Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1924: Patrol

m One thousand nine hundred and twenty-four chapter patrol

He felt that the monk opposite was no longer a human being.

But the Milky Way,

The galaxy with countless stars!

This galaxy with countless stars seemed to burst into flames at any time, swallowing itself and turning it into a part of the galaxy.

When this is playing against ordinary,

Feel what I am facing,

It's a big mountain, a big river, even a sea, a sky,

This feeling is totally incomparable.

Those thousands of fine lights swirled,

Surging like a hurricane!


A magic weapon covering a hundred miles radius, especially if it is beautiful?

Commissioner Qian had a thought,

A billowing red smoke, gathered into a long whip of hundreds of feet, between the whistling, it has traversed the space, just a chu!

And a piece of water mist turns into a big lng,

Flying hundreds of feet, just crashing down!

Long whip, giant lng, far away from this monk,

The space around this monk has become extremely distorted due to tremendous pressure!

For a while,

This monk only feels his body shape,

Are all a bit stagnant,

I just feel, the long red smoke whip, the huge water,

All have the power of the four-diamond flower **** at the beginning!

I was taken aback,

No matter what the two people are holding each other,

A reminder of the law,

Thousands of fine lights, just a sudden blow!

A twist, the water is huge, thousands of fine awns, twisted into pieces,

However, the long red smoke whip suddenly blasted above the thousands of fine lights.

There was a huge shock!

Thousands of fine awns, like a volcano bursting shè,

The red smoke raged like a hurricane.

A single figure turned more than a dozen more amusing, swaying countless fine lights in the air,

The blood was already churning in his chest, and a mouthful of blood was already rushing out.

"Oh it's you----"

Without turning his head back, he drove wildly, quickly fleeing a dozen miles away.

This red smoke whip is a chu. Isn't this outside of the teleportation mn of the ruins Hailong mn Inn, he and a four-diamond flower **** monk, the robbed Dragon mn inn monk?

It was unsuccessful last time, and it was the same this time.

He flew away simply.

The blue sè giant lng burst again,

Countless thunders shè from the giant lng,

In an instant, thunder and rain, between changes and mysteries,

Round and dense,

But it has an extremely strong momentum.

This is not something ordinary swordsmanship can handle.

The rain bronze sword in front of the mountain is vertical and horizontal,

Imagine a piece of bronze sword shadow,

Round to dense, thunder like a torrential rain,

All blocked!

However, the five lotus flowers continue to float down,

Like a strong wind blowing,

The large five lotus flowers are floating above the giant lng in an instant.

I can only hear the roaring in the giant lng,

The rain in front of the mountain is another long roar,

Shocked for nine days,

Bronze sè Changhong goes infinitely, opening mountains and seas,


There was a huge shock, and blood rushed!

The giant lng rushed to a thousand feet, and the ru body inside this giant lng had been smashed by the bronze sword!

However, the huge lng rushed up,

Quickly stretched towards the horizon,

In an instant, with a long roar, it was already dozens of miles away!

"This person's primordial spirit is really difficult to cut."

The rain in front of the mountain swayed,

As soon as the bronze flame spins, it is reduced to a bronze long sword!

There was a light on his face, a few turns, and then he returned to normal.

Seeing this, in the dark clouds, countless underworlds are rolling,


Just a heavy "humph!"

Also galloping away,

It seems that in an instant,

It was also dozens of miles away.

The rain in front of the mountain screamed ashamed,

Commissioner Qian pointed the sword in his hand, and the monk in the dark cloud stood in a confrontation.

And that white sè fine awn,

Commissioner Qian just urged him to issue a magic weapon.

The lotus flower in my hand is my strongest magic weapon.

This bronze sword technique is his strongest sword technique,

With all his strength, he finally cut off the body of the cultivator opposite.

Comparing with Committee Member Qian, it looks like a shame.

"Rain in front of the mountain, compared with the previous year, it is really a lot of progress, a lot of progress, so light and handy, it cut the four diamonds of the flower god."

Commissioner Qian laughed appreciatively.

"Come on, don't ridicule me,

You didn’t see that my face was already stunned,

If the mana consumption is not large, what will happen? "

The rain in front of the mountain had to laugh a few times.

Far away, far away sky,

Dozens of ancient powerful breaths,

Be quiet all at once.

"Those magic weapons are really powerful!"

Such a divine mind,

Shuttle between these breaths.

Monsters, monsters of the abyss, and the blood of cultivation techniques,

Collect mana on the battlefield,

That's normal,

At this moment, those who can collect mana on this battlefield,

They are all four-diamond horns above the flower god,

Those below the Four Diamond Flower God have been kicked away long ago,

Not even such qualifications.

"We still collect the mana and take care of him."

An abyss monster roared.

The battlefield of the war has long been more than the **** corridor.

Within thousands of miles around the Bone Fortress, it has become a no-man’s land,

This no-man’s land even includes monks.

There are still many places to collect mana.

Commissioner Qian sat down.

