Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1880: Quinn's choice

m reminds book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes yo Chapter 1880: Quinn's Choice

"Old money, do you have any? These magic weapons are much stronger than the magic weapons you gave last time."

The big head spoke.

The magic weapon I seized last time,

He gave him a lot, and he gave a lot of magic weapons to his personal disciples.

However, Commissioner Qian didn't care.

This time there is a new magic weapon,

So many new magic weapons?

It is a new magic weapon made entirely by the method of Dragon mn Inn,

Compared with the ordinary process of refining magic weapons, it consumes at least 60% more materials.

The more layers are embedded with the three-dimensional array,

The more materials this magic weapon consumes,

Otherwise, a circle of hundreds of layers,

Thousands of magic circles already have great powers.

How can it be so well inlaid.

"Well, you bring the existing magic weapon, I will improve the existing materials in the Tiangong Palace,

The improved power is no worse than the magic weapon for turtles. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Really? You have to make sure that it's not worse than the one for turtles, the magic weapon, of course, it's better to make new ones."

The big head mumbled.

"Hey, don't push everything on me. To what extent the materials in the Tiangong Pavilion are, I guarantee to what extent this magic weapon will transform the way.

Responsible for collecting various materials, but your responsibility. "

Commissioner Qian said rudely.

Responsible for using Xinglidan and purchasing materials is the turtle, which is their responsibility.

If you can't do this well,

What qualifications do I have to improve the equipment to reach a high level.

There are a lot of golden fruit shadows of refining tools in the mansion of Commissioner Qian,

Therefore, the most important step to improve equipment,

Weaving multi-layered arrays can be done independently by Qian Da Committee.

"There should be enough good materials for Tiangong Hall."

The big head had no choice but to say something casually,

This matter of purchasing materials is carried out by the disciples.

The big head hardly asks.

"In the Temple of Heaven, we have purchased enough materials and the quality is good."

Quinn spoke.

However, the tone was always cold.

"Oh, all right."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Quinn is absolutely responsible for accepting materials.

"My request is that the people in the palace, as soon as possible, practice the skills I brought back.

Strive to refine a large number of equipment before the invasion of the abyss monsters. "

Refining a set of equipment for the monk of Fengyang mn?


His chief committee member is mn chief, not coolie.

Besides, Longmn Inn has a lot of refining skills, waiting to learn by yourself.

"You mean, in a short period of time, it is difficult to greatly increase the cultivation level of Monk Fengyang mn, mainly relying on equipment to increase combat power?"

Ikebian said.

"Could it be that the magic trick you provided by the pool can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of Monk Fengyang mn in a short time?"

Upon hearing this question from Commissioner Qian,

The pond shook his head with a wry smile.

"Your Zhoutian star battle array, star power is dense enough, and the progress of cultivation here has surpassed many quick formulas.

If you want to increase your cultivation speed, you have to go crazy.

To be honest, in Fengyang mn, monks above the golden core have emerged in these decades,

Other mn factions may not have reached it for hundreds of years. "

"By the pool, you are almost reaching the three-diamond hu god. It's really the same speed as a monster."

The cultivation base by the pool is about to reach the three-diamond hu god.

Looking at the progress of the practice by the pond, even Commissioner Qian was a little dizzy.

This week the stars are in a big array,

It seems that it was opened for the pool side.

"In that case, we can only do what the old money means and rely on equipment."

The big head spoke.

"Unless the abyssal monsters invade, the monks of Fengyang mn will always stay in the Zhoutian Star Dou formation."

"How is that possible, so many planes, the abyss monsters, even if they have captured the Bone Fortress,

There may not be many people who arrive at Tianpeng Mountain.

We monks, there is still room for activity. "

It is Xiange who said this.

A pair of purple eyes are as firm as a rock.

Xian Ge has the least qualifications among these big guys, so Xian Ge was appointed as the captain of the patrol.

However, this position still fits the xìng style of Xiange.

Everyone admits that Xian Ge is still competent for the post of patrol captain.

However, the cultivation base of Xian Ge is now in the early stage of the second diamond.

"That's it, everyone, go back and step up your practice. I will teach the disciples of Tiangong Temple the skills of Dragon Inn."

The meeting came to an end.

The turtle was happy with the magic weapon.

The big head also hurried back, ready to take back the magic weapon in the hands of the disciples and rebuild it for Committee Qian.

Among the big brothers, only Quinn remained.

Didn't wait for Member Qian to ask questions.

Quinn said: "Old money, I also want to learn from Dragon mn Inn's refining tools. The ice shield you have just now is really too powerful.

Commissioner Qian was overjoyed, "Queen, have you practiced fire spells."

Quinn shook his head: "I practice water and earth spells."


"In this case, you can only practice mn skills."

Commissioner Qian burst into flames, and a piece of yù Jane appeared.

Flew towards Quinn.

"Shuiyun Knitting Machine Technique? The water system's refining technique,"

Quinn said.

"This is a water-based refining technique, which can only be regarded as the foundation.

The refining system of Longmn Inn is like this,

Commissioner Qian began to elaborate on the philosophy and skills of Longmn Inn.

The composition principle of skills actually uses the fusion of one or several skills,

Then, the key practice can be used for the part of the refiner.

Different array designs and structures have been reached.

Regarding these basic refining knowledge, Commissioner Qian explained in more detail.

If you want the palace to make large and complex equipment,

It is unrealistic to rely on Commissioner Qian alone. Commissioner Qian still has a lot of magic skills to practice.

A group of master craftsmen must be cultivated, even if each person specializes in one skill.

Otherwise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, among other things, it was obtained by Commissioner Qian. The kind of large defensive tower is very difficult to manufacture.

With this explanation, the disciples and Quinn kept asking questions.

It has been a few days before Commissioner Qian let the disciples of the palace and Quinn basically understand them.

Then, the big head came in with a dozen magic weapons.

"Queen? Why are you still here?"

The head was surprised.

"I want to learn craftsmanship."

Quinn said.


The big head put aside the magic weapon that asked Committee Member Qian to modify and went out.

Quinn’s head shorted,

His own cultivation level is the only way to drill the peak of the **** of hu, which is exactly the threshold for hitting the **** of hu.

Don't practice, run this refiner.

Is the refiner so easy to learn?

The Tiangong Temple has been established for nearly a hundred years.

What is the level of these disciples in the palace?

Anyway, our core magic weapons are all the old money responsible.

"It just so happened that the big head sent these magic weapons to ask for transformation. Let's go to the Temple of Heaven. You guys watch it.

Dragon mn Inn’s refining skills are much different from the actual refining skills. "

Commissioner Qian saw these magic weapons sent by Datou, just to demonstrate how the Dragon mn Inn’s crafting skills were used.

Enjoy reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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