Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1907: Copper Pei Palace Chaos

m1907 Chapter Bronze Palace úlu

Apricot light flashed,

The monk who came after him was surrounded by an iceberg,

As if in the infinite deep iceberg, countless runes flashed,

In the rapid flight,

Ripples have appeared in the space, and then they have begun to twist,

Fast flight can distort space,

This shows how strong this iceberg is.

At this time, I only felt that this apricot light seemed to pass through distant time and space.

His figure pulled out hundreds of phantoms in the air,

However, the fresh u of this yellow apricot directly hit the iceberg's body.

Iceberg, rune, touch this apricot,

On the apricot yellow, the stars swirl,

Iceberg, rune,

Immediately melted into nothingness,

The speed of apricot yellow,

It just slows down a little bit.

Xinghuang è fresh u, hit this monk,

"Peng----" With a soft sound, half of the monk's body has exploded into a cloud of blood!

With this iceberg blocking,

The power of Xinghuang Xianu has dropped a bit.

The monk screamed this, turning into a white brilliance,

Just dash up into the sky,

The sea water in the range of more than ten miles,

Rushing down like a huge thunder,

This white brilliance dashed into the sea, already breaking away.

Oh---In the sea of ​​ruins, the body of the four diamond u **** monsters is really powerful!

This idea passed by in a flash,

Luan Po was also fighting with a few monks,

Commissioner Qian waved his hand.

The scarlet sword aura is as open as fresh u, and it is full of thousands of weights,

In an instant,

Just shrouded a monk,

However, to others, it seemed slow and clear.

That monk, will turn the thunder fire blasting towards the peak,

I just feel that the scarlet sword aura,

From my eyes, straight into my own soul,

With a roar, the change of thunder and fire has been raised to the limit,

Like countless thunders, exploding at the same time,

Seeing him, Commissioner Qian reminded him again.

The crimson flame burst,

I just feel that I have already rushed forward, up and down, left and right!

The head was flying in the air, and then I saw it,

In a **** mist, he has been cut into a dozen pieces, flying in different directions!

"Damn, I'm also in the early stage of the Four Diamond God. This person cultivates powerful techniques!"

This head thought very depressed.

Once you have cultivated a powerful tactic, or, through hard practice, your Dao can be elevated to a powerful tactic,

Even against monks of the same rank, they are invincible.

"I've got it, let's go!"

Commissioner Qian yelled,

Together with Luanpo Dunguang,

Flew out quickly.


With a roar,

Dozens of monks from the bronze pavilion rushed up,

Among them, there is a formation with countless vortexes, connecting them into a formation,

A ten-foot-long sword, made of copper, hovered above them,

Countless talisman circulating,

Killing intent!

From the shot of the big man with beard to the present, no more than ten breaths of time,

For these monks to stop this battle, it is necessary to form a formation.

It just so happened that Commissioner Qian and Luan Po were leaving.

One person stretched out his hand and pointed,

Ten zhang grows a big sword like thunder,

Before the big sword, the meaning of incomparable sharpness,

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo's body protection methods are deflated at the same time!

Visible the power of this great sword.

The blazing red flame, the gentle white brilliance, flashed at the same time,

As vigorous as a dragon,

Just a cut!

B pattern spread rapidly, shocked!

The buildings of several bronze palaces have already turned to ashes!

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo, at the same time, felt the qi and blood in i, a tumult!

These dozens of monks who formed a formation,

There are two diamonds, and there are three diamonds.

With one blow,

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo, the two four-diamond gods,

Didn't take advantage of it,

With a whistle,

Commissioner Qian and Luan smashed their bodies and left quickly.

Leaving two long vacuum tracks in the sea.

This sword formation and Commissioner Qian and Luanpo made a blow, and they were also blasted back ten feet!

The cultivators in the formation are also churning with blood!

The monks who formed the sword formation were shocked,

Four diamonds are really amazing!

"Why are there so many four-diamond gods in those casual repairs!"

The sword formation can't hurt the slightest? "

"Enter the square!"

A monk drank!

Later, several sword formations arrived,

Towards the battlefield of war.

At this time, there was already a battle on the square. Within a radius of several thousand feet, there were only countless whistling noises. Not only did the dripping water disappear,

Space debris, that is a blockbuster.

Fortunately, there are a lot of prohibitions in the bronze palace, otherwise,

This bronze palace has long been blasted into a pit.

Several sword formations arrived.

Ten zhang, ten zhang grows a big sword, cross boom!

The extremely sharp red copper è sword energy passed,

I was bombarded by the sword aura of this red copper,

The Dao Fa of several bodyguards first paused, and then suddenly burst,

The flame water l, rushed straight forward,

Several four-diamond u gods whistling sternly, they have escaped into the sea in an instant!

There is a trend of a thousand miles in a flash.

Their cultivation level is far worse than that of Committee Member Qian.

Originally, there were more than 20 four-diamond U-Gods on the side of the Copper Pei Palace. Compared with the casual repairs at the Saibao Conference, the difference was not much.

Join these sword formations,

The ordinary four-diamond U God cannot stop the attack of the sword formation,

The four-drilled **** of casual repair, a few immediately ran away,

This situation,

Gradually control it!

As soon as the Saibao Conference opens, even if there are more than 20 four-diamond gods sitting,

Tongpei Palace also ushered in a murderous robbery.

A pile of personnel and materials,

This caused the monks in Tongpei Palace to breathe fire one by one.

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo,

Escape hundreds of miles,

Near Tongpei Palace,

There are no big monsters, only some i monsters exist,

Commissioner Qian took out the water yuan bead,

"Right here to sacrifice."

Congenital Dao machine, and it is a world's Congenital Dao machine ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ so that Commissioner Qian can’t wait to see it,

How big the world will be in this innate baby.

Luanpo nodded, "Yes, it is an innate treasure, I will tell you the precautions of the sacrifice."

The two chose a place where the current is slow,

Reach out,

A rock changes like mud,

A simple dwelling appears.

Commissioner Qian put the water and yuan beads into the gods,

Began to refine it.

There was a rush of star mist all over his body,

And in Commissioner Qian’s palace,

Can clearly see,

A huge vortex of star power whizzed down directly from the sky,

Towards the water element beads hanging in the air, frantically poured in!

It's just that the sky of the God's Palace is still like the eternal and boundless starry sky, with no change at all.

Commissioner Qian’s divine house, how much star power has been absorbed,

Luanpo can't imagine it.

After six days, Commissioner Qian suddenly opened his eyes.

"My water pearl is about to open up the world. It's only six days.

Luanpo, I remember, your water pearl has been tempered for three years! "

Commissioner Qian said in surprise,

In the tone, there is a bit of dissatisfaction.

Enjoy reading, all in m

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