Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1918: Hao Fengjun's surprise

m1918 Chapter Hao Fengjun's Surprise

Commissioner Qian thought that the copper Xuanshui hammer from the Great Mountain,

You can't break your own Taoism either.

Has an extremely vast palace,

The Taoism exercised by Commissioner Qian is more powerful than these dozen Haofengjun monks.

The Yunxia Array displayed.

This Yunxia formation can wound these two four-diamond gods, not to mention their own methods?

However, Commissioner Qian obviously did not have enough knowledge of the monks' various magic techniques.

This sledgehammer hit,

In an unrelenting momentum,

The spirit of these four-diamond gods’ early monsters, and even the entire body of the four-diamond gods,

They all seem to blend into this i-mountain-like sledgehammer!

An extremely tragic momentum, as if going straight into the sky!


As if the sky is shaking,

More than a dozen Haofeng troops among the clouds in a radius of more than a dozen miles,

On the blue armor, it seems that all Taoism is sent out,

Despite this, they only felt dizzy, and the world before them seemed to have changed.

Commissioner Qian engulfed the monster Yunxia, ​​and a crack was punched out.

These four-diamond monsters,

The sledgehammer shrank like a mountain!

Turned into a blue water bloom,

Beyond Yunxia,

Rush away!

Oh----Commissioner Qian was a little dazed,

The magic arts used by the monsters of the four diamonds U, the power that erupted at this moment,

Surpassed the cloud that I sent out,

Commissioner Qian realized.

"Xuanqiong Supreme Xiaguang Jing", although it is crowned as the highest,

However, in the classics of the wind system, it can only be regarded as a superior level, not a super magic formula.

This thought,

Just a flash!

Immediately stretch out your hand!

A flash of apricot è Guanghua!

The four elements of mysticism fusion fully urged,

Amidst this cloud of clouds, is the magnifying light!

Immediately a gust of wind howled, just a whirl!

The formation of the Haofeng Army can no longer be maintained.

In a burst of exclamation,

Turn into a giant spin!

The galloping four-diamond u **** incarnation of the water bloom is just a meal!

Then, the figure has appeared.

Among the clouds, there is a giant, just a twist!

These four-diamond monsters from the early days of God,

I just feel that every giant l is like a good flying sword!

Can't support anymore, the whole person roars wildly,

"Boom", burst into smash,

A cloud of blood rolled, even the soul did not escape,

All followed this cloud, flew towards a person in the distance, and all flew into this person's sleeve!

The four elements of the mysticism are merged, and after the constant cultivation of the branch mysteries,

Although there is still some distance away from the fusion of the fire element,

However, the power has been greatly enhanced,

A reminder of the law,

Chopping a four-diamond monster in the early days of God is like chopping a pig.

The abyss monster covered in black fire, half of its body shattered,

Moreover, Yu b, who was attacked by Chairman Qian, was trapped,

The powerful Dao Fa requires the control of mana, but it is so wonderful that he can’t make it out for a while.

His sword art can no longer be urged smoothly,

The attack of the Yunxia Array immediately blasted like crazy!

I saw countless Yunxia, ​​black fire, bursting into the sky!

Just a few moments of time,

He also didn't know how many swords he had hit.

"Boom!" Then there was a huge shock, and Ru's body was shattered!

However, the primordial spirit turned into a black flame, and it looked like it was extremely deep.

It just went viral!

Yunxia Array,

A path was broken abruptly,

Fly a hundred miles away!

The "explosive" mystery of the flame system,

I was really cultivated to an extremely high level by this person.


An irritated voice sounded amidst the swirling clouds,

After a long time, one after another,

Yunxia within a radius of more than a dozen miles, only then shrank, and became involved in a burst of pictures.

The formation turned into a brilliance, and it has flown into a monk’s armor,

On the armor, a mysterious and mysterious cloud was added.

The owner of this armor is a V repair, beautiful, looking at the mark on the armor,

But it is among these great wind army,

The repair is the highest.

However, the face is not good-looking,

Set up a battle position and be able to fight the four diamond u gods,

Although it was downwind, it was still a battle.

Encountering this super powerful way, it is simply-----

This V-cultivation looked towards the direction of Taoism,

But I saw a person with a fluttering green shirt and an arrogant expression.

Have the potential to look at it vertically and horizontally!

"It's you-----"

This V Xiu recognized immediately,

This is not the monk of Tianyangxing,

Who stole the "Xuanqiong Supreme Xiaguang Jing"?

I saw it again in the Biluo Ancient Realm,

In this meeting, Dao Fa has reached such a high level?

Two four-diamond monsters and monsters of the abyss in the early days of God,

More than a dozen of them set up a cloud formation, and they were also sweated, and their hearts trembled.

But when this person raised his hands,

The abyss monster was slain, and the ruined sea monster,

It's just that the form and spirit are destroyed!

The Yunxia formation deployed by a dozen people,

This blasted the ru body of the abyss monster,

It looks like

It's just like giving the person in front of you a blow,

If you watch the process of this battle,

Seriously, that's it!

