Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1925: 1 Sword Power

m1925 Chapter One Sword Power

"Boom, boom, boom----"

The thunder rushed to a thousand feet,

Reflected most of the sky.

Thunder bombarded the shield and shield flames,

Thunderbolt, urging everything, but light and strange.

The shield draws countless shadows of the mountains, together with the flames that surround the body,

It also rises and changes endlessly according to the mysterious arrangement.

But in a few tenths of an instant,

Thunder blasted one after another,

The formation pattern of the shield and the formation pattern of the flame ring only support a few tenths of an instant,

Has been blasted to pieces!

Although there are thousands of mountains and thousands of fires,

It only supported an instant of time,

This shield, the ring of fire, was shattered!

However, Qianzhongshan, Qianzhonghuo,

Is it vulnerable to being used by the four-diamond flower **** as a protective magic weapon?

Thunder one after another,

They also burst one after another, thunder fire shining sky!

Qianzhongshan shield was shattered, Qianzhong flame was blown away!

Commissioner Qian’s sword,

Most power reduced!

With a bang, hundreds of thunders exploded on all thunders,

Du Lei only had time to urge his strongest body protection method,

I just feel so shining in front of my eyes,

A thunder fire rushed hundreds of feet!

This sword,

It's the reason why Committee Member Qian didn't do his best.

Although Commissioner Qian has already said, let the patrol members get away,

However, many patrol members just dodge about a hundred feet.

Wait until the aftermath of the thunderfire explosion hits,

I just feel that the thunder and fire flashes, it is already too late to dodge,

I had no choice but to urge Dao Fa,

Immediately a few people were touched with the aftermath of Qian’s Jianguang,

The whole person together with the Taoism of the body,

It explodes like fireworks, colorful, and has been blown to pieces.

"Boom -----" voice,

Rushing towards the sky like a storm,

Du Lei's voice appeared,

His shirt was damaged and his body was covered in blood,

He gasped, but he couldn't even speak.

"Peng, Peng, Peng---"

There was a muffled noise.

All patrol members will use their own bodyguard methods,

Urge to the largest!

Including a four-diamond flower god,

They all looked at Commissioner Qian like iron,

In the eyes, except for anger,

And fear!

However, none of them swung their swords out!

Four-diamond flower god, one sword to receive the money, the strongest way, two magic weapons are destroyed!

Covered in blood and embarrassed,

The few three-diamond flower gods left behind,

It was the Fa Jue with all his strength to urge it, and it turned into ashes in an instant.

Who else dares to step forward?

"If you can take my sword, then get out."

Commissioner Qian waved.

Commissioner Qian died a few of the patrol members of the Bone Fortress.

I'm also a little depressed, I told you to stay away.

The captain of the patrol couldn't catch a sword,

That being the case, what else is there to say.

This patrol team at the Bone Fortress,

The dark yellow and the clouds walked dingy together,

There is no momentum when it comes.

"Old money, this---"

Rain in front of the mountain smiled bitterly.

"You are a lot more powerful than before."

Commissioner Qian rolled his eyes, "I don't want to, I want them to avoid it.

You big organizations are much more powerful than me, with a mouth open, and everything is yours. "

"It's the same everywhere."

A thunder blasted off the patrol team at the Bone Fortress,

The divine mind in the distance quieted a lot.

"If you want to purify the magic power, it will take a few more days.

If you want to leave, you still have time. "

Commissioner Qian said.

go? Then, my share of mana is jīng hua, isn't it a hot water?

Besides, your old money’s sea-cutting sword hasn’t been released yet!

Shan Qian Yu sneered: "Go? I'm here, who is coming, let them try my sword!"

Commissioner Qian took a look at Qianqianyu, then wait!

I will feel the changes in the innate world without mentioning it.

For several days, there were several battles around,

If it is close to the Baili range covered by red smoke and water mist,

It doesn’t cost the committee members to take action,

The rain in front of the mountain with a bronze sword!

Then there is a sword qi shè,

In the sword aura, there are countless figures wielding swords,

In an instant, it spanned dozens of miles, hundreds of miles away, just a boom!

The monk of the Bone Fortress,

I was bombarded with blood all over by this sword aura, tumbling for miles away,

The monster clan and the abyss monsters in the waste virtual sea were almost at a level of cultivation, and they immediately exploded into blood mist in the sky!

Even if it is a flower **** with four diamonds, take a sword before going down the mountain,

Most of them are not at ease,

It was shocked.

In a few days, there was only a four-diamond flower **** who took the sword from the rain before the mountain.

The whole body is just a ripple, calm and relaxed,

The cultivation base is similar to that of Rain in front of the mountain.

The light in my eyes bursts, so I will come over and have a try.

However, Commissioner Qian’s eyes just swept away.

An air of killing,

It even caused the monk to stagnate,

The space between the two sides, at a distance of fifty miles,

The space was distorted suddenly,

It's like steaming mist.

Rain in front of the mountain suddenly felt,

The surrounding distance suddenly changes,

Thousands of miles,

It seems to be near,

The distance between several feet,

It seems to be thousands of miles away!

What's the matter, with my cultivation base, my divine consciousness actually feels like this?

The rain in front of the mountain was shocked, and he shouted in his heart: "One sword breaks ten thousand magic, give me a deal!"

In the palace, a bronze sword aura,

As if falling from the sky!

It seemed to be a huge shock.

Except for fifty miles,

Nothing happened in a twisted space.

The rain in front of the mountain made me feel sweaty all over.

A monk a hundred miles away, his cultivation base is far better than himself.

The same is true for Commissioner Qian!

The man’s face changed a lot,

He snorted and took a step, already ten miles away,

Commissioner Qian and Qian Qianyu looked at each other.

"There is such a master in the abyss monster!"

Commissioner Qian said lightly,

"Well, these magic powers, he still looks down on him, otherwise, some of them have fought."

Qianqianyu said, like a peerless sword, ready to go.

"If you want to fight, don't you come?"

Member Qian smiled. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In the distance, a great escape,

Has been rushing forward.

"A regular army of ruins sea and abyss monsters."

The rain in front of the mountain slowly got up, and the whole person in an instant,

Has been integrated with the bronze sword,

He is the sword, and the sword is the man.

"The human monk, get out of here!

You can occupy this battlefield too? "

Every sè escapes the light, like the sea, and the divine mind is like a tsunami, sweeping away wildly!

Looking at the number of people, I am afraid that there will not be hundreds,

among them,

There is no shortage of four diamond flower gods,

However, it feels like rain before the mountain,

These hundreds of people’s spirit sweeps,

Far inferior to the encounter between the great committee member Qian and the man just now,

Put yourself under great pressure!

"The great opportunity, old money, have you already touched the great opportunity?"

The rain in front of the mountain does not care about the tsunami-like divine mind,

Asked directly to Commissioner Qian.

"I can't talk about the opportunity of the Dao, but I finally found an insight beyond the general Taoism."

Member Qian, you said.

Zhou Tian fights with stars, boundless, like countless worlds,

After so many years of cultivating in the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation,

If Commissioner Qian’s Taoism still cannot surpass the artistic conception of ordinary Taoism, then it’s true.

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