Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1879: Knowledgeable poolside

m Remind book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes yo Chapter 1879 The knowledgeable poolside

"How do those abyss monsters have such a strong attack power?"

A disciple of Tiangong Palace asked.

"If you eat stones every day, even magma, and persist for a hundred years, you will definitely form a powerful attack method."

The poolside said unceremoniously.


The disciples of the Heaven Palace were silent.

"Eat stones and lava? How strong is this? How strong is this to digest stones and magma?

Not to mention a hundred years, ten years, a new magic pattern can be formed,

This is the same as the refiner. "

Xiao Yin spoke.

Chibian glanced at Xiao Yin with appreciation, and continued to explain.

"Well, the natural bloodline of the abyssal monster is originally stronger than human beings, living under certain elemental conditions for a long time.

Naturally, it has a strong affinity for elements. "

"Then these planes we are in are not long ago the world of abyss monsters?"

Commissioner Qian was suspicious.

"No, the physique of the Abyss Demon is flawed in the cultivation of advanced tactics. Simply put, the same ten thousand creatures, humans and Abyss Demon,

There are more humans than the abyssal demons who can cultivate to the three-diamond hu god.

There are fewer demons than human beings who can cultivate to the four diamond hu gods.

However, the demons have a large base, and in general, the masters are no less than humans. "

Watching Chibian talk freely.

"By the pool, you seem to know the abyss devil very well."

Commissioner Qian couldn't help but ask.

By the side of the pool, he only knew that he was a powerful monk, possessed by the soul.

As for his previous experience, Commissioner Qian is not aware.

"You know a thing or two, old Qian, the refining technique of Longmn Inn, have you brought it?

If there is the refining method of Longmn Inn,

Improve the level of refining in the Tiangong Temple,

Able to refine powerful magic tools,

Even if the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is out, it is possible to fight the abyss monster. "


Commissioner Qian felt that everything he should have said was said by Chibian.

Take away your limelight.

"Regarding Dragon mn Inn’s crafting skills, what I’m about to say is that I copied all the skills I got in Dragon mn Inn, which is for the disciples of Tiangong Temple to practice. If you are interested, you can also Practice at will."

At this moment, even Chibian shook their heads.

Seeing the invasion of the abyssal monsters, it may come quickly,

People like them have almost improved their cultivation level, so who has the kung fu to refine tools?

Of course, these dragon mn inn’s crafting skills were cultivated by the disciples of the Tiangong Temple.

You don't fix this. Don't blame me when the time comes.

Commissioner Qian murmured in his heart.

Look at the soft-shelled turtle: "Turtle-shelled turtle, do you have any memory of the Taoism you got from the jīng soul of which blood god, quickly enter it into the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, let the disciples learn, or quickly improve the strength of the disciples.

The turtle drank a sip of tea for a long time before he answered.

The body of the soul of the soul that he merged, the memory of Dao Fa, has lost a lot in the fusion, the main memory is in the head of the soul of the soul, and the body in this body is already a remnant.

However, if the level of Dharma is high, except for this poolside,

It is the memory he has acquired by the turtle, the highest rank.

It stands to reason that his turtle relies on the remnants of these remnants of Taoism,

Should become the number one master in Phongyang mn.

But, precisely because these tactics are leftovers,

There are a lot of obscurities, in the realm of turtles, it is impossible to understand.

Seeing that Commissioner Qian's cultivation base is getting higher and higher, he himself is now just the second diamond hu god.

In the turtle's heart, that is not a taste.

It’s okay to take out a little bit of the remnants of these high-level techniques,

He is really reluctant to contribute all of these high-level techniques, even the remnants of high-level techniques.

The soft-shelled turtle responded and glanced towards the side of the pool. This guy is a high-level cultivator Yuanshen Duoshe, and he should also come up with a few magic tricks.

"Well, I also have a few tactics. I also took out the previous years and put them in the Buddhist scripture pavilion."

The face by the pool was as usual, and he said calmly.

Then, the edge of the pond turned to the turtle: "The body of the soul of the ghost you get is mainly based on the blood evil technique.

This kind of exercise is to fight, keep fighting,

In the battle, draw the blood evil spirit!

Frankly speaking, Zhou Tian's star battle array has a limited effect on you to a certain extent.

Unless you modify the tactics of the galaxy. "

This sentence by the pool,

As if to wake up the person in the dream.

The turtle was stuck.

Immediately afterwards, the turtle's eyebrows raised!

Towards the edge of the pool is just a twitch.

"Thank you, no wonder, I feel that when the second diamond is about to become a god, how to practice and how to absorb star power,

Progress is very slow.

Old Qian, talk to the people at Tianpeng Mountain, they sent people to the White Bone Fortress to guard them, and I will take a few people over. "

It seems that the turtle wants to stay in the Bone Fortress and fight in the Bone Fortress to improve his blood evil technique!

Everyone here knows,

The turtle brought over,

He is his direct disciple.

When it comes to teaching to disciples,

Commissioner Qian is far inferior to the bigwigs present here.

