Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1886: 1-way chop

m reminds book friends to pay attention to rest their eyes yo chapter 1886 chop all the way

Refining tools and cultivation are all a long-term process.

The same exercises are not exactly the same when everyone cultivates.

After teaching the tactics and experience, there is only this step that Committee Member Qian can do.

"Are there any communications from the Galaxy Fleet?"

Commissioner Qian only then remembered about the Galaxy Fleet.

"Gu Tianshan ancient master has a message. The Galaxy Fleet’s joint defense headquarters has been established. The Galaxy Fleet Committee has requested to send personnel to our mountain plane. Master Gu said that he is fighting for us. Personnel assist in defense."

A monk stepped forward and said Gongsheng.

"What did Master Li and Gao Yu do? Did they reach out to me?"

Member Qian said angrily.

It seems that the position of the head of the joint defense department,

Gu Tianshan is sitting on it.

After cultivating here for so long, he naturally knew the pros and cons of Zhou Tian's star battle.

Compared with the sky star, the headquarters of the Galaxy Fleet, it has more advantages.

Even if he sent someone from Gu Tianshan,

It's just boring.

This is absolutely unacceptable,

With this concession, the personnel of the Galaxy Fleet had to drink indiscriminately here.

Why would Commissioner Qian be willing?

"Reply to them, thank you all for your kindness, but I don't need it for now!

When you need to send someone to help defend, let them send someone over.

Said unceremoniously.

Instructed the disciples to step up their cultivation, not to be slacking off.

Commissioner Qian quickly embarked on a journey to Longmn Inn.

Enough materials have been brought into the storage instruments.

This time, Commissioner Qian was heading for the master.

If you can rush the skill of the refining device to the master at the Dragon Inn, that would be great.

Commissioner Qian thought so.

Teleportation has reached the plane where the Dragon Inn is located.

After stepping out of the teleportation array, Commissioner Qian flickered.

A cloud of clouds, tens of meters long, has been flying rapidly in the air,

However, Commissioner Qian soon discovered that

The number of teams patrolling in the air has increased a lot.

It seems that the message I conveyed has already worked.

The Bone Fortress is next to the Bone Mountain,

"Stop, stop, check your identity!"

When the patrol saw Commissioner Qian's escape, it shouted from a distance.

However, I saw this cloud, the wind and thunder,

Wherever it went, a storm blew up,

These patrolling monks were all shaken in the air,

Unsteady standing.

Several people stood firm in the air, amazed at each other,

This cloud of clouds has gone far.


Not their soldiers can manage.

Dunguang approached the Bone Fortress,

But there was already a bit of fighting around the Bone Fortress.

Looking closely, it was some abyss monsters fighting against the patrol.

"Huh? I've been to this bone fortress several times, and I rarely see the abyssal monsters going deep into the area under the jurisdiction of the bone fortress. What's wrong?"

Commissioner Qian was a little surprised.

However, the speed did not slow down, straight to the White Bone Mountain,

Close to the White Bone Mountain,

There are more monsters in the abyss,

Seeing this cloud,

Howled and charged up,

In the clouds, the blue light enters the dragon,

A few flashes in succession!

It seems to light up the entire sky!

This team of patrolling abyss monsters suddenly froze in a straight posture!

After taxiing for a certain distance in mid-air,

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

It has exploded into the sky of blood ru!

And that Yunxia was already far away.

No matter how powerful the abyss monster is, when the super teleportation array is not available,

It is impossible to send four diamonds to form a patrol.

Therefore, there are more and more patrols of Abyssal Monsters.

Commissioner Qian did not even make a sword.

Among the clouds, countless stars swirled.

Seeing the patrol team, without a word, just rolled over,

All flying sword magic weapons bodies, no matter how fierce the momentum, are all crushed to pieces!

Photographed by Yunxia, ​​into the palace,

Swallowed more than a dozen patrols in a row,

Commissioner Qian felt that

On the periphery of White Bone Mountain, the manpower sent by Abyssal Monsters had indeed increased more than tenfold.

I also found a place, and the light fell,

The red shield was taken out, and it was only shaken, it turned into a billowing red smoke, wrapped the body, and moved towards the teleportation formation when it came.

Arrive at the fortress where the teleportation array is located,

But I saw the fortress that seemed empty on weekdays,

It was already squeezed and yelled.

There are many monsters in the abyss, but few monsters in the sea of ​​ruins.

Commissioner Qian did not say anything,

With the billowing red smoke, no one provokes him.

"I really don't know, why White Bone Mountain needs so many manpower to patrol.

There, the opposite is the Bone Fortress, the Bone Fortress, but the bones are hard to gnaw. . . "

An abyss monster complained.

"Oh, what's the matter with it?

No matter how bad the White Bone Mountain is, it is also a continent, better than the endless ocean. "

An abyss monster answered.


The abyss monsters increased their troops to the White Bone Mountain,

These abyss monsters were obviously transferred from all over the ruins of Hyde.

Commissioner Qian felt that the atmosphere around him suddenly became tense!

Through the teleportation array, to the town of Banbei,

Commissioner Qian immediately discovered that there were also a lot of abyssal monsters in Banbei Town.

