Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1908: 1 sword shaking

m One thousand nine hundred and eight

"Ah---this, I don't know either,

Old Qian, this water yuanzhu is about to open up the world,

You quickly take it out,

Otherwise, this world-opening shock,

The monk's palace can't stand it. "

Luanpo said quickly.


Commissioner Qian had a thought,

Luan Po is right,

Innate magic weapons can open up the world, even if the world is not big, but open up with the real world,

There is also a bit of aura.

This vibration,

It's definitely not an ordinary monk's divine palace, it can bear it.

The Shui Yuanzhu immediately flew out of the former commissioner’s palace,

Suspended in the air.

Seeing that the water pearl has become like a star,

The star power inside,

It's already thick as liquid.

Then, the whole water element beads began to sway.

This flicker is incredible,

The sea water around the two began to move,

This move dng seemed to spread thousands of miles away in an instant.

Commissioner Qian remembered,

The broken water beads are quenched,

When opening up a small world,

The entire mountain hu plane, despite the suppression of water and pearls,


It began to vibrate almost at the same time.

Mountain Hu plane, vertical and horizontal 16,000 miles,

In the plane, it is not considered a large plane.

But at the same time it started to vibrate,

The sky also vibrated.

This proves,

This kind of vibration when the world was opened up was spread in a way of induction, or in a similar way.

The star power in the water element began to boil,

Then, there was the earth, then the flood, then the violent wind, and finally, the flame.

This is the new world, the element of development.

"Old money, you, the new world of the water yuanzhu, absorbed the star power, and only absorbed the star power for six days. The new world opened up may not be very big.

I don't know, every water element bead is not the same. "

Luan Po said.

Your old money, the water and pearls you found, the world you opened up,

That's the luck of old money.

Nothing happened to me.

"Come on, I can find a water pearl,

It's already pretty good to get the innate Dao machine inside. "

Commissioner Qian rolled his eyes.

It's better to have a born baby than nothing, you can only think about it like this.

So both of them are watching carefully, this new world, the process of opening up,

This is also an important viewing.

After a while,

Commissioner Qian raised his eyebrows.

"Someone has come over, sixty miles away, they are approaching quickly, I'm afraid they are also four diamonds."

"Well---Sure enough, this water pearl, the vibration of opening the world, can be sent far.

It must be noticed on the Tongpei Palace side. "

Luan frowned, "I'm afraid, the monks who left the Tongpei Palace have also noticed."

Luanpo muttered in his heart,

If your old money wants to temper your baby, you have to find a place far away from the copper pavilion.

This is only a few hundred miles away from Tongpei Palace.

Four diamonds will come in a while.

"Oh---I originally just wanted to see the innate Dao machine, but it didn't arrive. This water element bead was tempered in six days."

Commissioner Qian looked very helpless.

"Hey, how did the speed of opening up the world slowed down with this water pearl?

If my water bead, the world opened up would be much smaller than yours.

The speed of opening up the world should be fast. "

Commissioner Qian asked Luanpo.

At the same time,

A sea of ​​hu appeared, with a full range of thousands of meters,

Brilliant and radiant, fluttering in the sea.

The b movement to open up a small world, close to the range of a thousand meters, will find,

Therefore, this sea of ​​hu flutters in the direction of a thousand feet, which seems to be only within a thousand feet.

It looks like a radius of a hundred miles, Guanghua is extremely prosperous!

Go straight to Xiaohan.

After a while, "Swipe it---"

There are a few figures, coming here!

It's already stopped far away from this piece of fresh hu,

At first glance, this Fa was very powerful, and I was shocked by this Fa!

A cold voice came from this sea of ​​hu: "The trespasser will die!"

After saying this,

The few people who rushed over immediately became a little unconscious.

Among these monks, there are monks from the Copper Pei Palace and a few casual cultivators.

To be able to rush to the depths of the ocean first, no one is mediocre.

These monks,

Everyone is a four-diamond hu god,

However, there are many in the early stage of the four diamonds

The other is mid-term,

Four diamonds are at the top of the gods, no.

A monk with a slender face,

It is covered with a layer of bone-like material,

Hearing this voice in the hu sea was furious: "My friend, your Taoism is very strong, but you are too much to say such things."

"Yes, our Bronze Pei Palace lost a few treasures at the Saibao Conference. You concealed the treasures here. Could it be that the treasures of our Bronze Pei Palace were refined? Quickly let go of the prohibition!


A middle-aged monk wearing a bronze palace costume,

The blue flame in his eyes burned, as if to burn everything in the world.

However, he was still right.

What Commissioner Qian is working on is the water yuan beads robbed from the Tong Pei Palace.

I saw patches of red mist floating out in the hu sea,

In an instant,

The entire hu sea is already filled with red mist.

Commissioner Qian turned his red shield into the form of red mist and released it.

"Just come and try!"

Then, an answer came out.

It's like coming from one end of distant time and space.

Extremely cruel.

And within this hu sea and red mist,

Commissioner Qian asked Luanpo in his tone, already a little anxious.

"How long will it take to open up the world in this water element?"