All the big brothers here have already taught a group of their own disciples.


Turtle is the veteran of Fengyang mn,

The White Bone Fortress is already more dangerous, and Commissioner Qian has not yet said this sentence.

Zhou Tianxing's battle formation has little effect on turtles,

The soft-shelled turtle still wants to break through, so naturally it has to fight a lot according to what Chibian said.

I heard the soft-shelled turtle say to the Qiang committee member: "Old Qian, you are at the Longmn Inn. You must have refined dozens of magic weapons.

Bring out a dozen pieces, my subordinates, one piece per person, so that they can fight. "

More than a dozen pieces?

The other big brothers, one by one, fell absolutely.

Does the turtle treat the magic weapon as cabbage?

Commissioner Qian was also surprised,

Unexpectedly, there are already more than a dozen true disciples of turtles.

I just don’t know what the cultivation level of these dozen disciples is.

"To fight against the monsters of the abyss, the magic weapon must be attached to the Taoist law. It does not require a large range, but a strong power!"

The edge of the pool smiled.

In fact, even the turtle, but I just want to give a few powerful magic weapons to the committee member Qian!

Unexpectedly, what the old Qian said surprised all the bigwigs.

"These magic weapons I refine require at least the Golden Core Realm to be able to use most of their power."

Kang Dang----

The big guys have already poured a slice.

The Golden Core Realm is the magic weapon that can display most of the powers, and the three-diamond hu **** can use it,

There is no problem at all.

With a wave of his hand, Commissioner Qian could produce more than a dozen pieces, which----

"They all have the Golden Core Realm."

At this moment, Commissioner Qian was surprised.

Turtle's true disciple, the strength is really good.

A blue shield was already in the hands of Commissioner Qian. In an instant,

On the surface of this blue shield, blue mist is rolling,

With this blue mist, it is bitterly cold!

"This is a cold ice shield that can gush out thousands of feet of cold mist. The monks inside are covered with frost, and they can also release a large ice cone to hurt the enemy."


Commissioner Qian reminded him of the law,

A burst of blue cold mist surging out,

Its potential is like electricity, and it immediately covers the entire Xuanqing Hall.

Immediately, everyone in the Xuanqing Hall felt a deep chill.

Full of blood and mana,

It seems to freeze.

Guanghuayao shè, everyone's body protection method was released.

.But they soon discovered that

Various ways of protecting the body,

It was frozen.

The blue and white frost covered the surface of the body protection Tao Fa.

Then, "Swish swish swish!"

The blue and white ice cone, from the blue ice mist, is like a rainstorm!


There was a sound like fried beans.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff!"

Everyone’s body protection method,

It is already full of cracks and empty dng!

However, under the freezing blue and white frost, it didn't collapse immediately!

This is the blue shield that was damaged by Commissioner Qian when he was fighting near the teleport mn in the sea of ​​ruins of the dragon inn’s transmission road.

Has been patched on the road,

Although it is a masterpiece, but,

It can also resist a few bombardments from the four diamonds.

These countless cones of ice basically have no effect on the four-diamond hu god.

However, for these first diamond hu gods and second diamond hu gods here,

It's a big killer!

As soon as it started, no one in Xuanqing Hall could resist.

It is the disciples of Tiangong Temple who are on the side,

Nothing happened one by one.

In the heart of Commissioner Qian,

The cold mist of blue and white is of no use to them.

"This shield is the best."

Then, Commissioner Qian waved his hand again.

A dozen treasures have appeared in the sky!

The sea bounced and screamed like water, turbulent.

These are the treasures used by the first diamond god, the second diamond god, and even the golden core god, which were previously seized by the Qian Committee.

These magic weapons are pure **** for the current cultivation realm of Qian Da Committee ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~.

However, Commissioner Qian found that these **** magic weapons are the best tools for cultivating the various skills of Longmn Inn.

First use fusion skills, solidify skills, and use different materials to make the material of these magic weapons reach sufficient strength.

The so-called sufficient strength is to be able to use enchanting skills to inlay multi-layer magic circles.

Once the material of these magic weapons meets the requirements, they will use enchanted magic circles to inlay and connect multiple layers of magic circles on the original magic circle.

Of course, the inlaid multi-layer magic circle should be consistent with the original one.

The original magic weapon belongs to the fire system, so it connects with multiple fire system magic circles,

The original magic weapon is xìng of water,

Just connect the multi-layer water genus xìng magic circle.

This is a relatively simple way to increase power.

Of course, adding other elemental arrays,

it is also fine.

However, Commissioner Qian didn't bother to redesign these magic weapons that had been finalized.

Nevertheless, there is no problem at all when it is used to fight against the three-diamond hu god.

Not to mention anything else, that blue shield, an ordinary four-diamond hu god, can break the ice fog with less than ten attacks.

However, the cultivator at the summit of the three-diamond hu god, with hundreds of attacks, would not necessarily break the blue ice fog!

Enjoy reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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