot.com~The great monster in the ruins and the abyss monster?

Commissioner Qian was dizzy.

He felt,

Sigh these ancient equipment in the trench,

Will be raided soon.

Of course, for the Taobao group that came out of the Dragon mn Inn, a batch of Dragon mn residence licenses changed their owners.

That's for sure.

"If you want my Long mn residence license, please take my palm first."

Commissioner Qian rolled his eyes.

Stretch out your palm

A gleam of blue and gray brilliance, like a cloud like a mist, rushed forward

This monster has already waved six hands, and the infinite chill shines, reflecting the entire surface of the water.

The shadow of the sword is like a dragon, the shadow of a sword is like a tiger, and the shadow of a hammer is like a mountain,

Weave a big airtight net,

Towards the committee member Qian

In an instant, in the eyes of Commissioner Qian,

The shadow of the sword, the shadow of the sword, and the shadow of the hammer are all gone,

Only countless lines remain, composed of dense lines.

All the lines and tracks were very clear in the mind of Commissioner Qian.

This is the feeling that has evolved from the spirit of mind after more than three years of refining at the Dragon Inn

Wherever Guanghua goes,

Countless lines collapse one after another, it can be said to be invincible

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