Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1928: Sensation of Innate Daoji

m1928 Chapter Ingenuity of Dao Ji

The cultivation base of the Four Diamond Flower God,

When I looked at the starry sky this week, I knew immediately,

This is almost the same as the general mountain protection formation,

On the war zone,

There is this kind of mountain protection formation,

Simply invincible.

Starmist galloped in, and Commissioner Qian had made up his mind to kill another **** road.

There are a hundred monks here,

As long as Commissioner Qian is killed again,

These nearly a hundred monks,

It may lose more than half.

Thousands of swords and thunder and fire,

Madly blasted,

As if covering the entire sky.

Except for the two four-diamond flower gods fighting against the rain before the mountain,

The firepower of the entire abyss monster and the sea of ​​ruins,

All have been concentrated on this star fog.

Commissioner Qian just feels pressured!

Star fog is a stagnation!


A monk with long blue hair and an indigo platypus face shouted.

The abyss monsters and monsters immediately galloped like a galloping herd!

The star mist suddenly rose, swirled,

The star mist turned into a galaxy tens of meters,

Suddenly spread, in the blink of an eye,

With a radius of hundreds of feet.

The Dao Fa with a radius of hundreds of feet, in this battlefield where nearly a thousand or four diamond flower gods have fallen,

It's just inconspicuous, it belongs to the Taoism with very poor power,

However, more than a dozen three-diamond flower gods and two-diamond flower gods,

I feel that the Milky Way turns,

Hurriedly toward the hurricane figure in the distance, wrapped in the escape light,

Like meteors in the sky, they have disappeared for miles in a flash,

However, I just feel like I'm turning around!

Up and down, front and back, left and right,

Countless stars twinkle,

Worse still, countless stars blasted toward me,

Although these stars are far in the sky,


Countless stars have already blasted in the blink of an eye!

Countless stars traverse the sky,

More than a dozen fireworks exploded hundreds of feet!

A dozen people have been beheaded, the monsters of the abyss and the sea of ​​ruins, just go far.

Commissioner Qian did not catch up,

As soon as the mist collected,

It is more than ten feet around the whole body,

In the Zhoutian star formation, there are countless stars first.

Tens of thousands of thunder and fire spells are still galloping in the void,

This is Zhou Tian's star battle array,

Previous attacks,

Until then,

Was blasted away,

Various spell energy, after a wave of fluctuations,

Either into the starlight or into the void.

Until then,

Commissioner Qian was the one who flickered.

As soon as the mist collected,

At this time, the time for a cup of tea has passed.

In the distance, hundreds of peeping spirits,

Silence for a while!

Nearly a hundred abyssal monsters and monsters, under the leadership of six four-diamond flower gods,

Attack two four-diamond flower gods,

As a result, the monster and the abyss monster lost a four-diamond flower god,

More than thirty three diamond flower god!

"Damn, this killing is so tragic. In the most recent battle, this battle is the head."

In the distance, a divine mind said.

"Exactly, this battle is headed."

Count the divine minds and change their views.

In the monk world, combat power is the leader.

Commissioner Qian and Qianqianyu showed such a combat power,

In the next few days,

No one came to challenge again.

Nine days later,

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand,

Baili red smoke and water mist floated up.

Converging sharply, turning into a crimson shield and a water shield.

One finger,

y The grass floated up and quickly refined.

Give a little bit of rain to the mountain.

"I'm going to have something, so you can stay here."

Commissioner Qian said.

There are these five lotus flowers,

Even if there is a big battle,

The rain in front of the mountain is also unharmed.

"OK then."

Before the mountain rain nodded, everyone has aspirations, and can't force it.

"Oh, old money, these five lotus flowers, can you help me see, so I can improve it."

This battle is coming,

The power of the magic weapon, improved a little, is quite useful.

"Oh, okay. Your sword art has a good mood."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

"I can't provide you with the specific cultivation method of sword tactics.

However, we can explore the artistic conception of this sword tactic. "

The rain hesitated before the mountain.


Commissioner Qian nodded.

Now, Commissioner Qian has a lot of tricks,

It feels a little overwhelming.

The two flew to the bone fortress first.

Just entered the bone fortress,

Seeing the monks in the White Bone Fortress, there were a lot of discussions.

"Abyss monster has captured another plane?"

