Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1875: Caught another big demon

m reminds the book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes. This big demon feels that he has seen the trail of blue-gray brilliance.

However, the six weapons swung out infinite cold light, like layers of spider webs,

This big monster believes,

Every place in the space has been strangled dozens of times.

However, every sword, every knife, every hammer, seems to be cut in the empty space, just can't cut the blue-gray brilliance,

And six weapons, the sword light, the knife light, the hammer shadow,

Unparalleled sharpness, unparalleled coercion,

Upon encountering this blue-gray brilliance, it immediately disintegrated into countless crystal clear fragments.

It looks like a track, but it is actually countless tracks.


The blue-gray brilliance was printed on the chest of this great demon,

The aquamarine armor, broken into pieces, dancing and flying,

The big demon only felt his chest tumbling, exploding like a volcano,

The turquoise blood shot, then turned into a turquoise flame and burned.

"how come---"

Last time during the escape, I didn’t have all-out preparations and was beheaded by Commissioner Qian.

This time, six magic weapons came out together, and the tactics were urged, which was an overwhelming tendency.

Why is it still a face, still beheaded?

In the astonishment on this big demon's face,

His soul, a slender monster with a green carapace, several pairs of fins on its back, and six claws like a tiger's grasp, jumped out from the top door.

But this time, Commissioner Qian waved his hand, a five-color big net,

Turned into a cloud of five-color clouds, the soul who has this, revealed the true appearance of a monster,

Shrouded in it.

As soon as the five-color smoke cloud touched the soul, it immediately tightened, and it burned like a light red flame like a morning glow.

This primordial spirit is another "Nine Nether Dissociation Technique" released, but it is useless,

The five-colored smoke cloud was punched out of a hole, but the soul was already wrapped in the five-colored smoke cloud like rice dumplings.

The five-color smoke cloud pulls, the soul is wrapped tightly,

I saw that I was already in a broad starry sky,

In the distance, a huge galaxy slowly turns,

There are countless planets in the galaxy,

Brilliance flickers,

Countless stars have whizzed away from the Milky Way.

This great demon primordial spirit barely released a few Nine Nether Dissociation Techniques,

However, among the countless stars, a few Nine Nether Dissociation Techniques seemed so insignificant.

Starlight twists on this soul,


The soul is already screaming.

In the universe, ordinary primordial spirits will quickly dissipate.

The cosmic storm and the starlight are the nemesis of the primordial spirit.

Until then,

Commissioner Qian took a sigh of relief, and the battle was resolved as soon as he met. It can be said that Commissioner Qian was also very exhausted.

To be able to win so easily,

It is important to maintain the feeling of using skills.

It is in this "feeling" that the opponent's offense is compressed into countless lines.

Maintain this feeling during the refining, and maintain this feeling during the battle,

The pressure is definitely different.

Fierce attacks are not comparable to minerals and materials.

Being able to maintain such a clear feeling during battle has a lot to do with cultivating the primordial change empty ng sutra.

It can be said like this,

In the face of the pressure of attacking Dao Fa, it is still possible to maintain such a clear feeling, which is absolutely beyond the average intermediate refiner.

"The magical power of this Nine Nether Dissociation Technique is good, try to see if it can be integrated into the decomposition skill.

Create a powerful spell. "

Commissioner Qian saved this idea.

For Mang Gutai’s black ice supernatural power,

Commissioner Qian has no similar supernatural powers to match.

Therefore, Commissioner Qian also wanted to practice a very powerful spell.

This can also be regarded as a branch of the four elements of power mystery ascending, and a spell from the four elements of power mystery.

Hearing about the Dragon Gate Inn, it has already spread throughout the entire sea of ​​ruins.

Commissioner Qian did not rush away, sighing and turning the trench for several days.

Several pieces of ancient equipment have been collected.

In these few days,

Commissioner Qian noted,

The big demon of the sea of ​​ruins, and the treasure hunt group of the Longmen Inn, are constantly coming.

There are conflicts everywhere,

It seemed that everyone was in a frenzy.

Many monks in Longmen Inn also died in battle, especially those apprentices.

From the soul of those monks,

The great monsters in the sea of ​​ruins and the abyss monsters have understood,

The ancient equipment distributed in this sigh trench was Longmen Inn 50,000 years ago.

Left over.

Even if it’s unusable waste,

In the Longmen Inn, it can also be very popular.

Now, the monsters in the sea of ​​ruins quit,

The monks of Longmen Inn, if you want these ancient equipment, you can,

Need to come up with useful and powerful equipment to exchange.

This medieval equipment is in the sigh trench and can be picked up everywhere.

A lot of unusable equipment,

They were all ruins sea monsters, dismissive of them.

The monk at Longmen Inn also did not agree.

You can pick it up, and of course we can pick it up.

Why should I exchange for good equipment?

Even if the level of the Dragon Gate Inn monks is high,

Good equipment is not easy to refine.