I and others surrounded the abyss monsters and ruins sea monsters and killed them for a long time,

It's purely paving the way for this person.

Thinking of this, this V repair has no interest in thanking this person.

Regardless of his subordinates,

Make eyes to yourself frequently.

"Huayang, long time no see, you Hao Fengjun, are here too."

When the person in the distance, a step, and the person next to him, nodded towards him,

But, in the tone,

There is unspeakable arrogance.

This V repair is exactly Brother Huayang,

He coldly said to Commissioner Qian: "Thank you.

Here, the monsters of the abyss attacked in a big way, and all the main gods got news and came to help the bone fortress.

Fight back the abyss monsters,

Saving the common people is a matter of course. "


Commissioner Qian was speechless.

"In the White Bone Fortress, how many monks of the main **** have come now?"

Luan Po hurriedly asked.

"This is confidential, and only the commander of the Bone Fortress can know."

Huayang said coldly.


A break,

When I cast a glance at Commissioner Qian, the meaning is clear.

"Speak to the Bone Fortress first."

The light rushed wildly,

In an instant, it has gone to the sky.

"Send an order to communicate with the super plane, and request the four diamonds to be stationed here."

Brother Huayang said.

"It should have been so,

Our Haofeng Army, only a four-diamond U God came, I heard that their bone fortress,

The four-diamond u **** died more than two hundred, those attacking abyss monsters and ruins sea monsters,

Four diamonds died more than four hundred,

I heard that the myth of Yuan Ying has fallen on both sides! "

A Haofeng army immediately took a long breath.

"The four diamond gods of the White Bone Fortress died more than two hundred in battle?

How many four diamonds are there in the Bone Fortress? "

While fleeing quickly, Commissioner Qian asked Luanpo!

In this battle, the total number of four diamonds lost by both sides is more than 600, maybe even more than 700!

This is the God of Four Diamonds!

In general planes, there are only a few four diamond gods,

More than six hundred, more than seven hundred and four diamonds,

It is equivalent to the total number of four diamonds in more than one hundred planes!

What a huge number of monks from more than one hundred planes when they are gathered together!

"I don’t know, I’ve only heard the legend before, the four diamond gods of the Bone Fortress total more than 500 people.

However, this is just a legend. That's it, in the Bone Fortress, everyone thinks,

The Bone Fortress is indestructible!

After all, masters like the master **** ì are restricted by the master gods and will not participate in the attack on the bone fortress. "

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"Before this battle, I thought so too,

The entire Bone Fortress was refined as a magic weapon,

Hundreds of four-diamond gods are sitting here,

It is indeed indestructible---

But once this battle is over ------

Let's find the turtle first to see if he is still in the Bone Fortress. "

Commissioner Qian called out the communication instruments,

Only then did I discover that, stationed in a monk camp of several hundred miles,

The communicator cannot be used at all.

If you want to know the turtle,

Is the sea in the bone fortress,

You have to enter the Bone Fortress.

Sure enough, after entering the Bone Fortress,

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo,

Came to the residence of the monks at Tianpeng Mountain.

In the hall downstairs, a group of people have changed.

Don’t talk about Commissioner Qian,

Even if it is broken,

It's also a person and don't know each other.

"Who are you looking for?"

A monk asked.

When he learned that he was looking for a monk from Tianpeng Mountain,

He said "Oh."

His face is calm,

Reached out to the wall a little: "Turtle turtle, someone is looking for it."

After a while,

The blood flame flashed,

Turtle has appeared,

When I saw a turtle,

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo were both taken aback.

See the turtle with shaggy beard and fluffy hair.

The equipment on his body was damaged in several places.

Commissioner Qian gave the turtle the equipment made with Dragon Inn's crafting technology.

"You finally came, you don't come again, I'm going back to Tianpeng Mountain."

The turtle took a long breath,

Commissioner Qian laughed and said: "Your cultivation base has reached the middle stage of the second diamond god. Seeing that it can impact the second drill god's later stage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ the progress of this cultivation base is faster than the pool side. "

"Come on, your boss is a master, I don't know our suffering, the monks from Tianpeng Mountain are the only ones left.

Now, we also stay here every day just to wait for your boss. "

The turtle shook his head repeatedly.

"What's the matter? How are your disciples?"

Member Qian asked,

I was a little funny in my heart,

"Thanks to the equipment you gave, those disciples are fine, but all the equipment is damaged.

Go up and talk, go up and talk. "

The turtle said repeatedly.


Has come to the residence of a few turtles.

Turtle General

I don’t even make tea, I can’t wait,

Speaking of the abyss monsters and the ruins sea monsters, what happened after the massive attack,

Together with the attack that day, the entire Bone Fortress was like a violent wind.

Of course, when the opponent came up, he was more than a thousand and four diamonds.

The Bone Fortress soon mobilized a large number of four diamonds.

People like turtles are not useful at all!

After those days of shaking up,

This is the level of monks of the turtle and the others going up to fight!

Of course, there have also been several wars.

Enjoy reading, all in m

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