Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1912: The monk of the bronze palace

m One thousand nine hundred and twelve chapters monks in the bronze palace

"You have gone to temper the Shui Yuanzhu, and there are fewer people who practice the profoundness of space to read the full text)."

Commissioner Qian called haha.

"Now, the monsters outside will not be so arrogant. Let's take a closer look at the development of your water and pearl world."

Luan Po said.

"It stands to reason that this should be the case, but I don't know how the Tong Pei Palace and the others will react."

Member Qian said lightly.

hu starfish outside the fog,

There are already monks from the Copper Pei Palace galloping away.

"It seems that they are going to report to Tong Pei Palace."

Xing Nanzu said lightly.

"Then what shall we do?"

Flying Red Tortoise was a little downcast.

Once the people in the Tongpei Palace make a big move,

Where is their share?

"Let's take a look here, what kind of b-movement is this, who of you has seen it?"

Xingnanzu asked.

"I don't know, this is very profound, I have never seen it before."

All the monsters shook their heads.

Innate treasures are so good,

Don’t talk about getting the innate treasure,

Most of the four-diamond hu gods have never seen innate treasures in their entire lives.

And the b movement of the innate treasure,

It will not be well known.

"The monk from Tongpei Palace is coming, and they are gone."

Said a monster.

It’s only a few hundred miles away from Tongpei Palace,

It is definitely the sphere of influence of the Copper Pei Palace.

If the monks of the Tong Pei Palace come in large numbers,

That's no benefit.

Some monsters did not leave,

If the monk of your Copper Pei Palace comes, let's take a look at the head office next to him.

From this look, I saw the most powerful explosion of the Zhou Tianxingdou formation.

"What, special mana b moves, it hasn't appeared in Tongpei Palace before,

Could it be related to the sea water shaking just now? "

Said a monk with double horns.

He wears a silver armor and a silver brilliance, so he is full of pride.

"You made a note of that kind of b-movement, show it out and see."

The monk with double horns, the firstborn, said to the monk who bowed to report.

The monk who bowed to report,

Is a three-diamond hu god,

Before the star fog hu sea red smoke,

I can’t even talk,

"Oh-Lord Hall, please forgive me. I seemed to be familiar with that kind of bounce.

But when I came back,

I just feel that my head, empty dngdng, can't think of anything. "

This three-diamond hu **** looked terrified.


Several palace owners of Tongpei Palace just glanced at each other.

"This treasure should be a very treasure."

Said a monk with blue hair and blue eyes,

The voice is sharp.

He is also a master of Tongpei Palace.

As for the baby that exudes bounce, is it from the bronze pavilion?

Everyone knows,

Certainly not.

The monk with double horns and silver armor,

Just need to open your mouth,

Lead people to attack and see what treasure it is.

The monk with blue hair and blue eyes,

I'm already opening my mouth,

"Well, I'll take someone to have a look."

The first-born monk with double horns cursed in his heart: "Every time there is a benefit, you always rush the fastest."

Just a cold snort: "You've been to this treasure hunting thing many times, this time, let me go."

This blue-haired and blue-eyed monk,

Also sneered,

Just don't answer.

Seeing this atmosphere, there will be a stalemate.

The lord of Tongpei Palace, a middle-aged man with temperament like the sea,

It was just a bitter smile: "Stop arguing, hold a Saibao conference, there is such a mistake,

You still have the mind to quarrel over this,

In this way, you go together. "

After speaking, waved his hand,

It is already indisputable.


The two looked at each other,

Tongpei Palace’s event was terrible.

The palace owner’s mood is very bad,

So be it.

The two walked out side by side, but they moved a few feet apart.

"Come here, the monks from the Chuan Zhantang Hall are here."

The blue-haired and blue-eyed monk shouted at his own shì.

The monster has a very simple name for Bu mn,

The fighting hall is the fighting hall.

"You too."

First-born double horns,

The monk in silver armor also shouted loudly.

After a while,

Before Tong Pei Palace,

A huge lng surged, with a radius of hundreds of meters,

A bunch of people formed a majestic battle,

Howl forward!

The giant lng rolls and howls like thunder.

The monks surrounding the hu sea and red smoke in the distance,

One by one is to look at each other.

"The people from Tongpei Palace are here, and every time they are dispatched, the show is very big."

Involuntarily, everyone backed away a bit.

Billowing giant lng, whistling like thunder,

Come to the sea of ​​hu shrouded in star fog, before the red smoke.

The giant lng is suspended in the sea water,

There is indeed no dripping on it.

"What kind of bounce is this, it seems very ethereal."

A three diamond hu **** said.

"Well, amidst the mist, it seems so vast, which is really strange."

The monks in Tong Pei Palace nodded one after another.

"This kind of bounce is really not in our palace."

Said the blue-haired and blue-eyed monk.

"Well, the treasures in our palace produce b-movements that are much stronger than this.

However, it is far from so ethereal.