"Today I saw Xuanchen's five-qi blessing lotus flower and its power after being refined into a treasure. It seems that among all the materials that I have, the one that can really be refined into a powerful treasure is the Xuanchen five-qi blessing lotus flower. , The greatest potential.

If you put this Xuanchen five-qi blessing lotus in the world of water and pearls, and use the innate Dao machine to influence,

I can’t imagine how far this Xuanchen five-qi blessing lotus will evolve----"

Compared with other substances, plants are better at this point.

After the influence of the innate Dao machine, there will be a great evolution.

This is incomparable to other materials such as crystal, stone, and metal.

However, what annoys Commissioner Qian is that

The world of Shui Yuanzhu, although still perfect,

But where is the innate Dao machine?

Only when the innate world of Shui Yuanzhu is perfected,

The whole world was shaken and full of life,

Only a little bit of the information from the Xiantian Dao Ji will be revealed in the master's palace of Commissioner Qian.

At this moment,

A dark yellow cloud of smoke rose from the sky.

Rolling in, a few blinks of time have reached the sky above the red smoke and water mist.

Among the deep yellow smoke clouds, dozens of Tieyan Army monks' tabards were clearly visible.

"The patrol of the Bone Fortress."

Qianqian Yu said.

"Who are you waiting for, sending out such a wide range of Taoism to collect mana here?

Get out the approved license quickly! "

In the deep yellow smoke,

A monk with a cold face just shouted loudly.

He was surrounded by clouds, the mountains stretched, and there were countless monsters and monsters roaring and attacking.

There are also four diamond flower **** cultivation bases,

Obviously, this person's Taoism captured many monsters and monsters.

"I am under the command of the Golden Armor Lord God, who came to support you, why are you so rude?"

Before the mountain, the rain drank unceremoniously,

Hand shake,

A yù card issued by the Bone Fortress was thrown away.

The monk took a look,

The gods on the face are much more relaxed.

"It's really offensive in Xia Du Lei.

However, Your Excellency Rain in front of the mountain, if you collect mana by yourself, that’s all.

To urge such a wide range of Taoism,

The magic power within a thousand miles will be all absorbed by you.

Please also your Excellency Shan Qian Yu, accept this law. "

Commissioner Qian is already furious!

"Could it be that the magic power on this battlefield is divided between you two?"

Du Lei frowned.

However, the divine mind swept towards Commissioner Qian,

I just feel like scanning the endless starry sky,

Immediately startled, this bird man is greedy and arrogant,

There is indeed arrogant capital,

My cultivation base is already close to the middle stage of the Four Diamond Flower God.

To this birdman, I can't see clearly.

Du Lei slowed down: "This-----the mana on this battlefield is scattered by the fall of our monks.

Of course, it should be collected by both of us. Please also take care of yourself! "

The Chiyang Grass and Frost Grass absorb mana and don’t need money from the committee members.

He is watching the world in the water yuanzhu,

Want to find the innate Dao machine.

It's all Lei's chirping here,

Qian Da laughed loudly: "What a big tone! You take my sword and say it!"

There is already a sword-shaped thunder in his hand,

Fengleijian cuts in one fell swoop!

The mighty power of thunder suddenly exploded.

Three thousand and six hundred thunders, like magma, blue and white fireworks circulating,

In a strange arrangement,

Let people see at a glance,

As if the sky is full,

It's all like the howling thunder, slamming down!

In the face of the Bone Fortress,

Commissioner Qian was able to keep Du Lei here, and Haw had been crooked for so long,

It's already very interesting.

All Lei asked him to remove the Dao Fa,

Commissioner Qian said he didn't bother to say it.

If you want to gesticulate, just take my sword first.

Du Lei's eyes narrowed,

His name is Du Lei, and he is cultivating, but he is not a thunder system.

But these three thousand and six hundred thunders roared down at the same time,

He only felt that the strange arrangement of three thousand six hundred thunders,

A strange and huge pressure caused the time and space where dozens of the patrol team were located,

It all seemed to pause,

With an aura to destroy everything,

For a while,

Du Lei has only one idea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is the Taoist method of protecting the body, and try to urge it!


Countless beast roars, as if resounding across the sky,

Countless behemoths stepped out of the clouds,

Pounced toward the thunder,

Although these giant beasts are refined by beast souls,

However, the basic wisdom is retained,

In the face of the mighty thunderous power,

There was also fear in their eyes.

However, driven by Taoism,

Still desperate, pounced toward the thunder.

The thunder, the roar of the beast, resounded across the sky,

I saw the residual value of monsters, monsters and monsters in countless thunder bursts.

Like a volcanic eruption,

The souls of different beasts, monsters, refined beasts, and the thunder, burst one after another,

There are no monsters and monsters that can last for a few rounds,

Then there was a huge earthquake,

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom-----"

The rolling mountains burst into countless pieces all the way,

Behind the mountain range, a panicked **** appeared.

A shield appeared, as if there were endless mountains inside,

Then, another ring of fire was thrown again,

Turn into a flame protector!

All his magic weapons are out!

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