Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1913: Xinghai Tsunami

m 1913 Chapter Xinghai Tsunami

Commissioner Qian continued to pinch the tactics, and said to Luanpo, "It also absorbs the star power and reaches a certain limit.

Only when the deduction of the mysterious planet in Zhou Tian's Star Dou reaches a certain level can it be displayed.

I have only recently succeeded in practicing. "

Luanpo nodded: "Oh."

Seeing the entire Zhoutian star battle array,

Ups and downs like the sea,

Muttering in my heart, I'm afraid, this kind of powerful method,

Only you, the host of this week’s star battle,

In order to practice successfully,

Other people, I also stayed for decades in the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array,

In addition to absorbing star power, it’s not difficult to gather the image of one or several planets in the God’s Mansion.

However, if you want to understand,

Large-scale Taoism is difficult to comprehend,

Seeing Commissioner Qian’s Taoism,

Can provoke the entire Zhoutian star formation,

At a glance, you know the power is extraordinary.

As soon as I saw the b movement of this star fog getting bigger and bigger,


Wei Guan shouted vigorously,

He was satisfied with the feeling of giving orders.

Several huge swords made of red copper, with a palpable whistling sound,

Broke through the air,

Boom straight above the star fog,

In the moment when these giant swords and star fog met,

The whole space,

There was a pause,

Almost at the same time,

Nearly ten four-diamond gods’ attacks,

It's already like a world-shaking, sobbing ghost and god!

Under the fierce chopping,

The incomparably brilliant thunder light rushed up, shining thousands of feet!

Then there are countless thunder sounds, towards the sea with a radius of thousands of miles,

Go back violently,

Within a thousand miles, it was like a tsunami happened.

Thousand-foot-high giant l, the crazy spread of a bb, tore all the matter on the ocean mountains to pieces!

Everything around the star mist u sea no longer exists,

After being hit by this attack, all of them were turned into gray.

A big hole with a radius of tens of miles suddenly appeared,

Only the isolated island shrouded in the star mist u sea in the middle is like a landscape from the ancient times.


The star fog seemed to be unable to support it and began to collapse,

And those brilliant u flowers,

Under the assault of a bolt of thunder,

One after another began to burst like a huge thunder.

The monks of Copper Pei Palace,

With the proud gods, they looked at the onlookers in the distance.

What happened,

Now I have seen how powerful the attack on our Copper Pei Palace is.

Speak the truth,

Úlu and losses at the Saibao conference,

It’s really to let the monks of the Tong Pei Palace,

Lost face,

Seeing this star fog u sea,

In the mouths of these casual practitioners,

It's as good as the gods and people,

As soon as our masters of the Copper Pei Palace come,

Didn't it break at once?

And those masters onlookers,

Even more full of suspicion and incomprehension,

How can it be so easy to break?

I remembered rushing into this battle,

The endless starry sky,

Endless stars,

How mighty and mighty is that?

Even if these people in Tongpei Palace can break this battle,

In the eyes of these four-diamond u-god monsters onlookers,

At least a few days to attack,

How can it be so easy?

At this moment,


The star fog made a loud noise,

All the monks, all the monks who surround this star mist u sea,

I felt my own soul, just a sudden shock,


They saw the tsunami, to be precise, it should be the tsunami of Xinghai.

Among the giants, there are countless stars,

Around the stars, there was a gust of wind and howl,

But in the violent wind, there is the kind of energy flow set off by the solar wind in the dark, seemingly violent,

But there is a feeling that the angle is just right.

"I just said, this battle is very strong, how can it be so easy-----"

A smile appeared on Fei Honggui's face.

Xing Nanzu also smiled,

However, the smile on his face immediately solidified.

A ripple,

At an incredible speed,

From this star sea giant tsunami, spread forward,

Where the ripples pass,

The space is extremely distorted,

The distance of tens of miles was almost an instant, and the ripples had arrived.

Immediately, these four diamond gods felt,

The space in which you stand has become a muddy swamp!

This is not an ordinary water swamp spell,

Turning water into a bog,

It's the spell of the space system!

Where this ripple passes,

The space has become like a swamp,

The four diamond gods felt the **** to themselves.

Before the Xinghai tsunami arrived, it was already so powerful!

Where can Xingnanzu laugh,

The smile turned into a loud roar,

The strongest Taoism, with all its strength,

There is a huge rushing around, in the rushing, countless rocks are distributed,

Among the huge rocks, countless sea beasts swim horribly hideously.

Distance of tens of miles,

It's almost passed by in an instant,

The sea of ​​stars screamed violently, and slapped on the front of the monks of Tongpei Palace.

Several four-diamond gods in the Tongpei Palace,

Seeing that the sea of ​​stars tsunami is not coming,

The space has become a swamp,

Immediately is a battle in the formation!

The power of the formation immediately increased several times!

However, this star sea tsunami,

Take a shot in this battle!

The copper red shield from the formation,

Has been blasted into several pieces in the loud noise,

And when the stars in the tsunami hit,

They found out,

These stars are actually planets!

