Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1885: Ordinary monk

m Remind book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes. Chapter 1885 Ordinary monks

He was disappointed, it was not that there were only a few stars in this Bai Duan soul.

It's that the grove that grows in the soul of Bai Duan is a kind of auxiliary plant.

This plant helps the monk recover the mana consumed faster.

Of course, this plant is a real plant, transplanted from the outside world.

It’s good to cultivate the plant department,

Can be in the mansion formed by the soul,

Plant plants easily.

It seems that this Bai Duan has placed his attack spell on the mountains and the starry sky.

Even if these plants were crystallized, it would only enhance the ability to restore mana.

Commissioner Qian was deliberately depressed,

A finger of the green equipment in his hand, a light green brilliance, had already entered the Bai Duan palace.

Bai Duan's ability to refine the soul is also the blessing of this week's star battle.

It only took more than ten years from the cultivation of the soul to the present.

I transplanted a lot of plants to restore mana, but did not grow up,

Light green sè Guanghua puts shè,

One sweep is one slice,

The surface of the bushes immediately became crystallized, light blue, like gems.

The bushes growing on a few mountain peaks, the time for a cup of tea,

It was crystallized.

Commissioner Qian didn't care about this.

There are plants that restore mana, plants that can heal quickly, and of course, plants that can be transplanted into the palace,

There are also some combat functions.

However, compared with real combat plants,

These mana-recovering plants, fast-healing plants, and combat abilities can be described as trivial.

After Commissioner Qian crystallized these plants, he only assumed that he had fulfilled the obligations of the mn master and did not take it seriously.

"Thank you palm mn, thank you palm mn."

After the plants were crystallized, Bai Duan immediately felt that the operation of those plants began to change.

A happy message came to Bai Duan.

These plants in Bai Duan were transplanted into the God's Mansion only for more than ten years. They have not even reached the level of the plant demon, so they can only send out some simple messages.

But now, the information Bai Duan received was a clear and extremely happy message.

Bai Duan is really overjoyed,

For plants, there is wisdom and no wisdom, this is a huge step forward.

That legendary day equals ten years, I feel it now.

The starlight in Zhou Tian’s star-fighting formation is full of stars, which is of great help to people’s cultivation speed, but no matter how talented they are, they have not reached the metamorphosis that is equivalent to ten years in one day.

And Bai Duan, let alone genius, has better qualifications than ordinary people.

The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array has been established for so long,

That is, hún has formed a pill, and cultivated the soul,

Moreover, it is still the 9th Grade Golden Core.

Can't help but bowed to the member Qian.

These mana-restoring plants, fast-healing plants,

There are also in the mansion of Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian relied on his deduction array of 600 golden fruit shadows,

The scope of the temple is wide, and the mana is strong,

The four-diamond hu **** level is no longer available to these plants.

Even if the plants in the gods are to be crystallized, it is the battle plants.

Unexpectedly, after these plants in Baiduan Divine Mansion were crystallized,

And for a long time in the Zhoutian star battle array,

A great evolution has taken place, so that Bai Duan, this ordinary disciple in Pongyang mn,

In the future, he has also become a resounding character.

"I implore the master to show favor! Also help me wait for the spell!"

Twenty or so disciples huffed, all rushed over, bowing frequently to Member Qian,

"Release the soul."

After their souls were released,

Commissioner Qian was surprised to find that

The plants they chose in the primordial spirit were copied and cast, and there were many healing systems!

Choose a plant as a means of attack, but only a few people.

After all, just cultivate the soul,

Even if the plant is transplanted into the soul, the attack ability of the plant is not strong.

In addition to this, in this rich starlight, choose one or several types of star power that suits you, and practice it.

Within decades of this week’s star battle,

It can also feel a part of the will of a distant planet.

When the spell is cast, its power increases greatly.

Even if it has poor aptitude, only the 9th-rank golden core is available. When the spell is released, its power can reach the level of the seventh-rank golden core.

Those who have a seventh-rank golden core, a sixth-rank golden core,

The power is chasing the fifth-rank golden core, the fourth-rank golden core, that is, the **** of one diamond.


The disciples of Pongyang mn have also become like monsters in the abyss, their attack power is super strong.

Who is willing to cultivate plants that take a long time to cultivate?

Committee Member Qian crystallized all the plants in these disciples' divine residences, and couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

Cultivation itself is a very high level of knowledge, very boring,

Commissioner Qian, relying on the golden merits and virtues, to be able to cultivate to this day, is also a pile of countless adventures.

Even if these disciples chose the path of plants,

In a few hundred years,

It may not be able to reach the level of today,

Even if it’s me back then,

Facing such good cultivation conditions, he would choose to major in Star Power.

Commissioner Qian sat cross-legged under the main soul, feeling the sentiment of the main soul in the past few years.

At the same time, the shadow of the golden fruit in my mind,

Quickly began to refine the materials and prepare the array.

The preparations were made up of several plant arrays obtained by Commissioner Qian and Master Liu Dao.

Long mn Inn is located in the space lun stream.

There are few plant monks.

In contrast, there are very few magic circles on plants.

These formations were still from Liu Dao’s memory from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion at Longmn Inn.

I don't know how many years ago, some monks who came to Longmn Inn took out their equipment and left behind.

Commissioner Qian intends to weave all these arrays,

Using the technique of enchanting, it is embedded into the surface of the main soul,

See how it works.

After doing all this, it is time to return to the Longmn Inn and continue practicing.

I have to say that the main soul has become strong enough now,

In the past three years, several hidden xùe ​​apertures have been opened.

There has been almost a leap in the understanding of several kinds of profound.

Moreover, for the will of various planets, the master soul also has considerable insights.

After more than ten days, Commissioner Qian, sitting cross-legged~www.wuxiaspot.com~, opened his eyes.

Countless planets formed a phantom of the Milky Way, covering a thousand-zhang radius, spinning rapidly, and quickly submerged into the body of the Qiang Chief Executive.

The light of God is released,

As if straight into the sky! Master Yuanshen’s perceptions and breakthroughs in the mysticism of several plant systems,

Let the four elements of Commissioner Qian’s profound fusion power,

Improved again!

Commissioner Qian shook his hand, and several multi-layered formations with a height of one person appeared.

Then, stretch your finger,

Green flames,

Ignite above these magic circles!

The circle quickly shrank,

Commissioner Qian slapped his hand, and a burst of white light enveloped him.

These magic circles have been penetrated into the main soul, like a gem-like surface.

These magic circles are said to be able to absorb the power of nature,

But how is it absorbed?

What will happen after absorbing the power of nature,

Commissioner Qian didn't know what to do.

Even in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion of Longmn Inn, there is no record of this.

This can only prove that Longmn Inn is not an omnipotent place.

Only when the role of these magic circles is brought into play on the main soul, can Committee member Qian know the specific functions of these magic circles.

The matter of the Mountain Hu plane has come to an end.

Enjoy reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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