Originally, I just wanted to take a look at the innate Dao machine within the Shui Yuanzhu.

Unexpectedly, the tempering was completed so quickly.

Compared with Luanpo’s water pearl, which has been tempered for three years,

Commissioner Qian felt that his water yuan beads were simply parallel imports.


A monk with a slender face,

Finally couldn't help it.

When the method was urged, countless quadrangular brilliance appeared all around him,

Like a starry sky,

With the momentum of this law,

The people around only felt that the momentum was very strong,

In the bitterness, but also mixed with yīn ruthlessness.

As if standing in the boundless and incomparable world of the devil, it's breathtaking!

There was a strange smile on this slender face,

Thousands of four-pointed starlights, covering the hu sea surrounded by red mist!

Every four-pointed star, bombarding the hu sea, burst like a huge copper thunder,

Countless star blue sè Guanghua rushed up.

However, the sea of ​​hu flutters, bringing the sound like a huge thunder,

The red smoke swirls around like a mountain covered with light clouds.

Thousands of huge thunders bombarded, and this sea of ​​red smoke seemed endless.

Stand still.

With a bitter and yīn ruthless aura, encountering the red smoke in the sea, it simply disappeared with the wind.

"Good way!"

The monks of Tongpei Palace are just one sign.

However, the faint b movement even passed through the fresh hu and red smoke.

There must be an important treasure being tempered.

With a wave of hands, a long scream,

A pinch of the method,

A piece of black fog, towards the bright red smoke, is Yishi,

In the black mist, a blue sword light was split,

The knife's momentum was soft and strange, and a net of knives was turned into an instant.

A huge force that can open the mountain,

Surrounded by this knife net,

The knife net is strange and ruthless,

And the black mist covered the red smoke in the sea,

Both the huhai and the red smoke creaked and gave out green smoke.

Thousands of thunder, fire and sword light, soaring into the sky, reflecting hundreds of miles away.

The collision of the Taoism of the four diamonds hu **** made all the sea water within ten miles of this radius become nothingness.

There were also a few four-diamond hu **** cultivators, standing and watching.

Being touched by this remaining b also opened up the body protection Dao Fa.

Two four-diamond hu gods shot together,

This defensive Dao Fa should be broken quickly.

However, after a few cups of tea,

The sea of ​​hu seems to be endless, the red smoke is clear and leisurely.

It turned out that little progress has been made.

These four diamond hu gods just looked at each other.

"Within a 100,000-mile radius of the Tongpei Palace, I have never seen such a powerful monk."

Said a Kraken with a flat head, a mouth full of sharp teeth,

Already accounted for half of the head.

The whole person was shrouded in green light, which seemed indescribably strange.

"Within a 100,000-mile radius of the Tongpei Palace, there is no such master.

If I say that this kind of Taoism is like the Taoism of the human world,

I have seen this kind of Taoism in human monks. "

Another four-diamond hu **** said.

He seemed to be wrapped in a stream of water,

"This person is a monk on earth?"

The last four diamonds exclaimed.

All of a sudden, the few four-diamond hu gods who were watching did not say a word.

Sure enough, after a while,

Amidst the hu sea and red smoke, there was a cold whistle.

"But so---"

A red light rushed from the sea of ​​hu,

Immediately afterwards, the hu sea with a radius of a hundred li, each hu shè out a brilliance, rushing into this red light,

This red light suddenly flourished!

The fiery brilliance,

Even the four-diamond hu **** cannot be seen.

Suddenly, he slashed at the slender-faced monk!

The expression on the slender monk's face was cold and hard,

At this time, I couldn’t help but change,

The red light has already slashed suddenly,

It’s just a slash, it seems to have the power to open the sky, there seems to be endless changes,

This slender-faced monk felt that he could not avoid it.

Countless quadrangular starlights just surged up to welcome this sword light!

"Boom---" Then there was a loud noise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Numerous quadrangular stars, together with this monk, had burst into pieces!

The monk's soul rushed up,

The black mist and blue fire burst,

Chi sword light, too late to put away this soul, turn, cut,

Countless red sword lights suddenly bloomed,

One after another,

Red light shines for dozens of miles!

Cover this black mist and blue fire,

The black mist and blue fire have been mostly broken!

There was a miserable hum,

The black mist and blue fire turned into a black smoke, rolling away in the direction of Tong Pei Palace.

After attacking for a long time, the sea of ​​red smoke remained untouched.

In the red smoke of hu sea, the sword qi charged, and the powerful magic trick appeared,

These two four-diamond hu gods, one burst into pieces,

One was injured and fled!

As Commissioner Qian deepened his cultivation, his understanding and deduction of sword tactics became stronger and stronger.

As soon as the sword art is released, the power is enough to shock the sky!

Looking at the four-diamond hu monsters next to him, he was dumbfounded.

Immediately back ten miles.

Knowing that at this time, the vacuum created by the battle between the two sides disappeared,

Tens of thousands of tons of sea water rumbling down!

"This Human Race monk is amazing---tsk tut."

A monster sighed.

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