Let me think about it, in which books have I seen this kind of b-movement? "

The monk with double horns tilted his head and thought.

Suddenly, his face changed abruptly: "In a classic book, it is said that this kind of b-movement seems to be an innate b-movement."


Hearing this monk with double horns said,

This blue-haired and blue-eyed monk, his eyes exploded with light.

Just like fireworks, brush-----.

"Innate treasure?

There are no congenital treasures in the Tong Pei Palace.

Are you sure? "

The monk with double horns nodded: "I have only seen it in the classics.

I just feel like it. "

"There are many monks here, we still ask them to come and ask."

Said the blue-haired and blue-eyed monk.

Because, among the monks nearby,

He has seen a few faces,

Often come to Tong Pei Palace.

However, these few are also four diamond gods,

The cultivation base is equal, he is only a hall master in Tongpei Palace.

Naturally, it is impossible to call it and leave it.

The blue-haired and blue-eyed monk stepped on his feet.

The water surged,

People have reached hundreds of feet away.

"Wei Guan, long time no see, you are here too--"

The four-diamond hu **** named Wei Guan,

Surrounded by mist,

At first glance, it is the most common four-diamond hu **** in the sea of ​​ruins.

Hearing this is just a chuckle.

"Why haven't seen it for a long time, just a few days ago, I saw it on the Saibao Assembly Mountain in your Copper Pei Palace."

Why, your Lord Jiang Kai is a noble person, and after a few days of work, you have not seen you for a long time. "

It turned out that the master of this Tong Pei Palace was named Jiang Kai.

Wei Guan laughed.

"Look at the robe on your body that has been damaged in several places.

You just fought with the master of that formation, right? "

The monk who ran back to the bronze palace to report,

Did not rush into the Zhoutian Star Dou formation.

Jiang Kai thought about it.

He and Wei Guan are somewhat affectionate.

"I changed someone else, I wouldn't say that in that formation..."

Jiang Kai is so so,

Said the situation inside Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array again.

When Wei Guan heard this, his heart was cold.

"So that's it, you four diamond hu gods, all stand aside and watch."

Although the number of people coming from Tongpei Palace is several times that of the four-diamond huhu **** standing here and watching,

However, the four-diamond hu **** masters who came here were similar to the few four-diamond hu **** masters standing here.

among them,

It also includes several four-diamond hu **** monks who are invited to the Saibao Conference to cheer.

As soon as I heard of this formation,

Is the endless starry sky,

Moreover, the master of this formation can use the mysterious space,

Transfer the position of the four diamonds,

Wei Guan's excited mood suddenly became cold.

The dozens of people rushed in, afraid it was not like finding a needle in a haystack.

He stepped on, lnghu surged,

Has reached above the giant lng,

"The formation inside is like this."

He said to the monk with double horns.


The monk with the first-born double horns was shocked.

Seeing Wei watching this,

The two were relatively speechless.

"Well, let's just make a list of positions and attack outside."

Said the monk with double horns.

"That's the only thing. You can't come here for nothing."

The blue-haired and blue-eyed monk waved his hand: "Get up!"

The monks in the Tong Pei Palace lined up,

However, they are arranged,

It’s a battle formation with a relatively small number of people,

This kind of formation is suitable for charging on the battlefield.

Several queues are arranged,


One after another Guanghua rushed,

The big sword of copper sè, among countless runes,

Began to form.

At this moment, an angry voice came from the star fog.

"Copper Pei Palace, I have nothing to do with you, you still don't retreat!"

Commissioner Qian, in the star mist,

Really angry.

"You offer the treasure with both hands before you speak!"

Wei Guan sneered.

The Tong Pei Palace is one of the few great forces within a radius of 100,000 miles.

This prestige is not enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that's good--"

Commissioner Qian almost squeezed through his teeth.

He just felt that

In the world evolved from this water elemental bead, a trace of innate Taoism followed the star power and passed it to his divine mansion.

The star power in the water yuan bead was input by Commissioner Qian.

Therefore, this thread of innate Daoism naturally also came to Commissioner Qian's divine mansion.

Luanpo can't feel this innate Dao machine.

Forget this innate Daoism,

However, Commissioner Qian felt that this innate Dao faculty actually caused several mysteries contained in the Zhoutian Star Dou formation in his divine mansion to begin to move.

There are too many profound mysteries of Zhou Tianxingdou in the Zhou Tianxingdou formation.

Therefore, Commissioner Qian did not comprehend these mysteries.

Therefore, Commissioner Qian only had time,

Motivate these few profound and profound, pounce on this innate Dao machine!

Has been interrupted,

How do you not irritate Commissioner Qian.

He chanted the spell quickly,

The changes in his hands brought up shadows.

"Old money, what spell are you going to use,

I haven't seen you since you had the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array. You have been preparing for such a long time to launch a spell. "

Luanpo said in surprise.

Enjoy reading, all in m

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