Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1919: Guard Wing

m 1919 Chapter Guard Wing

The two sides of the battle are like crazy,

With the scale of hundreds of monks, there are dozens of attacks a day.

Once encountered, it will immediately be a Daofa bombardment spanning more than ten miles, dozens of miles,

Only the monks who survived the Daofa bombardment of dozens of miles away,

Only then have the opportunity to engage in close-range Dao Fa and Jian Jue battles.

The large-scale Dao Fa bombardment of hundreds of monks was not so easy to pick up.

The bombardment of hundreds of monks can cover a hundred miles in an instant,

Within this range,

Countless flames exploded like fireworks, and countless thunder exploded,

Lei Yin seemed to be back in the distant sky,

The brilliance changes endlessly, and there are violent mana storms everywhere, distorting the space, shredding everything that can be encountered.

Pang Li enveloped collision, destruction,

Dazzling and bright.

Even if it is the best escape technique, in this kind of space, it can't escape far, and it will rush out of the space that has been distorted and shattered.

Only then discovered that the distance from the place where the escape method was launched was only a few miles away.

No matter how high the mana skills are,

Only when the bombardment fell,

Chop and shake the falling thunder and fire, sword light!

A dozen of Luanpo’s direct disciples,

Although there is the magic weapon of the Dragon Inn, it can be blocked by ordinary bombardment.

However, in the realm of cultivation, the feeling of Qi, the use of mana,

Obviously, it is far from the **** of flowers with diamonds

Even in the use of those magic weapons, it seems rough.

It was just a dozen battles,

The group of people brought by the turtle, the magic weapon given to them by Chairman Qian, was almost completely lost.

There are still a few magic weapons left,

The turtle took them, staying in the bone fortress,

Waiting for the arrival of Commissioner Qian.

As soon as I heard that all these equipment was scrapped,

Commissioner Qian couldn't help it.

"Oh, turtle, I said, even the equipment refined by the Dragon Inn is mainly used in personal combat.

Used frequently in large battles,

Although the magic weapon of the Dragon Inn is good, it is not used in this way. "

Seeing Commissioner Qian’s face fell,

The turtle quickly explained,

"That’s not what I mean, I mean, old money, the Dragon Inn magic weapon is quite powerful.

However, it would be better if the power were a little bit more powerful. "

The turtle said,

He still has something to say, but he didn’t say it.

The monk of the Dragon Inn,

Sent high-level equipment to the Bone Fortress,

These high-level equipment is not only more powerful than the equipment given by the Qian


There are a lot of equipment, all in use.


The power is still great, that is the middle-class magic weapon of the Dragon Inn, and the power is great, that is, the Yuanying Flower God, the superior magic weapon of the Dragon Inn, which can also be used.

Commissioner Qian just didn't speak.

"Well, the many equipment sent by the Dragon Inn are not only powerful, they are still in use now."

Turtle still speaks out.

"This---the power of the magic weapon is not so easy to improve.

Besides, the people you brought have a poor level of cultivation, but they can barely use these magic weapons. This is also a reason. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Turtle, do you know the monk of Dragon Inn who sent high-level equipment to Dragon Inn, I want to see him."

The turtle shook his head.

"That monk, I haven't seen him, you want to see him. I will help you find the officer who received you?

You are all from the Dragon Inn, why come here?

Could it be that the Dragon Inn was really blown up to the ruins Hyde Teleportation? "

With that said,

Commissioner Qian raised an eyebrow!

"Really someone from the Bone Fortress did it?"

The turtle nodded: "A while ago, I heard that person say that the monsters in the abyss of the ruins of the Haihe River, don't even think about getting the equipment of the Dragon Inn continuously. I thought he was bragging.

Unexpectedly, it became real. "

Having said this, the turtle also showed a rare admiration.

"You are all right, I am miserable."

Commissioner Qian chuckled.

To be honest, for this operation at Bone Fortress,

Commissioner Qian appreciated it very much.

"As soon as the teleportation blows up, I won't be able to enter the Dragon Inn."

Commissioner Qian, once told the situation of the transmission to all planes in the Dragon Inn.

Turtle opened his eyes wide: "So, this Dragon Inn is not a place to come and go if you want."

Still in that restaurant,

Luan Po called the waiter and took out a bunch of ingredients: "These ingredients are all from the big demon, will you make them?"

The waiter looked at it and nodded again and again: "Don't worry, our bone fortress has been established for so many years,

These ingredients can definitely be cooked best. "

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo sat and waited.

After a while,

Luan Po and the colonel are here.

"This is Colonel Wei Yi, this is Old Qian, and this is Luan Po, you have all seen."

The turtle introduced.

"Luanpo? I've heard the name for a long time, do you know Lao Qian?"

Wei Yi first nodded towards Commissioner Qian, and then said in surprise towards Luanpo.

"I've heard the name for a long time? I'm afraid that I got the treasure and became famous."

Luanpo smiled.

However, he is now the Four Diamond Flower God,

For others’ insights into treasures,

Also put it off with a smile.

"That treasure, I am afraid it is an extraordinary thing."

Said the guard.

"Haha, haha, the teleportation that the Bone Fortress blows up the sea of ​​ruins is really admirable for me."

Luanpo smiled.

Seeing the mountain break and avoid it,

The guard nodded: "That's, that's. My White Bone Fortress is mighty and invincible.

A mighty and murderous atmosphere,

From the guard wing, straight up.

All the people present were amazed.

Committee Member Qian smiled: "Guyi, last time, the person who sent you the equipment of the high-end Dragon Inn, can you recommend it."

"Oh---this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am afraid it will be difficult."

Wei Yi said, looking straight at Commissioner Qian and Luanpo.

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo glanced at each other.


Commissioner Qian said: "Then let you know, Luanpo and I both entered the Dragon Inn.

Your bone fortress sent the Dragon Inn to the ruins of Hyde and bombed, but we can’t get back to the Dragon Inn.

Must find that monk. "

"Oh-it really is."

Guard Wing was only slightly surprised.

Commissioner Qian was not originally from the White Fortress.

Even if he knew he was a monk from the Dragon Inn,

It's hard to say anything.

However, Luanpo ----

"Luanpo, you have such a good fortune, and you don't contribute to our bone fortress, that would be too much......"

Luanpo smiled.

"I am also voluntarily dispatched by all planes to help guard your bone fortress.

I leave the White Bone Fortress, Tianpeng Mountain, and naturally send someone to replace it.

What is there to say? "


The guard wing suddenly had nothing to say.

It’s just that Guard Wing leisurely ate the dishes on the table,

A few people smiled at Committee Member Qian: "Come on, drink, what are you doing?"

Committee members from Qian Haha laughed, just eat.

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