This is the main topic discussed by the monks.

"The Chi Gai plane is 400 million miles away from here."

A monk was surprised.

"Come on, I heard that the army of the abyss monsters has a super plane teleportation array, which can teleport 50,000 monks at a time.

Even if fifty thousand One Diamond Flower Gods came out and captured a plane, that would not be a matter of randomness. "

"That's right, I heard that they used a super teleportation array to teleport over a thousand and four-diamond flower gods, and almost captured the Bone Fortress. I don't know how many masters they teleported to the plane of Zhigai this time. ?"

Said a monk mockingly.

"It shouldn't be much. Ten four-diamond flower gods on one plane are pretty good.

Not to mention the four-diamond flower god, even if it is a diamond flower god, it can send tens of thousands of people at a time, and send gallop i, hundreds of planes are not enough. "

"Go, go back to your residence."

Qianqian Yu said.

The two quickly returned to the residence of the monk of Jinjiao.

Hundreds of people are also very lively in the residence of the Jinjia Lord God.

"This super teleportation blast----

Send tens of thousands of masters at once,

Where can the general plane be blocked? "

Said a monk in flaming red armor,

On the monk’s armor,

There are countless iron patterns.

"Didn't the monks of the Bone Fortress rush away?

Moreover, the emergency teleportation array is heavily protected where it is set up. "

"I'm going, but how can the speed of that plane teleportation array be compared to others?

Hundreds of monks were all beheaded, and then the teleportation array was destroyed.

Wait till you ride the airship whistling across the starry sky,

There are already more than one hundred thousand abyss monsters and ruined sea monsters on the Chi Gai plane.

Fighting in the stars,

Kill thousands of abyss monsters and ruins Hyde monsters,


Want to regain the Chi Gai plane, but the force is not enough.

Commissioner Qian and Qianqianyu, listening to the conversation of the people,

Before and after the matter,

I heard it almost.

At this moment, a monk walked in quickly,

"Everyone, the White Bone Fortress, has sent a request for help from the Giant Rock Shrine, requesting that reinforcements be sent quickly.

At the same time, we monks of other main gods are also preparing to go to the front line to fight. "


Suddenly a monk said,

"We are here this time, just to explore the power of the abyss monsters, and capture some abyss monsters by the way.

Go to the front line to fight, it's not good. "

"That is, we are only over a hundred people, and we have arrived at the scene of 100,000 cultivators fighting.

The opponent's formation, a random Dao Fa blasted over,

We are going to die. "

"I think we have to ask for help from the headquarters. The methods of these abyssal monsters are stronger than ordinary methods.

There are abyss monsters with diamond flower gods, and they can often issue attacks that exceed their own god's strength. "

"The headquarter is definitely willing to send someone,

However, it is difficult to say whether this bone fortress will agree. "

A monk snorted coldly.

"This is normal."

There was a monk beside him, laughing.

"One master **** sends thousands of masters, and several master gods can easily make up tens of thousands of masters.

This bone fortress is still not theirs. "


The monks in the Bone Fortress,

Just laughed.

"Go, change my equipment first."

Qianqianyu said, pulling member Qian.

"Multilayer magic circle? Not bad."

Commissioner Qian picked up this five lotus flower and probed it with thoughts.

Just cast a surprised look at the rain in front of the mountain.

This circle has dozens of layers,

Before Commissioner Qian entered the Dragon Inn,

It's at this level.

"Hehe, the cultivator of the golden master **** has a special advantage in refining tools."

Qianqian Yu said.

"Well, if you have a magic circle, the number of layers will increase by one hundred.

If the connection between the formations is improved, more formations can be put in.

Power can be increased. "

Rejoicing in the rain before the mountain.

"To be honest, the magic circle increases to dozens of levels, and if you increase it, there will be more problems.

If I study for a few years,

The same can be done. However, now it is combat-oriented, and u is not free. "

Qianqian Yu said.

"Haha, Laoshan, I said,

One hundred layers of magic circle, and the connection of the circle,

With a few more magic circles, the complexity has increased exponentially.

In a few years, you can research it out?

For hundreds of years, it may not necessarily be researched out. "

Research and arrangement of multi-layer formations,

I don't know how long the Dragon Inn has been studying.

A few tactics may be worthy of ten years of merit as a monk.

