Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1914: Big Demon Mine

m1914 Chapter Big Demon Mine

"This-old money, to be honest, since I debuted, I have seen more killings and deaths than this time. What's more,

However, when it comes to the tragic degree of killing, this is the most!

It can be said to be -----"

Luan paused,

Only then uttered a few words: "Zhu Xian Mie Shen! It's just that--"

Only four of the four diamond gods from the Tongpei Palace escaped.

The rest fell here.

Luanpo saw that many monsters appeared in their original form, which was hundreds of feet long,

Really roar like thunder,

As soon as the body was rolled up, there was a violent wind.

However, under countless planets,

All turned into fragments of blood mist,

Being absorbed by these planets,

Not even a piece of wreckage exists.

Commissioner Qian turned pale,

First urge the law,

Xinghai tsunami, the water generally recedes.

This was a faint smile: "I said, Luanpo, when you become a Voidwalker, you should still use the golden core, and the golden core is the eighth-grade cultivation base.

Now the dead here are all the second diamonds or above,

Can this be compared? "

Luan has a broken face,

Is it just a powerful Dao?

Need to be so crazy?

However, at this time,

Around the huge crater hundreds of miles,

The sea roars,

Numerous vortexes passed by.

However, within hundreds of miles, there was no shadow of a monk.

After a few days,

Commissioner Qian’s Shui Yuanzhu stopped,

At this moment, the world in the water element,

Has a preliminary shape,

"Only one thousand and five hundred miles ------"

The disappointment in Commissioner Qian’s heart,

Own shrine,

All are several times bigger than this!


Luan Po couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Commissioner Qian’s face, it was getting darker and darker.

"Just kidding, to be honest, old Qian, your innate law is still perfect.

There is no shortage of sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers in your water pearl.

The innate law is no less than my water element. "

Commissioner Qian just pouted,

"Luanpa, law, no matter you or me, you can't even feel the shadow,

You also judge the innate rules in this water element. No, because it should be an innate Dao machine.

It's bragging! "

Luanpo rolled his eyes and shook his head: "Life always has to meet a lot of disappointments, old man---"


Commissioner Qian had no choice but to sigh: "Let's talk about it when we can understand the innate rules."

The two urged the escape method,

"I really found an innate water pearl,

Old money, do you want to go around.

If you find another water yuan bead, it will belong to me. "

Luan is breaking,

Commissioner Qian rolled his eyes.

"Then look for it, but the next time I find a water bead, this water bead will belong to me."

"Okay----then next time, next time, find another one and it will be mine."

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo,

No one is the one who suffers.

The second way of escape light rises,

Flew towards the next city.

In the rolling torrent,

Several big monsters are on the way,

At this time, using their original form to drive the road, rather than using the human form to drive the road,

Speed ​​up.

Therefore, the bodies of these great monsters swiftly passed over the water, just like huge dark clouds passing over the water.

Where these giant monsters passed, all marine creatures hid in the mud.

Suddenly, a giant demon was hundreds of feet long and was like a giant cow. It had six huge fins but four huge claws. From the back of the head to the back, it was covered with long tentacles. Flick!

A waterspout tens of feet wide formed,

Just a roll!

Dozens of marine creatures have been rolled out of the sand.

Fly towards the mouth of this monster.

These marine creatures screamed constantly,

But this monster crunches, crunches,

Chewed a few times,

The blood of different colors has spread in the sea water.

"Well, the creatures on this road also taste good."

This giant said with satisfaction.

"Since the boss thinks it's good, then I'll get some."

"I'll go as well."

The giant monsters following the big demon immediately said diligently.

"Well, no need."

The big demon nodded in satisfaction.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his eyes!

I saw that in the distant sea, two rays of light rushed up,

With a frenzied volume,

Rush towards this side!

Wherever it went,

The sea in an uproar rolled up a high wall hundreds of feet high!

"Presumptuous! Who made you bump into this seat?"

Like the leader of these big demons, angry,

The exoskeleton on the body,

As if to shine this faint blue light forever,

A pair of eyes, tens of feet cold light,

The Yaozu’s domain consciousness is very strong,

A mouth,

The mine spit out, there are bl ten thousand inside,

A radius of more than ten feet,

Boom towards the escape light coming from Biaoju.

Amidst a flash of light, rumbling----

A huge rock appeared,

There are also a radius of more than ten feet,

Although not like this mine,

There are bl Wandao.


Around the stone,

Dozens of feet of flame spread,

On the stone, there are countless words and runes,

The complexity of the text and runes makes people feel dizzy at first glance.

However, if you look closely, these flames of tens of meters are actually lightning of tens of meters.

It's just that the speed of these thunders was slowed down by these runes and words.

Thunderclap, it looked like a burning flame.

The look of this great demon is just like a sigh!

The speed of Thunder has always been the crown of all laws!

Practicing thunder method can speed up the speed of thunder easily,

However, the speed of Thunder,

Slowing down is difficult.

Like this boulder,

There is thunder in the stone, and there is stone in the thunder,

Suppress the speed of the thunder as if an ordinary flame burns,

The power of this thunder can be said to be extraordinary.

The four-diamond big demon, seeing the thunder as a flame, knows that this method is indeed extremely powerful.

Sure enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This piece of thunder is burning like a huge boulder like a flame, and this blizzard mine,

Suddenly touch!

A circle of ripples spread rapidly,

Then, there was a huge shock,

Towards the surrounding sea,

Continue to spread away!

Where the ripples pass, sea water, sand and gravel are all turned to ashes!

The rumble of thunder,

As if endless back.

A big pit with a radius of more than ten miles has appeared between the two sides,

In the end, it was Qianzhangju, rushing towards the surroundings violently!

Both sides were taken aback by the other's Thunder.

Commissioner Qian was a little depressed, but just asking for directions, this big demon turned out to be so violent.

Treasures with innate Taoism,

Sure enough, it's not so easy to find,

More than a month passed,

Walked millions of miles in the sea of ​​ruins,

In the sea of ​​ruins, there are dozens of places where monsters gather, various factions, and towns.

Shui Yuanzhu saw hundreds of them,

Never saw the water element beads with innate Dao Ji again.

Today, I came to a sea area, and there is no mark of this sea area on the drawing.

Grab a few ordinary monsters and ask, these ordinary monsters are even more at a loss.

Only then did he gallop towards a few big monsters passing by.

Enjoy reading, all in m

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