Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1920: The craftsmen of the Bone Fortress

m1,920 The craftsmen of the Bone Fortress

The scene soon became boring.

The few people are leisurely, just like ordinary people's gatherings.

"Let's talk about it, how can we introduce that monk for us."

Commissioner Qian still spoke.

"He is now providing us with the equipment of the Dragon Inn, waiting for idlers, can you see it?

However, in this battle, the equipment and magic weapons of the Dragon Inn we equipped have damaged a lot. "

The guard said flatly.

"You mean----"

Luanpo understood what the guard said.

"As long as you can repair these equipment, even part of the equipment,

I can help you recommend, otherwise, even if I am willing to help you recommend,

The above will not be approved. "

Said the guard.

"The one who gave you equipment should be able to repair it."

Luan Po said.

"Able to send intermediate equipment, at least it is also a skilled apprentice from Dragon Inn."

Commissioner Qian spoke to Luanpo.

"Oh, he can only repair part of the equipment, many powerful advanced equipment, he cannot repair,

We wanted him to bring these equipment to Daolong Inn to repair, but he refused to agree.

I wonder why this is? "

Commissioner Qian smiled: "The rules of the Dragon Inn are many.

We don’t know this either. "

"Hey, the magic arrays of the Dragon Inn's equipment are all inlaid with enchanting skills. If enchanting skills do not reach a certain level, it is impossible to repair high-level equipment.

This person is definitely not an intermediate refiner. "

Luan Po said.

"Hey, those so-called high-level equipment, in the Dragon Inn, are just intermediate equipment.

The basic condition for the use of the advanced equipment of the Dragon Inn is the Yuanying Flower God. "

Commissioner Qian agreed with Luanpo’s view.

"Oh---if you can't repair the equipment,

I can't help you either. "

Guardian made a regretful expression.

"Well, let me see first, if it can be repaired, how about fixing ten pieces of equipment for you?"

Member Qian asked.

The guard did not speak,

Luanpo's eyes widened.

"You---You can repair the intermediate equipment of the Dragon Inn. Then, don't you have the level of an intermediate mixer?

Why didn't you go to the Dragon Inn to assess the qualifications of an intermediate refiner? "

"Hey, qualification assessment does not mean everything."

Commissioner Qian said.

"Ten pieces? At least fifty pieces!"

The guard wing is a big opening for the lion.

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo were taken aback.

"The advanced equipment is very complicated. Repairing fifty pieces is almost as difficult as making ten pieces of advanced equipment."

Commissioner Qian shook his head repeatedly.

"That's right, it's just a meeting. It's still a question whether we can talk about it or not. Don't ask too much."

Luanpo Tsk Tsk sighed, this Bone Fortress is not a good bird either.

A few people grumbled for a while,

At the end of the negotiation, Commissioner Qian first helped the White Bone Fortress and repaired 15 pieces of equipment.

The guard wing quickly walked towards the central area of ​​the Bone Fortress.

This is a big hall,

There are also a series of prohibitions,

In the main hall,

A row of equipment,

They are discharged neatly, but these equipment have been damaged,

Before these equipment, there are many materials.

Look carefully, these materials, and the materials used to make these equipment,

It's almost there.

At the beginning, Weiyi said that the bone fortress has been able to smelt the materials used in the equipment of the Dragon Inn.

Sure enough, there is no bragging.

However, in front of these equipment materials,

There are a large group of refiners, but these refiners are pointing to the equipment,


But he was frowning.

"According to our existing technology, it is impossible to repair the circle without damaging the equipment."

A monk with a rectangular face said, after finishing speaking, he scratched his head.

"If we damage this equipment, even if it can be restored, the combat power of this equipment will decrease.

As far as I can see, the magic circle of this equipment, and the materials of this equipment,

A special structure has been formed, which exerts great power. "

Said a round-faced monk sitting next to him.

As refiners, they could see the extraordinary features of Dragon Inn's refining equipment.

But they tried their best,

It cannot be imitated.

"Hey, let alone the manufacture of these equipment, the materials we smelt are the same as those on these equipment, but the materials on these equipment are much stronger than the materials we smelt, and are much better."

The monk with a rectangular face sighed.

"In order to make these materials reach the level of materials on these equipment,

Still ask those four-diamond flower gods to take action and urge great power to reach the material level of these equipment.

I don't believe it anymore, this Dragon Inn, the cultivator of refining tools, are all four diamond flower gods? "

The round-faced monk was also puzzled.

at this time,

Guard Wing walked in hastily.

"Everyone, last time I used to equip that monk with money, it really belonged to the Dragon Inn. This time, he is here again.

He also promised to help us repair fifteen pieces of advanced equipment. "

Wei Yi happily said to the refiners.

"Haha, I just said, if this person is not from the Dragon Inn, where can hundreds of pieces of Dragon Inn equipment come from?"

"Yes, I think so too."

The refiners said one after another.