Rain in front of the mountain also smiled.

Commissioner Qian Zhihao said directly: "The best gold system tactics."

In Zhou Tian’s Star Dou, there are a lot of mysterious powers of the gold element.

Commissioner Qian felt that

It should also take these golden mysteries,

I used the best method to sort it out.

"My bronze sword tactics can't be given."

Qianqian Yu said.

"Of course."

"Well, I have a few gold-based tactics, I just use them for reference, and I don't need them.

You take it and see. "

In the hands of Rain in front of the mountain, a few yù Janes have appeared.

Commissioner Qian took the yù brief and scanned it.

Sure enough, the sum of several tactics is indeed quite advanced.

Enough to organize the gold mana in the Shenfu and Zhou Tianxing Array.

Committee Qian’s brows flashed, and a piece of yù Jane appeared.

"Let me see."

The rain in front of the mountain grew more and more eyebrows flying.

"Good, good, good."


The **** of rain in front of the mountain changed: "I heard that a teleportation to a mysterious dragon inn appeared in the sea of ​​ruins. The technology of these 100-layer magic circles is rare in the world.

I have traveled a lot of the planes of the main gods of the gold element, and only heard that some masters at the Nascent Soul level have this ability

You----Didn't you enter the Dragon Inn? "

A hundred-layer magic circle, on the plane of the golden master god,

It is also a legend.

Commissioner Qian is so easy,

Took it out,

It seems that these one-hundred-tiered arrays are nothing to Commissioner Qian.

"Just leave it alone."

Commissioner Qian finished speaking and turned around and left.

"Hey-----Can you help me connect these magic circles and change it now."

Knowing that Commissioner Qian did not want to talk about the Dragon Inn,

Qian Qian Yu said quickly.

"Hey, don't you say that in a few years, you can study a hundred-layer magic circle and give you the structure of a hundred-layer magic circle, you can't improve it yourself---"

Rainy face in front of the mountain is embarrassed.

"This---this, I was just joking.

The war is imminent, so don't take the air. "

Member Qian smiled,

Only then took five lotus flowers.

Five lotus flowers have been refined,

In a hurry,

Can't make big improvements.

Commissioner Qian quickly refined various materials,

The blue and gray brilliance shines in the hand,

Each material flies up,

Cyan è Guanghua shot,

Commissioner Qian placed his palm on the five lotus flowers,

Then, after a cup of tea,

Commissioner Qian took away his hand,

The surface of the five lotus,

A wave of fluctuations,

Only in an instant, the whole room was reflected like a five palace.

"Oh----power increased by at least 20%."

These five lotus flowers,

It was made by Rain in front of the mountain personally, this brilliance,


The rain before the mountain knows,

How much has the power of the five lotus flowers increased?

"Take a good look."

Member Qian patted Rain on the shoulder of the mountain.

Stride away.

The brilliance of the teleportation array shines,

Through more than twenty planes in a row,

The quiet small river, azure blue, occasionally there are a few small boats floating on the river, calmly and at ease.

Leisurely and contented.

The tall pine forest covers the entire mountain,

The wind blew, the sound of pine waves, like high mountains and running water descending from mid-air, clear to the ears.

Through the pine forest, a cliff,

The transmission of the Dragon Inn is just above this cliff.

Member Qian’s method was just a finger!

Transmission appears,

The license of the Dragon Inn appeared, and the law was urged.


A brilliance enters,

As soon as Commissioner Qian stepped forward, the hurried and quiet street of Long Inn appeared in front of Commissioner Qian.

Commissioner Qian "screamed",

Next time you leave the Dragon Inn, you will have to use the high-end Longju license.

Go to the residence of Grand Master Liu Dao first,

However, Grandmaster Liu Dao is not there.

Commissioner Qian turned around,

Saw Zhou Fu, an apprentice of an intermediate refiner nearby.

"Liu Zongshi went out with my master."

"Oh, I just came back and didn't see it again."

Member Qian said.

"Recently, I heard that the grandmasters of the Dragon Inn are busy, and some of them are the free grandmasters who live outside.

Hey, old Qian, I heard you went to the ruined sea plane? "

Zhou Fu said.

Commissioner Qian said, "Don't mention it, it's fighting, and it was sent to bomb.

