Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1931: Brother Canglang

m1931 Chapter Cang monk

Behind them, there are nearly a thousand monks,

Looking from a distance, I saw the sword spirit of Commissioner Qian,

Sword Qi swept in the air,

The floating spaceship was immediately cut to pieces!

Cheers loudly one by one.

Dozens of airships suddenly blasted

Each brilliance covered the entire sky in an instant.

Wherever he went, hundreds of spatial cracks appeared,

A sword rainbow swept wildly,

Passing through the air, it is hundreds of feet long.

However, the four-diamond flower **** among Jianhong,

Originally wanted to make a flying maneuver quickly.

Although the artillery fire of the airship is fast, it bombards dozens of miles in an instant

However, in the eyes of the Four Diamond Flower God, it can still be avoided.

However, these four diamond flower gods want to change the flight trajectory,

But I felt that the whole body's mana was stagnant,

I was shocked, and then I saw that the flying spaceships in the distance, on each flying spaceship, opened several pairs of eyes!

In these pairs of eyes, the dark green looks hideous and terrifying,

There are hundreds of such eyes on dozens of airships,

His body was stagnant, and it was affected by these hundreds of dark green eyes.

Immediately, the whole body of these four diamond flower gods,

Countless sword auras roared horizontally,

The trajectory is very mysterious,

However, dozens of gunfire,

Has suddenly blasted!

"Ah---Four Diamond Flower God's initial attack power!"

The four diamond flower gods roared in anger,

Hundreds of feet of sword qi burst, then the magic weapon shattered and cracked, and finally these four diamond flower gods turned into a pillar of fire.

The last face full of resentment,

Then, the sound of rolling thunder rolled back to the sky, and saw a pillar of fire rushing straight into the sky,

How did the monk who smashed a floating spaceship with a single sword avoiding the shackles of these deep green eyes?

This is a question of a few four diamond flower gods.

None of these monks saw that in the eyes of Commissioner Qian, a mysterious pattern was turning. This pattern had tens of thousands of trajectory combinations.

A faint brown-green brilliance appeared,

The innumerable deep green eyes on those airships released the bound mystery,

Touch this faint brown-green brilliance,

In front of Commissioner Qian’s eyes, the space twisted and burst.

However, it has no influence on the Qian Da Committee.

More than 900 monks behind,

Seeing Commissioner Qian Jianqi was like a god, and several of his four-diamond flower gods were hung up as soon as they met each other.

Each of them opened their mouths wide and was shocked.

These four diamond flower gods,

But they are all the strongest in this plane.

Hang a four-diamond flower god,

The remaining four diamond flower gods, as if the Taoism is fully open,

Becomes fast and erratic.

The airship bombarded again,

This time, several four-diamond flower god’s body protection methods were shattered, but none of them were injured.

next time,

The gunfire that brightened the entire sky red,

Has been directed at these nearly a thousand monks.

There are nearly a thousand cultivators, and there are more than a dozen airships,

However, these dozen or so airships,

And the floating spaceship of the abyss monster,

One after another has burned into a raging fire,

Fall down.

"Huh? How can the artillery fire of these floating spaceships of the abyssal monsters have traces of multi-layer magic circles?"

Commissioner Qian now knows,

Palace Lord Tieshan said,

The inheritance of abyss monsters is more mysterious.

The level of the refiner,

It is much taller than the monsters in the sea of ​​ruins.

This is true.

No wonder the monks gathered near the Bone Fortress,

But by the monsters of the abyss and the ruins of the sea,

Successive victories!

After a while, Commissioner Qian blasted another floating spaceship of abyss monsters.

More than a dozen airships on this plane,

It has all fallen.

The floating spaceship of the abyss monster is another bombardment!

The speeding monk drew traces of mystery in the air,

The trajectory of the escape method appears in the air like an extremely beautiful scroll of clothes.

However, more than two hundred monks were lost.

Hundreds of figures sprang out from the floating spaceship of the abyss monsters,

Surrounded by the committee member Qian,

Commissioner Qian shouted!

Crimson Sword Mang is a rise!

Suddenly it turned into dozens of sword lights, flashing in the air,

Its momentum bursts,

It’s like a blast to the horizon,

Dozens of airships, no matter how fast,

It grows sword light in a few miles,

It is already directly on the airship,

This cut, the shield of the airship, sparks like a hundred meters high,

A huge seam traverses the airship,

Blood splattered inside

Commissioner Qian Jianjue urged,

One sword slashed dozens of airships,

The hundreds of abyssal monsters and monsters that flew out of the airship were shocked.

Dare not come forward,

That's not counting,

The artillery firing device of the airship,

As if hindered by something,

Can't post it for a while.

The abyss monster, from the sigh trench, only got dozens of multi-layer magic circles,

Even if it can be copied,

Commissioner Qian can make hundreds of layers of magic circles,

Under a sword, the magic formula urged,

The artillery fire of these dozens of floating spaceships could not be triggered for a while.

Immediately, the nearly thousand monks on the opposite side,

Has lost more than 300,

The shouts are like thunder, and come howling.