"Let him come, let's take a look, how the monk at Dragon Inn makes equipment."

Everyone was happy all at once.

"Master Qian, please follow me to the refining place."

Wei Yi said that the name of Committee Member Qian suddenly became "Master".

"Master, don't dare to be, don't dare to be, you just send someone to bring those equipment over."

Commissioner Qian smiled.

"Hey, those equipment, now our bone fortress, one of the most important materials, can't be moved at will—"

The two sides talked for a while.

"Well, let's go---"

Commissioner Qian put aside the fresh fruit in his hand.

Smiled in my heart,

Want to learn the technique of Dragon Inn?

How could it be that easy.

Come to the hall of refining tools,

Step in,

Just dozens of eyesight,

Came over all the time.

The craftsmen of the White Bone Fortress should all look at what kind of craftsmen the dragon inn is.

one look,

The long-faced monk just said: "It's a flower **** of four diamonds, my God, Dragon Inn is not so good."

"This is Master Qian from Dragon Inn."

Guard Wing introduced loudly.

"I have seen the master."

Dozens of monks surrendered their hands to Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian also gave his hand: "You're welcome, you're welcome."

After speaking, I have come to the armor,

"Sure enough, it's intermediate equipment."

Luan Po said to Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian picked up the materials placed before the equipment and looked at it carefully.

"It's really good. Just refining and curing it."

Commissioner Qian said.

"Well, I am really surprised at the level of refinement at the White Bone Fortress."

Luanpo nodded.

While talking,

Commissioner Qian picked up a piece of intermediate equipment,

The entire structure of this intermediate equipment is like a three-dimensional picture.

Appeared in Commissioner Qian’s palace,

The circle is damaged,

However, different magic circles,

The materials used for refining are also different.

"Damn, repair is not so easy to repair."

Commissioner Qian murmured.

There was a flame from the center of the eyebrows, just a roll.

The materials placed before the equipment,

All of them have been drawn into the foreheads of Commissioner Qian.


The monks in the Bone Fortress all stared with big eyes.

But soon,

The material has been refined into segments,

Flew out of Committee Qian's eyebrows.

"Let me see."

The round-faced monk, stepping forward,

Grab a piece of material,

Just check it carefully.

Pieces of material are already engraved with runes,

The strength of the material,

Has become a lot bigger.

"Master Qian, your material is refined using the method of water refining."

The monk asked Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian gave him a surprised look.

"Yes, you also know water refining?"

The monk just laughed: "Well, we are close to the White Bone Mountain.

The refining methods of Ruins Sea mostly use water refining methods, of course we know, but without your refining methods, it is so wonderful. "


Commissioner Qian laughed.

Compared with the water refining method of the Ruins Sea and the water refining method of the Dragon Inn,

That's forging iron!

"As long as you practice for a long time, your water refining techniques will grow enough."

Commissioner Qian hit haha.

There was a cloud of blue and gray brilliance in his hands,

Wrap those dozens of pieces of material inside,

Just one spin, dozens of pieces of material have shrunk sharply,

Then, as everyone watched with wide-eyed eyes, Commissioner Qian gave a shot,

Dozens of materials have been photographed into this piece of equipment,

Then, everyone saw that Committee Member Qian’s hands were on the equipment,

Flames rose all over.

As if practicing.

"Do you see it clearly? Is this being repaired?"

"It should be repaired. He used a special skill."

Just after a cup of tea,

Commissioner Qian will accept it,


Equipment surface,

Mana surged like l, and then, straight to the top of the hall,


The prohibition on the top of the hall has been inspired, and it is immediately colorful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is this fixed? "

The monk of the Bone Fortress,

One by one is already staying,

The various movements in his hands also stopped, like a group of statues.

"Let me see."

The guard wing stepped forward,

Grabbing the equipment, the spirit of God rushed out toward the equipment.

Immediately, it was discovered that in the equipment, the white clouds and the sea, the breeze blowing,

The formation in the equipment, the formed world, has returned to normal.

The magic realm in the equipment is generally formed by a specific magic circle in order to achieve a certain magic effect.

In this piece of equipment,

There are magic circles of wind, cloud, and water systems.

Like this piece of equipment, the guard wing was fought with his master.

Once the equipment is triggered, it can form a fierce wind roaring in a radius of fifty miles, white clouds evaporate, and giant l roars.

Nothing else,

It is the white cloud that is transpiring and stretching, and its power is compared with the white cloud Taoist technique used by the Haofeng Army of the Azure Hades who came to the White Bone Fortress.

Not bad at all, even worse!

The owner of this piece of equipment was also in the early days of the Four Diamond Flower God,

Fully equipped equipment, plus Dao Fa a reminder!

A ruined sea monster from the early days of the four-diamond flower god, with more than a dozen three-diamond flower gods and two-diamond abyss monsters,

In the fiftieth mile of wind, white clouds, and giants, they all vanished!

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