Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1926: Star Haze

m1926 Chapter Star Mist Hurricane

"Exceeding the general sense of Taoism?"

The rain murmured in front of the mountain,

From the mouth of the Four Diamond Flower God, it is possible to express beyond general sentiment,

It's absolutely extraordinary.

Is this ancient bronze tactic that belongs to the general Taoism of Committee Member Qian?

What kind of Taoism did this old money cultivate?

It has such power?

Thought of here,

A long roar of rain in front of the mountain----

"What's the matter with us occupying this place?

Old money, we just look at each other. Who of us kills more of these unopened things? "

Commissioner Qian looked at the rain before the mountain.

Nodding: "Okay."

The regular army of hundreds of ruins of Haihe Abyss monsters,

Despite the hideous appearance and the description of ferociousness, they are all neatly armored.

However, standing in the distance of the red smoke and white mist, he did not immediately move forward.

This red smoke and white mist enveloped hundreds of miles,

In the past few days, there have been many wars,

Five lotus flowers immediately covered a hundred miles,

Become a sea of ​​five lotus flowers, and be bombarded by this sea of ​​five lotus flowers, and Dao Fa is injured,

It takes a long time to recover.

This is from the Four Diamond Flower God after the battle with the owner of the Red Smoke Water Mist Sea.

Hundreds of monsters in the sea of ​​ruins and monsters in the abyss,

Four diamond flower gods, but a few,

The rest are also three-diamond flower gods, and there are many two-diamond flower gods.

Walked closer,

This is how

The red smoke and water mist surged, and the mana surged like a sea!

These two magic weapons can be regarded as two four-diamond flower gods.

Standing here for a while, just making noise,

But no one came forward.

The long laugh from the rain in front of the mountain and the answer from Chairman Qian,

A hundred miles away, I heard clearly.

Several four-diamond flower **** monsters and four-diamond flower **** abyss monsters in the ruins sea,

On hearing it, furious!

But two four-diamond flower gods are just too crazy!

"Arrogant humans, line up!"

A demon gritted his teeth and said,

His big mouth took up half of his face.

The sharp teeth have grown five or six times.

A pair of blue eyes, no pupils, just like the compound eyes of an insect.

Just finished talking,

I saw a bronze sword gas, hurriedly coming, it was only twenty feet long,

Indeed, there are thousands of warriors, full of anger, wielding swords and knives, running rampant, shouting and roaring.

Swift as flying, brave as a leopard,

Wherever he went, the sand and rocks rose to the sky,

This abyss monster is just a roar!

With a movement of his hand, a blue long knife rang loudly, and the sound spread for dozens of miles. Thousands of azure blue knife lights formed a dazzling blue brilliance around him.

This group of brilliance screamed wildly and fiercely,

After this brilliance, there was a loud howl,

Towards the bronze sword qi, he cut straight away.

Wherever this group of blue brilliance went, it brought out a huge ripple in the sky,

Lan Guanghua and this bronze sword qi were cut together without fancy.

Crashed into the epicenter,

Green sword air, blue brilliance, shining more than a thousand feet,

Like a volcanic eruption,

The sky air machine with a radius of tens of miles suddenly boiled!

This regular army of more than one hundred abyss monsters and ruined sea monsters,

In addition to a few four diamond flower gods,

The ability to control the sky air machine has dropped a lot in an instant!

Several screams rang,

There are several three diamond flower gods and two diamond flower gods around,

Blasted by the splashed bronze sword air!

The tactics are urged to the maximum,

It feels like being bombarded by a giant mountain!

The whole person exploded suddenly and turned into a cloud of blood,

Whether it is a three-diamond flower **** or a second-diamond flower god, it is the same.

The regular army of these abyss monsters and ruins sea monsters,

Everyone's face is shocked,

This sword can only be described with great might.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Commissioner Qian praised!

I stepped into the red smoke,

In the next moment, Commissioner Qian had appeared hundreds of miles away.

should say,

Appeared hundreds of miles away,

It's a cloud of star fog!

The hurricane sword of the rain in front of the mountain blocked it.

However, a few of his men died.

This monster is extremely angry,

A roar: "Line up, attack!"

Abyss monsters and monsters,

There are also formations,

However, this has not been finished yet, the formation of the abyss monsters and the ruins sea monsters has been completed.

The array map emits a hundred feet of light,

Among the several battlefields, there is already a surge of law.

A cloud of star fog has emerged before the battle!

The range of this star fog,

It's not too big, it's just over ten feet, and Feiyun stretches out, with endless elegance.

However, the four-diamond flower **** of the abyss monster just took a breath of cold air.

In his eyes,

This cluster of star fog stretches and stretches, as if stretched to an infinite distance,

This battlefield, this bone fortress, this face,

It seems that they are all under the shroud of this star fog.


He let out a roar, like a huge thunder!

The azure blue è the sword light first collects i inward, and the body and the sword are united.

Immediately afterwards, it burst out suddenly,

Thousands of sword lights, like a sudden explosion,

With indomitable advancement, sweeping the army,

At this moment, within a hundred miles,

As if there are only thousands of azure blue sword lights left,

From a distance,

The star fog in a radius of more than ten feet,

Comparing with these thousands of sword lights, it is completely pitiful.

