Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1931: Trial Plane

m "Five thousand monks? You said to them, six four-diamond flower gods, we welcome, five thousand monks, those with diamond flower gods, just come one thousand."

Gullit said.


The monk who came to report said,

Turned around and walked out.

"A plane, did someone send you a thousand flowers goddess?"

Commissioner Qian shook his head.

Sure enough, after a while, the monk came in and said, "They have six four-diamond flower gods, and they carry a diamond flower god, but two hundred. When they hear about our request, they ignore it."


"I'll talk to them."

Gullit stood up helplessly.

Commissioner Qian did not leave,

This plane is called the southern plane, and it produces a lot of treasures, oh, it can be used as a mountain flower plane, a trial place for monks.

The monks of the mountain flower plane have stayed in the Zhoutian Star Dou formation for a long time.

Lack of large-scale fighting.

It is completely possible to set up a teleportation formation between the Shanhua plane and the southern plane.

Let the monks of the mountain flower plane come to this southern plane to exercise.

Therefore, Commissioner Qian sat leisurely.

After a long time,

Gullit came in,

However, his face is a little helpless.


Coulee nodded: "They come three four-diamond flower gods, one thousand monks."

"Oh---I have something to tell you."

Commissioner Qian talked about the monks in the plane of Shanhua who wanted to come here to exercise.

Gullit asked how many monks were on the plane of Shanhua.

"Oh----hundreds of golden core monks, to be honest, it's better than nothing, this, then you---"

In today’s battle, among the monks who died, whether it was an abyss monster, a ruined sea monster, or a monk on the southern plane,

At least half of them are Jindan monks,

The Jindan monk who is usually very prestigious,

In this war,

It's like stones everywhere.

If it’s not for the face of Chairman Qian,

He doesn't bother to deal with hundreds of Jindan masters.

"Oh---this southern plane, I naturally want to come."

Commissioner Qian said,

As for how long to come,

It must be after returning from the abyss.

"That's OK."

Gullit was relieved and nodded in agreement.

As for the teleportation array, it is located near the teleportation array on the southern plane.

It took a few days for the teleportation array to be set up, and it took Commissioner Qian to return to the mountain flower plane.

Officially opened.

Then, Commissioner Qian waved his hand and dozens of flags flew out.

Above the array flag, there are countless star fog shining.

Immediately, this teleportation array was shrouded in a star fog of several tens of meters in size.

This is a simple refining formation. The monks of the mountain flower plane, every team has such a formation.

"Ah, I heard that Tianpeng Mountain, on a plane, someone has set up a powerful star formation.

That monk, no, that lord, isn't it you? "

Gullit's face

Depressed, suddenly became enthusiastic.

Zhou Tian's star battle array, set up for so long, has also spread.

Commissioner Qian nodded: "It's just a spoof to protect the mountain, the legend is not true."

However, Gullit's passion has been maintained.

Commissioner Qian returned to the plane of Shanhua,

Immediately call everyone to discuss matters.

This time, everyone came quickly.

"Everyone has heard of the battle at the Bone Fortress."

Everyone nodded together.

"Fortunately, there are no abyss monsters and monsters, to the side of Tianpeng Mountain,

After all, even if there is a flying spaceship, the vast and infinite starry sky is not so easy to travel long distances. "

Ikebian said.

From Zhou Tian’s insight into the star battle,

Everyone got a lot of information from Zhou Tian Xinghai,

The vast starry sky,

It's not so easy to trek.

The starry sky is also the place where human monks go the least.

"Well, when I came, I passed by a southern plane."

Commissioner Qian took the things encountered on the southern plane,

Said it all again.

"I think the monks of Pongyang should also exercise in battle."

Finally, Commissioner Qian concluded.

"Well, I agree.

The monks in Fengyang have practiced for so many years in the Zhoutian Star Dou formation,

The enlightened Xing Dou mysterious, even summed up a lot of tactics from Zhou Tian Xing Dou, it is time to go out for actual combat.

Zhou Tian’s star fights, broad and deep, in many ways,

It is impossible to comprehend and use it without being in battle. "

Chibian nodded in agreement.

"Well, it is true,

The profound mysteries felt from a star battle are very extensive.

Even if I have cultivated for so many years, I desperately need to use battle to understand. "

The big head also nodded in agreement.

"Okay, the combat team going to the south plane is set, Chibian, how about you come to lead the army?"

Commissioner Qian said.

"Hehe, this matter, you are looking for turtle or big head, I am not interested."

Shaking his head by the pool.

"Okay, I'm the leader."

The turtle said.

After returning from the Bone Fortress,

Just over a year,

Turtle’s cultivation base is close to the peak of the second diamond flower god, faster than the cultivation speed by the pool.

However, by the edge of the pool, there is already a three-diamond flower god.

"Turtle turtle, I'm going to the abyss, looking for the negative fruit, the abyss, it is very helpful to your cultivation of the tactics,

Why, are you interested? "

"Ah---Go to the abyss, go find someone else."

When the turtle heard it, its mouth opened wide.

In the White Bone Fortress, today’s battle, the four diamond flower gods, all fell nearly a thousand,

Turtle has an intuitive understanding of the fighting power of abyss monsters.

Go to the southern plane and fight for a while,

Going to the abyss, he is a second-diamond flower **** peak, really not enough.


Commissioner Qian is a bit depressed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then, to the team on the southern plane, let the turtle and Quinn lead the team, I will not go.

Those disciples must go, you, whoever wants to go. "

Saying, waved, the meeting ended.

"Old money, are you really going to the abyss? The abyss is not so easy to go."

The soft-shelled turtle said that the turtle already attaches great importance to the fighting power of the abyss.

"Hehe, Lao Qian brought the shadow of the golden fruit of his thirty-six cultivators in the Grand Palace. There is absolutely no problem."

The poolside smiled and went away.

"Your thirty-six golden fruit shadows, the great palace vajra hands, have already cultivated to the fifth-level tower. This technique is not bad."

Turtle said eagerly.

"Oh---the turtle, the master of the Vajra Grand Palace, belongs to the ancient Tianshan Mountains, all from the Galaxy Fleet. If you want to learn, you can find him.

It's really hard for me to teach you. "

Commissioner Qian said embarrassingly.

They were all in the Galaxy Fleet, and Gu Tianshan would be very upset if he knew.

Besides, the thirty-six shadows of golden fruit, the vajra hands of the Grand Palace, have been cultivating for decades,

With so much star power.

It should also be cultivated to level five.

In addition to the manpower and the flag, he also gave these thirty-six Golden Fruit Shadows, using the refining technique of the Dragon Inn to refine a magic weapon.

This Dharma Realm Tonghua Vajra array slammed, but I was looking forward to it. How powerful is it? A! ~!

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