Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1929: Circle problem

m1929 Chapter Array Problem

However, the problem came again. Only with the skin of the monster of the flower **** with four diamonds can you write the words of this innate Taoism insight.

Put this insight of the innate Dao machine into the equipped magic circle,

What materials are used to make this equipped magic circle?

Several materials that Commissioner Qian began to test,

It is also the refining material of the Dragon Inn, but it is impossible to write this innate Dao machine.

The monsters of the four-diamond flower gods absorb the air machines for a long time and use these air machines to temper themselves.

This is a powerful monk or monster,

.Different from ordinary materials.

The various qi mechanisms in the world are, in fact, the manifestations of the innate Dao mechanisms after endless evolution.

Ordinary materials may be very strong,

However, lack of this long-term tempering of the world's gas engine,

Therefore, it is impossible to write this kind of early weather mechanism.

"I don't know how Luanpo wrote these insights about the innate Dao Ji,

If you can't write it, there is no way to talk about the refining device. "

This question can hardly be found even in Master Liu Dao’s books.

Mainly treasures with innate Dao Ji, too difficult to find.

A lot of materials were placed in front of Luanpo,

Luanpo was shaking his hands, the brilliance flickered,

Desperate punch skills.

His various refining techniques have been initially successfully practiced,

"Luanpo, what kind of material do you use to record the innate Dao mechanism you have enlightened?"

Commissioner Qian said.

"Oh, I tried a few times, and I can only use the skin or bones of high-level monsters or abyss monsters to record.

However, my refining technique has not yet reached the point of using innate Dao machine perception.

Besides, using the skins and bones of high-level monsters and abyssal monsters to record the insights of the innate Dao machine, how can we connect the insights and formation patterns of these innate Dao machines? Record.

If I were to study it myself, I might as well take my refining technique to a high level. "

Luanpo answered.

"How about it, have you made the connection between the Xiantian Dao machine and the formation pattern."

"I want to do it, what am I asking you to do?"

Commissioner Qian was depressed for a while,

It turns out that Luanpo got her inborn baby for so many years,

Due to the insufficient level of the mixer,

There is no connection between the insights of these innate Dao machines and the multi-layer magic circle.

I don't know if there is such a record in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Shangxian District.

Shangxian District, only the Grand Master can enter,

Before Commissioner Qian, he didn't even ask questions.

Now that he had obtained the treasure of this innate Dao Ji, Commissioner Qian thought about going to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Shangxian District.


Where is the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Shangxian District so easy to enter?

One month later, Grandmaster Liu Dao returned.

Commissioner Qian hurried forward.

"Well, you have made progress in handling these materials."

Grandmaster Liu Dao said.

"Thank you, Grandmaster, for your advice."

Commissioner Qian gave his hand: "Grandmaster, I have one more thing to ask. How can I enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Shangxian District of the Dragon Inn?"

Grandmaster Liu Dao glanced at Commissioner Qian.

"If you have any doubts, let me explain it for you."

"Oh---thank you, Grandmaster, but, I just want to enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Shangxian District and have a long experience."

Commissioner Qian said.

"If you want to enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Shangxian District, first of all, you must be an intermediate refiner. This is the most basic requirement.

There are many quests in Shangxian District. If you can take the quests and finish them, you will be eligible to enter the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion. "

Grandmaster Liu Dao said: "However, these tasks are very difficult, and they are definitely not achievable by ordinary monks."


Commissioner Qian had seen the battle of the master.

The skills that the master is good at,

Used in battle,

It can be compared with the ordinary Yuanying Flower God.

Even the Grand Master said that these tasks are difficult,


Commissioner Qian hesitated.

Congenital Dao Machine-----

"Well, I wonder if there is any easier task,"

Member Qian asked.

Liu Dao smiled,

It seems that this person must go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Shangxian District.

Liu Dao thought for a while: "Helping you choose an easy task, it can be done."

Commissioner Qian was overjoyed: "Thank you, Grandmaster, thank you, Grandmaster."

Commissioner Qian’s craftsmanship has reached the current level,

Don’t talk about anything else, even if it’s just from the perspective of refining tools,

The perception of the innate Dao machine, if it can be successfully used on the magic weapon, how great is the power of the magic weapon?

Commissioner Qian is also very curious.

Suddenly, Commissioner Qian thought of a question.

In the Dragon Inn, there are top-grade magic weapons.

The high-grade magic weapon is the magic weapon that can compete with the power of the Yuan Ying monk.

A top-grade magic weapon, Commissioner Qian has seen it in some large shops,

Just put it there, and the mana fluctuates like the sea.

What are these top-grade magic weapons made from?

Commissioner Qian stayed in the Dragon Inn for so long,

Know very clearly,

By superimposing the number of layers of the magic array, the number of layers of the magic array reaches a thousand layers,

It can be said that it is difficult to make and complicated to use.

The magic weapon refined in this way,

Even with a lot of stacks of thousand-layer magic arrays, they are generally at the level of the four-diamond flower **** peak.

At most, it can only reach the level of Yuanying Flower God in the early stage, and very few reach this level.

However, Commissioner Qian watched several treasures that Yuanying Flower God could use.

According to their shining brilliance and the circulating mana fluctuations,

The magic circle inside has only hundreds of layers.

The array inside is definitely different from the array used by middle-grade equipment.

It’s a pity that Wanliju has only produced a few top-grade magic weapons in these years.

Commissioner Qian and their apprentices ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are only responsible for tempering materials.

I heard that the master is responsible for the real production.

Intermediate mixing master lay hands.

These apprentices were never seen.

The several higher-level magic formations obtained by Commissioner Qian came from Grandmaster Liu Dao and the surrounding monks.

This is Commissioner Qian, who has worked tirelessly to study the problem of stacking the magic circle that is urged by Qing Qi.

The magic circle urged by Qing Qi,

Many than Dragon Inn use magic circles for middle-grade magic weapons better, but the magic circles urged by Qing Qi are generally single-layer.

When Commissioner Qian discovered that Qing Qi could urge the evolution of the circle,

The study of multi-layer magic circles has only just begun.

Therefore, as far as possible, the single-layer magic array is more complicated.

Therefore, the magic circle urged by Qing Qi,

Although the power is not as good as the multi-layer magic circle connection of the Dragon Inn,

However, there are a lot of powers, but they are lacking in the multi-layered array of Dragon Inn.

If these magic circles triggered by Qing Qi can be successfully stacked to hundreds of layers.

Then connect multiple such magic circles,

Commissioner Qian believed that

The magic weapon of Yuanying Flower God's might, very likely, will be made just like this.

If the insights of the innate Daoji are incorporated into these arrays,

Maybe, the power will be greater. A! ~!

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