Every planet, and this battle is changing,

The monks in the formation,

It’s not the impact of giant mountains,

But as if the whole world is shaking,

In other words, every time these planets hit,

They all felt the entire sea of ​​ruins, that is, the entire plane shaking!

In Commissioner Qian’s Divine Mansion, the appearance of these stars was originally a distant planet, the mystery contained in it, the concretization of rules!

of course,. Maybe Zhou Tian has a big star battle,

The absorbed Zhoutian Xingli,

There is a kind of law,

But even if there are laws,

It's not the current committee member Qian, who can penetrate!

The huge sword of red copper was just formed,

Dozens of planets bombarded,

The planet of red copper,

Has been blasted to pieces!

Immediately afterwards,

Even if there are four diamonds under the presidency of God,

The defense strength of the shield of the formation has increased several times,

Still an incredible rate of decline.

"How can there be such a powerful force?"

Within a few positions in the Tongpei Palace, the four diamonds were shocked!

Four diamonds u god, a pile of three diamonds u god, two diamonds u god,

The formation is enough to fight against a few four-diamond u gods,

The four diamond gods can easily detect the shock of mana, the deep changes,

Can easily push the formation of the three diamonds and the two diamonds to a few levels.

However, in the face of the fierce bombardment of this star sea tsunami,

The bombardment of every planet,

It's like a world smashed down!

The improvement of the battlefield control has no effect before this kind of power like the world smashed down!

Every formation, that is, the effort between breathing, hit a hundred planets,

The red copper giant sword that keeps appearing, do my best,

Blocking from the left and hacking from the right to block the attacks of these hundred planets,

However, the second diamond is already spurting blood like an arrow, and the third diamond is vomiting blood.

Only the four diamond gods in the formation, although his face was distorted and the blood in his heart was tumbling, he still barely held back and did not vomit blood.

The battle shield is already missing one piece in the east and one piece in the west.

However, this tsunami of starlight,

It seems to be endless.

"Quick withdrawal-----"

This time, the monk with double horns yelled,

Wei Guan’s blue eyes were full of fear and unwillingness, but,

A four-diamond god, as soon as he heard the order,

Busy soaring to the sky,

Surrounded by several rays of light,

The whole person looks,

Like a brilliant meteor,

Hurricane all the way,

And the planet is smashing all the way!

But flew more than ten miles,

His whole body has exploded several times,

Guanghuayao thousands of feet!

Several of his strongest magic weapons have all been destroyed.

But, finally, he plunged into the sea,

The Xinghai tsunami has already blasted suddenly,

Miles of sea water,

Immediately turned into nothingness,

However, this monk was already gone.

There are a few magic weapons on the four-diamond u-god monster,

Moreover, the defensive power of the magic weapon is also strong enough.


The remaining four diamonds are not so lucky.

A four-diamond u-god is about to approach the sea in the distance,

But hundreds of planets,

It just banged!

The whole body of this person also surrounds a few treasures,

The control of these treasures is very deep and subtle,

Several magic weapons are brilliant,

Defensive Dao Fa, layer by layer, is like overlapping mountains, tight and natural.

However, hundreds of planets quickly caught up, just a whirl, a twist!

The Dao of Protection immediately shattered and exploded, like a splendid war scene,

Then, the body of the magic weapon burst to pieces, and then, it was the burst of the four-diamond u **** himself!

However, every bit of fragments, blood ru, bones that this four-diamond u **** burst into pieces,

Are absorbed by the smashed planet,

In the blink of an eye, this four-diamond u-god, there is no more left!

Then, these planets did not continue to attack,

Just a flash in the air!

It has already flown towards Zhou Tian Xingdou.

Those who are in the formation of the three diamond gods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the second diamond gods are even worse.

The planet fell, and the sky was overwhelming.

"Boom boom boom----"

The battle is immediately crushed!

The cultivation base of the four diamond u gods can still fly under this empty planet,

These three-diamond gods, or second-diamond gods, can’t fly at all, or they just fly a distance of tens of feet.

Already under the bombardment of the planet,

The explosion was a blood fog firework.

And these blood fog and fireworks were absorbed by the sky and stars!

The three-diamond gods and the second-diamond gods of Bronze Palace,

No one escaped,

In the distance, onlookers like Xingnanzu and Flying Red Tortoise,

Finally, the distance has been separated by dozens of miles,

Seeing the tragic situation of the monks in the Tongpei Palace, the power of this law was more than ten times stronger than before when they entered the battle!

One by one was frightened! Dao Fa is to fully launch,

Before the Xinghai tsunami hit, he had already escaped into the sea.

The sea of ​​stars tsunami, hurried out hundreds of miles!

Wherever you go, everything has become nothingness!

Commissioner Qian, you are urging the law,

Put away Dao Fa.

"Boom and boom----"

The star sea tsunami, where it is full,

Only a huge canyon is left.

Enjoy reading, all in m

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