Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1921: Cangshui Pavilion

m1921 Chapter Cangshui Pavilion

A three-diamond flower **** in the middle stage, a four-diamond flower **** in the early stage,

Destroy all these dozen people!

Let the guard wing, can't believe it!

At this moment, his mana urged,

Immediately felt that the magic circle in this piece of equipment was functioning smoothly.

The craftsman of the White Bone Fortress has been unable to solve the problem for more than a month,

That's it.

"how about it?"

Wei Yi asked those refiners.

"I just know that he used a special skill. As for how to fix it, we don't know."

A refiner said with a wry smile.

Don’t look at Commissioner Qian just putting his hands on the equipment,

Several skills are already being used at the same time,

Mana also consumes a lot.

"You people, it's ------"

The guard can only shake his head again and again,

This dragon mn inn’s refining technique is so advanced?

As he was talking, Commissioner Qian had already picked up the remaining equipment and looked at it again.

Choose fifteen pieces of equipment that are easy to repair, put them aside, and reach out.

A piece of yù Jane appeared in the air.

"This is the missing material to repair these equipment seas."

Immediately, a refiner took over Jane,

The refiners all rushed over,

Looking at the content in yùjian,

Not too many, just a few rare materials.

The guard nodded, and put this yù jane into the hands of a refiner.

After a while, the materials were brought.

Commissioner Qian followed suit,

One morning,

Fifteen pieces of equipment,

All fixed.

Dozens of craftsmen from the Bone Fortress,

It’s just a disappointment, the member Qian, like a practice,

But it seems to have great power,

Repaired fifteen pieces of equipment,

A group of them, apart from seeing the emergence of the blue and gray brilliance, they don't know what is the secret of this dragon mn inn's crafting technique!

"It's okay this time."

Member Qian laughed.

"Yes, yes! I'll take you to find that person."

Guard Wing said very simply.

Watching a few people go away,

A refiner cultivator in the White Bone Fortress murmured: "It seems that the only way to ask the ancestor of Yuan Ying to do it, see if we can help us create similar skills."

A monk who refines,

Just a wry smile.

"If it was in the past, Yuan Ying’s ancestor spent several years or ten years,

It can be deduced, but now, the number of Abyssal Monsters and Ruins Hyde Brothers is nearly 100,000, so how can they have time -----"

As soon as this statement came out,

The refining cultivators rolled their eyes.

A monk, sitting leisurely,

I saw Wei Yi coming in with Commissioner Qian,

There was a little surprise on his face.

Wei Yi has introduced them to the two,

"This is Qian Xing, a monk from Longmn Inn, and this is Fang Shu, also from Longmn Inn."

"Oh----disrespect, disrespect, I don't know where you are at Longmn Inn?"

Committee Member Qian laughed, "Can someone like us go to Zhongxian District? I live in Wanliju."

"Oh, I've heard that---I'm in Cangshui Pavilion."

Cangshui Pavilion, Committee Member Qian has also heard,

The scale is similar to Wanliju.

Fang Shu just turned to Wei Yi and said, "We have something to discuss, can you--"


Although the guard was unwilling, he nodded, "Then I will go out for a while."

Guard wing out,

Fang Shu said to Commissioner Qian: "You came here to send mn to the ruins of Hyde for the Longmn Inn to be blown up."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"I see, the monk who sent mn out of the Dragon mn Inn from the ruins Hyde, I am afraid there are still more, what about the Dragon mn Inn?"

Fang Shu shook his head: "You don't know, it rarely happens that the teleportation mn of Longmn Inn is blown up.

This time, the Dragon mn Inn was furious. From now on, all teleportation mn can only be allowed to pass! "


Commissioner Qian and Luanpo were surprised: "You mean, the teleportation of all planes?"

Fang Shu nodded repeatedly,


"That's what I mean."

"It's not a big deal to open up an interplanetary teleportation mn with the refining technology of the Dragon mn Inn?"

Luan Po was very surprised.

"I don't know. I heard that the Dragon Inn is annoyed. It costs a lot to develop a teleportation across multiple planes.

Fry one today and one tomorrow. Longmn Inn is not willing either. "

"Then----the monk of Dragon mn Inn who came out of the sea of ​​ruins, how can he return to Dragon mn Inn?"

Luan Po is most concerned about this.

Even if you don’t go to the Longmn Inn, Commissioner Qian’s craftsmanship is almost the same.

His refining technique is far behind.

"Oh, about this, Dragon mn Inn said, as long as the monk who comes out of the sea of ​​ruins finds any teleport mn from the Dragon mn inn, he can return to the Dragon mn inn from the teleport mn.

Regardless of whether the license of Longmn Inn in hand is ordinary or advanced. "


Commissioner Qian and Luanpo exhaled at the same time.

"Then, we are going to trouble you Fang Shu, do us a favor."

Fang Shu nodded: "It's okay, but----"

Commissioner Qian nodded immediately: "The equipment of the Bone Fortress, neither of us will chuck hands."

Commissioner Qian said,

Fang Shu's face was completely stretched out.

"Such the best, then let's hurry up, I see, there are more and more monks in this white bone fortress."

"Okay, I'll notify an acquaintance."

Commissioner Qian immediately turned on the communication tool and told the turtles to return to Tianpeng Mountain. They and Luanpo were going to Longmn Inn.

Commissioner Qian, Luanpo, Fang Shu walked out of Damn,

The guard wing greeted him,

"Colonel Wei, we are going back to Longmn Inn, please trouble you."

"Oh---you guys together?"

Guardian looked at Commissioner Qian,

Commissioner Qian smiled: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Guard Wing has nothing to say.

Several people were led by the guard wing and walked out of the heavily guarded area,

At this moment, a group of monks came across,

Several monks from the Bone Fortress were accompanied,

One of the monks ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has a rectangular face. He looks like a middle-aged monk at his age, but his face is blue, like the face of the skin, just like the blue yù, and the light is clear.

Both he and Commissioner Qian were taken aback.

"Rain before the mountain?"

"Old money?"

It turns out that this person was the rain in front of the mountain in Anshan and his party!

Commissioner Qian immediately pulled the rain from the front of the mountain aside,

"Rain in front of the mountain, why are you here?

This is not an adventure. "

Commissioner Qian said.

"Oh-I'm here to protect them, these two diamond flower gods.

I have to come. "

Qianqianyu glanced at the monk who came with him.

"How about you?"

Qianqianyu asked Commissioner Qian.

"I'm going to have something to do. I'm afraid I won't come to this bone fortress for a long time."

Commissioner Qian said.

"Hey, you are relaxed. My Taoist practice has hardly improved recently.

My method requires constant fighting,

How about fighting together for a while without staying?

Let me also see how much progress you have made since Ansan. "

Oh---Well, Commissioner Qian thought of the thunder method he had cultivated. It required a large amount of materials, and it was difficult to gather it for a while.

If you enter the Longmn Inn and think of it again, it will not be easy.

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