It was hard for me to find one and send it over. "

"It's the monsters of the abyss and the sea of ​​ruins, attacking together."

"Oh, do you have any materials from the abyss monster? That's all, my master entrusted me to ask you."

Zhou Fu reported dozens of materials.

When Chairman Qian heard these materials,

It really does.

There were hundreds of monsters in the abyss that he killed, and the magic weapons stored on them naturally came into his own hands.

Commissioner Qian took out the materials.

Zhou Fu saw it and took out a piece of yù jane with satisfaction: "Here are a few formations. Master asked me to give you."

Commissioner Qian took a look, and said to Zhou Fu several times of thank you.

Zhou Fu's master knew that he had considerable accomplishments in the law formation.

These arrays are quite advanced.

Walked to Wanliju,

Several apprentices gathered around: "Old Qian, you have gone to the sea of ​​ruins.

Wasn't the transmission of the waste virtual sea blown up? "

"What is the situation with the abyss monster?"

They babbled and asked one after another.

Commissioner Qian had no choice but to explain.

"Damn, a confrontation at the level of 100,000 cultivators, this scene makes people think about it, it's so proud."

The monks admired one after another.

Hearing the monsters in the abyss, with the help of super teleportation array,

Just before Commissioner Qian came, he captured another plane,

"This----I'm going to refine."

"Oh, I'm going to learn skills."

The monks, walked away one by one.


Commissioner Qian did not speak for a while.

Wright came over,

The same pace as usual.

"This kind of thing, that's it, it doesn't feel strange to watch too much."

Oh yes,

It's not surprising to watch too much.

At this time, Luan Po also finished refining and walked over.

"There are so many monks, we can't control it either."

Commissioner Qian took out a piece of yù Jian, which was given to him by Zhou Fu, and looked at it carefully.

that's it,

After a few months,

Commissioner Qian returned,

In the mansion, display the Nine Treasures on the tree and stack them.

Commissioner Qian found that

Nine treasures show off the magic circle on the tree, mystery is one aspect, the most important thing is,

It’s hard to stack up,

Once stacked, it is difficult to play a normal role.

And the magic circle on the Nine Treasure Show off tree is not in the dragon inn's circle obtained by the Commissioner Qian.

Therefore, if you want to superimpose the magic circle on the Nine Treasure Show off tree into a multi-layer magic circle,

It requires a little careful deduction by Qian Qian.

This deduction is not performed in the array of the shadow of the golden fruit,

Can be used,

In practical applications, there are still considerable improvements.

To superimpose the magic circle on the Nine Treasure Profound Tree,

You must have your own understanding of these magic circles.

It’s easy to say. Over the past few months, Commissioner Qian,

Still progress is slow.

at this time,

Commissioner Qian only felt that his divine mansion was shocked, and a mysterious and mysterious Daoist rushed out of Shui Yuanzhu.

Commissioner Qian knew immediately,

The world in Shui Yuanzhu is perfect and innate, at this moment, there is a chance to be a monk of the level of Commissioner Qian,

Feel it in large numbers.

Commissioner Qian immediately sat up cross-legged ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and felt this innate Taoism.

It seems that a moment has passed, and it seems that a long time has passed,

Commissioner Qian opened his eyes.

The eyes are no longer the pupils, but the Milky Way is spinning.

Commissioner Qian took out a piece of yù jane and reached out his hand.

I want to record the next part of the mystery of the innate Taoism I have realized.

But "Peng—"

Jane exploded!

Innate Dao machine is mysterious and powerful,

General materials cannot be recorded.

Commissioner Qian took another piece of gold and stretched out his hand.


This piece of gold was actually distorted.

When I picked it up, there were many traces on it.

However, it’s not in touch with the innate sense of Dao Ji that Commissioner Qian had understood.

I tried several materials continuously,

Only then was a very mysterious text recorded on a piece of four diamond flower **** skin.

As soon as this text was recorded, this one-foot-wide and one-foot-thick four-diamond flower **** monster skin turned into an ocean.

Look carefully, the ocean seems to be thousands of miles away.

Oh----Don't talk about the innate Dao Ji, it is so difficult to record the perception of the innate Dao Ji.

Commissioner Qian was shocked for a while,

Only then began to think about how to turn this innate Dao Ji's perception into a magic circle.

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