As a result, more and more monks are swimming in this sighing trench,

Fight with each other as soon as you meet, if you meet one of them,

Collected ancient equipment,

The battle is even more intense.

The scene is getting more and more noisy. Any attempt to maintain the formation and control the situation is futile.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, and a piece of ancient equipment rose from the mountains.

The surface brilliance is flowing, and it is obvious at a glance that in the medieval equipment, it is only average.

Commissioner Qian took this piece of equipment in his hand,

Thousands of feet long thunder, dozens of feet wide fireballs, a purple sword light that can penetrate into the dragon,

It's already coming.

The sea water and the thunder of thousands of meters long, the fireball of dozens of meters wide, and the vigorous purple sword light immediately turned into nothingness.

Equivalent to non-existent.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his palm and slapped it, and a brown-gray brilliance shot toward the thousand-foot-long thunder.

at the same time,

A shield appeared beside him,

In an instant, the wind rose and turned into a cloud of red smoke, several meters away,

Towards the fireball tens of feet wide, the strong purple sword light blocked

"Boom" in a loud noise,

Qianzhang is thunderous and has exploded into countless electric snakes.

And that cloud of red smoke, wrapped in committee member Qian, rolled hundreds of feet away

A mountain at the foot has exploded into countless earth and rock splashes

This cloud of red smoke re-turned into a red shield.

However, there was already a deep sword mark on the surface.

Commissioner Qian deliberated: "Damn, fortunately, this defensive equipment is only superficially damaged, as if the magic circle is not damaged."

Compared with the blue shield, this crimson shield requires a lot of attention to its materials and refining process.

It's not comparable to the practice of the blue shield.

So, under one blow, but slightly damaged.

Despite this, Commissioner Qian shook his body and turned into a stream of water, instantly disappearing in the sea.

In the distance, three human figures appeared. Seeing Commissioner Qian's escape method, he knew that he could not catch up.

Gazed at each other and snorted,

Split up

It turns out that these few people are not just the same way.

Seeing that Commissioner Qian got the equipment in hand, it was almost at the same time.

Sigh, the trench is getting more and more difficult.

Commissioner Qian, in order to practice his hand in Longmen Inn, he refined a lot of defensive weapons.

The carapace of the ruined sea monster is most suitable for refining this kind of defense magic weapon.

Even if a lot of them are hand-worked,

It is also good to take it back and share it with the disciples under the sect.

However, in these ten days,

Ten pieces of defensive weapons have been damaged.

As for the medieval equipment, only a dozen pieces were picked up.

Some of these equipments are used for research by themselves, and some are given to Liu Dao. While researching together, they can also gain more knowledge of refining tools.

It's almost there.

Member Qian turned into a stream,

Rush in the sea

First, go to Flying Town.

However, seeing another group of people fighting in the sea,

There are countless icicles in the surrounding dozens of miles,

Commissioner Qian saw that a big demon's figure turned, he had already swam to the periphery and was about to attack.

Shen Nian Yi reminded, well, only four diamond flower **** early stage.

The current of the incarnation of Chairman Qian suddenly increased,

A white light burst out, the color was like white, and the speed was as fast as lightning.

In sea water,

Any movement can be detected by these big monsters,

Itself is a sea monster,

As soon as this monster turned around, countless ice hockey pucks had appeared in the sea. Each ice hockey puck had the size of a fist.

Obviously, this is a spell like ice thunder.

However, these ice thunders are about to be released,

This yù-like white light has hit him.

Immediately, he felt that his meridians and collaterals seemed to be closed.

The flow of mana and the degree of activity have become only a fraction of the original.

In the battle of the Four Diamond Flower God ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the speed is so slow,

It’s almost as if a hundred years have passed,

Curing skills

Able to solidify different fusion materials,

Let the monks solidify instantly,

The flow of mana and the slowing down of activity are even more trivial.

I saw a figure swayed from the ice thunder and passed through countless ice thunders.

A hand has been pressed against the top door of this big demon.

The big demon only felt that the divine palace was shocked, and the contact with the u body was completely interrupted

All divine consciousness has been locked.

Then, an apricot brilliance flashed and turned into a vine, already tying itself to death.

Then the body shape shook, I only felt that the cuff of this hand suddenly became bigger, and I took it in.

Yes, another four-diamond flower **** was caught. Commissioner Qian thought, which magic weapon should he be used as a tool spirit?

I saw you at this moment. In the melee, one person shouted: "Which friend who uses curing skills, we are all from Longmen Inn, come and help."

The one who can shout out the curing skills is indeed from Longmen Inn.

However, if it hadn't been for the wide range of his Zhou Tianxing star battle array, he would have almost been caught by Hall Master Wen.

.Commissioner Qian should not accept it, and in a flash, it has turned into a cloud and has gone far.

From afar, only the angry shout of the monk at Longmen Inn

.. Enjoy the fun of reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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