Abyss monsters and monsters,

Also galloped out from the airships one after another!

The war started,

Commissioner Qian continued to slash towards the airship.

At that time, it was regarded as a floating airship like a sky trench,

Commissioner Qian gave a reminder of Jian Jue,

A boom!

Jian Guang pierced through the crack that had just been cut open, rushing like a tsunami!


None of the pilots in the floating ship were left, all turned to ashes.

The facilities in the airship were not damaged.

Commissioner Qian remembered,

Within the mountain flower plane,

There are not a few airships,

These floating airships, just row back,

For the mountain flower plane,

The hull of the airship is very large,

It is much easier to transform than magic weapons.

With a wave of his big sleeve,

One hurricane one roll,

This airship,

Has been in the sleeves of Commissioner Qian.

One step in the air,

Before coming to the next airship,

The brilliance of the flying sword,

Suddenly, It's Yisheng!

Is going to rush away,

However, at the moment when the airship asked Harvey for a phantom,

Crimson sword spirit,

Roll in the airship!

All the monsters and ruins sea monsters in the airship,

It's all turned into gray!

Turn all the abyssal monsters and ruined sea monks in the airship into ashes without harming the airship,

The control of swordsmanship,

It can be said to be extremely wonderful,

Even if it’s a committee member,

I had to come with one sword and one sword,

You can’t just raise your hands like just now,

Just dozens of swords

The air next to him was blasted like thunder,

Monks on both sides,

Falling like raindrops from time to time.

However, no matter how many committee members are,

One sword, one flying ship, and a dozen flying ships,

A dozen airships have been received, and the remaining airships have been hundreds of miles away.

Straight into the stars!

Not only the ruined sea monsters and the abyss monsters, they roared and frightened.

Some rushed up,

I saw Committee Member Qian,

Surrounded by hundreds of flowers,

I saw flowers, flying towards me,

There are countless stars and fog flowing on it, seemingly elegant, but actually as fast as lightning,

My own body protection, sword art,

In front of this flower,

As if it didn't exist.

The flowers exploded like thunder and exploded into pieces,

After a dozen monsters from the abyss and the sea of ​​ruins rushed forward,

No more monks,

Dare to get close to Commissioner Qian.

Even a monk on this plane,

Rolling his eyes one by one.

We are fighting here in blood,

You collect the airship there,

"You bastard----"

A monster in the abyss, with black flames all over it, rushed several meters high and opened its mouth to curse.

At the same time, the magic weapon on the body is fully urged,

Each brilliance shines,

I saw Chi Jianmang charge,

In his eyes there is only that redness as fire!

The black flame, the dazzling shield triggered by the magic weapon,

In an instant, it seemed to be a meal,

Then, suddenly exploded!

Chi Jianmang is more than just a whirl!

Several monsters standing around, abyss monsters,

All in an instant,

Passed by this red sword light,

Like a scarecrow, it exploded into pieces in the sky!

The leader of the abyss monster gave a long roar,

The abyss monsters retreated one after another.

Galloping towards the stars,

The four diamond flower gods and the monks took a breath,

It's such a short battle,

More than four hundred monks have been lost.

"Thank you, sir, please go down and rest, we are so grateful to you----"

The headed four-diamond flower god, a blue-bearded monk,

To Commissioner Qian, I said very politely.


Commissioner Qian nodded reservedly.

The demeanor of the master is fully demonstrated.

Hundreds of monks, clean up the battlefield,

And a few four diamond flower gods,

With Qian Shiran, Commissioner Qian,

Came to a hall next to the teleportation array,

Say hello,

Singing, dancing and feasting are all things that are extremely luxurious.

Since several four diamond flower gods are grateful,

Commissioner Qian was not polite, and accepted all the precious treasures he sent.

Then I asked about the defense of this face.

"Difficult, difficult, difficult~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Blue Beard Four Diamond Flower God shook his head again and again.

His name is Gullit, and it is a bitterness to face the committee member Qian.

With the super teleportation array,

The difficulty of defending against the monsters of the abyss has been increased many times.

The monks of the entire plane, all mobilized,

A few of them are responsible for leading people to defend the teleportation array.

"Your Excellency, I don't know if you are high on that plane, how about going to our plane?"

Gullit said.

"I'm on the mountain flower plane of Tianpeng Mountain."

Commissioner Qian said.


Gullit’s face is already disappointed

At this time, a monk came to announce: "My lord, a monk with the Cangzhu God, came out of the teleportation formation and said that he would bring a large number of monks to defend."

"How many are they willing to come?"

Gullit was not too happy, but asked rhetorically.

"Willing to come five thousand monks, six and four diamond flower gods."

When Gullit listened,

He looked at Commissioner Qian with a complicated face: "The monks we stay in this face, there are eight four-diamond flower gods, ordinary monks, there are tens of thousands.

However, these six four diamond flower gods come,

At least half of our planes have to listen to the instructions of the monks of the Azure Lord God. "

Oh-----Commissioner Qian has nothing to say about this. A! ~!

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