However, now it is too late to send a flying sword to the peak of the bone fortress.

Besides, the Bone Fortress has a tight formation.

Ordinary flying swords cannot fly in at all.

Commissioner Qian thought, the Tieyan Army and the abyss monsters are all behemoths.

It's better to ignore the matters between them.

With a thought, the water splashed for dozens of miles,

The red smoke billowed, in the sea lng, has galloped away.

"Who came, show your ID card!

No ID card, no Taobao inside! "

Several hideous shadows roar in the sea!

Sigh again on the way to the trench,

Commissioner Qian already knew,

In the sea of ​​ruins, there is an additional ban issued by the demon kings of all parties.

To enter the Trench of Sighs and Taobao, you need a license issued by the Demon King!

Of course, as long as it is a license issued by the Demon King.

Upon hearing this, Commissioner Qian felt furious. This was the edge of the sighing trench.

There is no owner at all!

There is still a thousand miles away from the teleportation array to the Dragon Inn.

Interrogation began right here,

Regardless of whether these black shadows are sea monsters or abyss monsters,

Reaching out his hand, a sharp and incomparable sword intent has firmly covered these people!

These monks,

Since it can be delegated to cross-examination, is it a generation to wait?

Magic weapon, Feijian immediately urged!

Or holy dng, or terrifying brilliance,

As if rushing straight into the sky, he came quickly,

Several brilliances are particularly conspicuous in the dark sea,

The trajectory seems to be completely natural, the speed is so fast,

So that the sea water separated by these brilliance,

Too late to surge!

A ray of red light soared into the sky, but it was a thousand swords of red light,

In the vertical and horizontal mistakes, the sword intent is horrible, just a whirl,

I don’t know how many swords have been slashed in Dingdingdong, like a rainstorm,

These sword lights have been shaken away,

Crimson sword light flashed!

Like flying immortals outside the sky,

The blue fire splashes, like smoke,

This body protection magic weapon can be blocked by the dragon mn hotel refining technique improvement,

The six snake wind and fire sword inlaid with multiple layers of magic circle,

A fierce head has been rushed up in the sea!

These people can't see a few back and forth,

The companion has already been cut with a sword, and the magic weapon on his body,

It hardly has any effect.

Shocked, turned around and was about to escape into the sea,

A few monsters in the ruined sea,

It was very fast to escape into the sea.

However, an abyss monster,

The figure has not had time to hide in the sea,

The fiery sword light has been cut straight to,

This abyssal monster swung a sword,

I just feel that this simple sword is like a thousand swords!

Nothing blocked!

Flaming light swept!

In the screams, this abyssal monster has been divided into several pieces,

Blood spattered,

Yuanshen just emerged,

Just with the companion who was just beheaded,

Jun is like a vortex of stars,

Straight into the palace of Commissioner Qian.

As Commissioner Qian’s cultivation level gets higher, there are more complex characters and runes in the God’s Mansion.

For this type of abyssal monster body, the digestive ability will be stronger!

But after traveling for dozens of miles,

A bunch of patrolling monks appeared again,

The monsters in the Ruins Sea and the abyss monsters also jumped out and checked,

Commissioner Qian ignored him,

The whole body has a range of hundreds of meters, countless stars swirling,

Pounced towards this team of patrolling monks,

During the few months that Commissioner Qian was on the plane of Shanhu,

Has absorbed a large amount of star power,

In accordance with the received planetary information, many stars in the Zhoutian Star Array in one's own divine mansion are gathered together with star power,


Commissioner Qian’s Zhou Tianxing fights a big show,

Power greatly increased,

Abyss monsters and ruined sea monsters that can patrol around the sighing trench,

At least the three diamonds have risen.

The group of patrolling monks that Commissioner Qian met just now,

There is an abyss monster of the four-diamond hu god.

In this team of monks, there is another four-diamond hu **** ruined sea monster.

The abyss monster and the ruins sea monster unite,

The fact that there are so many masters ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ really shocked Commissioner Qian!

This ruined Demon Hyde makes a big sword,

A thousand-zhang long sword light, clear and transparent, like mercury,

With the force of smashing Huashan Mountain, it smashed down, its strength is unmatched, as if to cut the entire waste virtual sea!

In the billowing red smoke,

Commissioner Qian only felt that a pure sword intent had locked himself in!


Commissioner Qian shouted!

Red smoke rolls!

One stop toward this blade like mercury!


The light of the knife pierced the red smoke,

It's like splitting on an iron mountain.

Baizhang starlight, suddenly spinning rapidly,

Just a turn, the monks in this patrol team touched the rotating starlight,

Like being bombarded by a huge thunder,

Has been torn to pieces!

A team of patrolling monks, only the short four-diamond hu **** big demon, and a three-diamond hu **** deep monster.

Below the four-diamond hu god, as long as you touch the rotating starlight of Commissioner Qian, it is usually crushed immediately.

Unless there is a treasure like water yuanzhu.

Obviously, the monks patrolling here are not so lucky.

Enjoy reading, all in m, our only domain name!

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