However, something surprising happened,

Thousands of azure blue sword lights, like violent thunder, like lightning,

Boom within the star fog of this dozen meters.

An indomitable edge came out, as if the entire time and space had stopped for it.

The four-diamond flower god's full blow is so powerful.

There is no doubt that

A mountain can be cut with a single knife!

But, as if everything was stopped,

The star fog of ten meters is still flowing slowly.

In the eyes of more than a hundred monsters on the battlefield, monsters in the abyss, and hundreds of divine thoughts in the distance,

It seems to give people a dreamlike feeling.

Kuang Lei's extremely electric blade light, but in an instant, it has completely covered the ten zhang of star fog.

It’s just that the blade light that can cut a mountain away with a single slash, cut on the star fog,

Like mud like the sea, except on the surface of star fog,

Beyond the slight ripples,

Not much effect.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of sword lights slashed into the star fog of dozens of feet.

The star fog still flows slightly,

In the horrified eyes and minds of hundreds of people,

The star mist is already under the head of this monster,

Countless stars are spinning down,

Thousands of azure blue swordsmen are crazy and exciting!

The magic formula of this abyss monster has been urged to the extreme!

However, the azure blue sword light touched the countless turbulent starlight, and was immediately shattered by the countless starlight!

These four-diamond flower **** abyss monsters,

It immediately turned into a blue è Changhong,


In the prediction of the four-diamond flower **** in this abyss,

I will soon be more than ten miles away,

However, he only felt that the space was rippled,

Thousands of swirling stars,

Already rushed towards himself!


After the earthquake,

Just a scream!

In the eyes of the regular army of more than a hundred ruined sea monsters and abyss monsters,

These four diamond flower gods, incarnate as a long rainbow, burst out wildly,

It has been crushed by the swirling starlight!

"Guardian Dao Fa!"

The four diamond flower gods were crushed,

Several of his subordinates have already screamed.

The usual majestic four-diamond flower **** boss, but only sent a few swords, has been crushed to pieces.

This can only be described by the Dao Fa against Heaven.

They either shook their bodies or pinched their hands,

Is about to escape, but,

This seemingly slow star fog,

The speed suddenly became indescribable, and in an instant, it seemed to traverse the distant time and space.

The tactics are together!

Thousands of rotating stars have already brought the magic formula to people, blasting into the sky and blood mist,

Don’t even store the broken pieces,

A few people standing behind this monster,

All the same,

With the touch of thousands of stars, only a long scream was left!

In the rapid flight of this star fog,

They don’t seem to exist,

Until this time, each è light shines colorfully, dozens of thunder and fire, sword light,

It is fierce and mighty, or it is like a rainbow shaking the sky, or it turns into thousands of stone cones and ice thorns, which are denser than heavy rain.

Shining with invisible bits of crystal light,

Already suddenly blasted above the star fog,

The scorching heat that can vaporize the profound iron and the cold that smash the profound iron into a smash, instantly envelop this cluster of star mist.

If this is not Zhou Tian’s star battle formation, but the personal escape method of Qian Da Committee,

I'm afraid that Commissioner Qian can't hold it.

There are also dozens of monks, already shrouded in the invisible thunder, fire and sword light,

However, the speed of this cluster of star fog is too fast.

Just like the four-diamond flower **** abyss monster that was crushed first,

These are either like the thunderbolt of a Changhong, or an attack like a ten thousand-point stone cone and ice thorn,

Hit above the star fog of ten meters,

Completely swallowed by this star mist,

Even a little ripple did not appear.

The star fog rolled violently,

There are more than a dozen three-diamond flower gods and a few second-diamond flower gods, directly hit by the star fog,

Hung a four-diamond flower god,

There are several more,

Did not get the order to retreat,

Even if they have fear in their hearts,

Only dare to move in a small area,

This star fog is consistent with ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ their Taoist swordsmanship, they are fully urged,

The thunder, fire and sword light of the dignified people, the potential energy is breaking through the mountains and the sea!

Hundreds of sword-light thunder fires sent out, and this whirling sword-light thunder fire touched,

All the monks felt,

Above this starlight,

It is not only Juli, but also rules,

They are all different, but they are very grand rules.

This is the rule of the world,

Commissioner Qian now, if he uses Sword Art and Taoism, he can only embody the rules of one world in Sword Art and Taoism.

However, in the starry sky this week,

Every bit of starlight carries a rule of the world, even though it is a rule of the world projected.

Hundreds of sword lights, thunder fire, giant mountains,

It's easy to be cut to pieces!

After the shattered thunder and fire fly, there are faces of all kinds of monsters or abyssal monsters, surprised or terrified,

All the faces,

Suddenly burst,

The same turned into a cloud of blood!

The monks behind suddenly retreated!

The formation of more than a hundred monks, following the star fog,

A passage of more than twenty feet wide appeared,

At this moment, Qianqianyu slashed with his sword!

There was a loud noise, the flames rushed hundreds of feet,

A three-diamond flower **** blasted into several pieces.

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